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01/20/2009 Joint Facilities Minutes
Joint Facilities Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2009

A Regular Meeting of the Joint Facilities Committee was held at 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The members in attendance included:

Mark Barmasse, Chairman         Kenneth Fargnoli     Thomas Tripodi         Robert Tarlov

Mr. David Kelsey and Mr. Dag Lindland were not in attendance. Also attending were Vincent F. Susco Jr., Public Utilities Administrator, Scott Clayton, Superintendent, Mark Decker, Public Works Director of Colchester and Pamela McCann recording secretary. Mr. Dennis Setzko of AECOM was at the meeting to present an update on the NPDES Permit.

Call to Order
Chairman Barmasse called the meeting to order at 5:03 P.M.

NPDES Permit Update
Mr. Dennis Setzko presented an overview of the completed application for the wastewater discharge permit for the treatment plant specified under Section 22 (a)-6j (a) of the General Statutes.   The NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) permit must be submitted by May 19, 2009 as it is set to expire on November 15, 2009.  He highlighted the necessary information and pointed out the submission includes the elimination of the digester and the addition or a new lakeside receiving unit.  Once a check for the application fee is processed and Mr. Susco signs the document, the NPDES permit will be ready to be mailed to the State. Mr. Setzko concluded with a reminder that the submission includes a 30 day comment period which must be submitted to a newspaper with a local circulation.  Mr. Susco indicated the notification will be made in June or July in order to stay within compliance of the permit.

Upon responding to several questions Mr. Setzko was thanked for his report and he left the meeting at 5:11 P.M.

Approval of Minutes
Mr. Tarlov motioned, seconded by Mr. Tripodi, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 18, 2008. With all the members present voting, the motion carried.  

Report of Operations
Chairman Barmasse called upon Superintendent, Scott Clayton, to present the November and December Report of Operations which are made part of these minutes.

Mr. Clayton indicated a tutor was hired to help several employees prepare for the Wastewater Operator Certification exams scheduled for January.  

Mr. Clayton reported the buildings heating system required extensive maintenance as there were several days of no heat.  Mr. Susco and Mr. Clayton updated the members on the progress of the failed Channel Monster and indicated it is being prepared for shipping and repairs.   Heavy rains in December caused several emergency pump station callouts through- out the entire system as runoff could not get to the clogged storm drainage system and entered through manholes.  Mr. Clayton concluded his report  and responded to questions of the members.

Mr. Susco presented the annual summary of the nitrogen removal totals.  He indicated, even though the system ran within parameters, we will be purchasing approximately $25,300.00 worth of credits. This year’s budget allowed for a $15,000.00 purchase.  A final number based upon the final price established by the DEP will be presented later in the year. Mr. Susco felt the purchase of additional credits in the future is likely as the plant has reached its capacity to remove nitrogen.

For the benefit of the members a general discussion followed regarding the application of the State’s nitrogen removal program.

Budget Status
Mr. Susco began by pointing out that the transfer of $290,203.00 from the Joint Facilties Undesignated Fund Balance authorized in November has not been completed by the Finance Department and therefore the Budget Status report is not accurate.  The remaining line items remain within parameters.

Mr. Susco discussed the timeline and significant changes anticipated in preparation of the 2009/2010 operating budget.

Preliminary work indicates a shift in flow numbers will result in a greater portion of the expenses being borne by Colchester.  Personnel issues will have a higher effect on the budget this year over previous years as a result of the addition of the Marlborough wastewater system and the attaining of retirement age of two key employees.  Expenses will once again be based upon a zero-based budget but labor contract talks have not begun as of yet.  

Representatives of Colchester indicated a Public Hearing for their WPCA budget is scheduled for February 18, 2009 well before final flow numbers can be presented.  A general discussion followed regarding amending the Inter-Municipal Agreement to provide a better timeline for presenting budget numbers.  Management suggested this be considered during the summer as it is too late for this year.  

Old Business
Mr. Susco presented an update on the Septage Receiving Facility.  Management indicated the project continues on schedule and anticipates a February start-up.  CDM is expected to give a final report at the March meeting.

New Business  
Mr. Susco indicated he had been called to testify on behalf of the Town of Windham as a result of an ongoing dispute with the neighboring Town of Mansfield over septage receiving.

Mr. Tarlov motioned, seconded by Mr. Tripodi, to adjourn the meeting. All voting in favor the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 P.M.

Members were reminded there is no meeting scheduled for February. The next meeting will be March 17th at 5:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela McCann
Recording Secretary