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11/18/2008 Joint Facilities Minutes
Joint Facilities Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2008
A Regular Meeting of the Joint Facilities Committee was held at 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The members in attendance included:
David Kelsey          Thomas Tripodi         Mark Barmasse        Robert Tarlov
Mr. Kenneth Fargnoli was not in attendance. Also attending were Vincent F. Susco Jr., Public Utilities Administrator, Scott Clayton, Superintendent, Mark Decker, Public Works Director of Colchester and Pamela McCann recording secretary.

Call to Order

Chairman Barmasse called the meeting to order at 5:02 P.M.

Approval of Minutes

Mr. Kelsey motioned, seconded by Mr. Tripodi, to approve the revised minutes (arrival time of Chairman Barmasse corrected) of the Regular Meeting of October 21, 2008. With all the members present voting, the motion carried. 
Report of Operations
Chairman Barmasse called upon Superintendent, Scott Clayton, to present the October Report of Operations which is made part of these minutes.
Mr. Clayton reported that the plant ran within parameters and that it was somewhat of an uneventful month.  Various repairs where made to the plants boiler.  The sodium hypochlorite, odor control and air bubbler systems were taken off line in preparation for the winter season.
A good deal of the month was utilized reconfiguring the 1999-F450 truck into a snow removal and sanding vehicle. 

Budget Status

Mr. Susco began by pointing out that $47,000.00 had been transferred from line item #5598 Intrafund Transfer – OUT to line item #5430 Bldg & Equip Maint/Repair.  This transfer, recommended by the Town’s Director of Finance and approved by management was necessary to access the funds and will not change the amount of the original budget.
Mr. Susco continued the discussion begun at the last meeting and distributed an updated “Budget Status Alert” spreadsheet which is made part of these minutes.  After reviewing the document with the members he responded to several questions.  The board felt it was  appropriate to amend the budget and noted that no new funding was required.  The following resolution moved by Mr. Tarlov seconded by Mr. Kelsey was unanimously approved:
            RESOLVED that the Joint Facilties does hereby authorize management to transfer 
$290,203.00 from the Joint Facilties Undesignated Fund Balance (Fund 08, 62-58-0582) to the Joint Facilties Operating Fund as follows:
$252,403.00 to account 62-58-5082-5430 Bldg & Equip Maint, for the replacement of the second Lakeside Screen/Basket, replacement of the Moyno Sludge Pump and Septage Receiving Facility Improvements
$37,800.00 to account 62-58-5082-5330 Prof/Tech Services for the remaining professional services for the septage receiving facility.

Old Business

Mr. Susco updated the members on the progress of the Septage Receiving Facility since his admonishing October 1, 2008 discussion with the supplier.  He reported the supplier is providing and installing an “internal memory module” requested after the project went out to bid as an extra at no cost.  Shipment of the unit is expected in early December. 

Mr. Susco reported that AECOMM\Earth Tech, the engineering company who is preparing the NPDES permit has requested some additional information and continue to work on the permit. 

Mr. Susco reported no further activity has occurred regarding the Town’s request to obtain a purchasing waiver before purchasing the replacement Moyno Sludge Pump.  The members discussed at length the precedence such a request would have.  Mr. Susco reminded each member of their obligations under Chapter 103 of the Regulations of State Agencies to protect public health and safety.  This obligation can not be taken lightly and is theirs and only theirs to deal with.  Should the topic be resurrected Mr. Susco was instructed to invite the Town Manager to any meeting of the Joint Facilties for further clarification of their duties.
Mr. Susco reported Town of East Hampton’s Energy Committee has withdrawn their proposal to generate electricity utilizing the effluent from the plant.  Their due diligence has indicated it is not fiscally prudent to proceed at this time.

New Business 
2009 Meeting Schedule
Mr. Susco presented the meeting schedule for 2009.   The schedule moved by Mr. Tarlov,   seconded by Mr. Tripodi, was unanimously adopted.
Mr. Susco presented a recommendation to operate under the normal weekend/holiday hours (7:30AM to 9:00AM) on Friday, December 26, 2008.  The members agreed. 

Chairman Barmasse reported that the East Hampton WPCA has obtained full membership.  He felt it would be appropriate to determine if any member of the WPCA would be willing to serve on the Joint Facilties.  He requested that this item be placed on the agenda of the December 2, 2008 WPCA agenda.


Mr. Tarlov motioned, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, to adjourn the meeting. All voting in favor the meeting was adjourned at 5:36 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela McCann
Recording Secretary