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09/16/2008 Joint Facilities Meeting
Joint Facilities Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2008

A Regular Meeting of the Joint Facilities Committee was held at 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The members in attendance included:

        Robert Tarlov           Dave Kelsey          Tom Tripodi        Ken Fargnoli

Mark Barmasse was not in attendance. Also attending were Jeffery O’Keefe, Town Manager, Vincent F. Susco Jr., Public Utilities Administrator, Scott Clayton, Superintendent, Pamela McCann recording secretary and Mark Decker, Public Works Director of Colchester.

Call to Order
Vice-Chairman Kelsey called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.

Mr. Susco introduced the new Town Manager, Mr. Jeffery O’Keefe, and all members introduced themselves.

Approval of Minutes
Mr. Tarlov motioned, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 15, 2008 as presented. With all the members present voting, the motion carried.  

Report of Operations
Vice Chairman Kelsey called upon Superintendent, Scott Clayton, to present the July and August Report of Operations which is made part of these minutes.

Mr. Clayton reported on several maintenance items that required immediate attention and mentioned there were a number of power outages these past two months. The plant participated in the Demand Direct exercise on Friday August 29, 2008.  Results of the test have not been received. Work continues on the painting of the door jams and exterior doors throughout the plant.

Mr. Susco reported two of our Class I operators have received Class II status as a result of passing their certification test.  At the present time, plant personel have received the highest ranking since inception of the State program.  He explained our Action Plan with the State still requires one Class III operator.  Efforts continue to comply and that a tutor has been hired to help the operator study for the test.

Mr. Susco reported the plant has been selected to participate in the New England Water & Environmental Association’s Nitrogen Tool Box program.  This program will assist operators to maximize the reduction of nitrogen leaving the plant.  

Budget Status
Mr. Susco explained several line items are exhibiting early warning signs.  He explained the accelerated costs in line item; Building Repair & Maintenance (acct #5430) is due to numerous pump failures.  The accrual of Camp Dresser & McKee services and the purchase of the new equipment for the improvements at the septage pit have been captured in accounts; Professional & Technical Services (acct #5330) and Machinery & Equipment (acct #5741).  These accounts will remain in a deficit position until the project is completed at which time a transfer from the Capital budget will be made.

Old Business
Mr. Susco reported Kovacs Construction of Danbury, CT was awarded the bid for the improvements to the Septage Receiving Facility @ $216,403.00. Management was authorized to award the bid if it came in under the engineering cost estimate and within the Authority’s budget of $309,000.00.  The work is expected to be completed in the fall.  Mr. Susco expressed some concern with the equipment supplier as delivery dates seem to have been extended over what was originally told to us.  A meeting between all parties is being scheduled.  

Mr. Susco reported that the Joint Facilities has disposed of the 1995 Ford E-150 Cargo Van and the 1989 Ford F-350 Utility Truck for more than the asking price.  

Mr. Susco reported on the results of the long term investing completed by the Director of Finance.  He reviewed the guidelines established by the Joint Facilties requesting that $600,000.00 of the Capital Fund Balance (Fund 88) be invested in Certificate of Deposits in a manner that provides the best return for the Joint Facilities with no portion of this investment exceeding a 15 month period.  Mr. Susco indicated these funds were co-mingled with $750,000.00 from the East Hampton WPCA Capital Fund and that the total amount was laddered over a one year period as follows:
                   Amount                Rate                Maturity
                $300,000.00             2.36%              December 10, 2008
                $325,000.00             2.70%               March 10, 2009
                $350,000.00             3.07%           June 10, 2009
                $375,000.00             3.27%           September 10, 2009

Mr. Tarlov requested an update of the Facility Plan Study.  Mr. Susco explained the plan has not been approved and remains as one of the pending items on the DEP docket.  Mr. Susco believes the plan will not be approved until they secure additional funding to support the work required within the plan.  He explained several updates required by the plan have been accomplished through internal generated funds e.g. septage receiving facility upgrade, elimination of the digesters, etc however the remaining items within the plan are difficult to finance and require funding from the DEP.

Mr. Kelsey questioned the status of the Joint Facilties organization as a result of the Town of Marlborough establishing a WPCA.  Mr. Susco recapped the fundamentals of the Inter-Municipal Agreement that established the Joint Facilties.  He explained the WPCA of Marlborough will receive the same standing as does the WPCA of Hebron, access to all Joint Facilties information, invitation to the meetings etc, but no voting status as prescribed by the I-M Agreement.

New Business
Mr. Susco reported the expiration date for the NPDES Permit for the wastewater plant is November 2009.  This permit requires that our renewal application be submitted to DEP by April 2009.  Mr. Susco reported that Earth Tech, the engineering company that prepared the last permit, is now owned by AECOM.  He has contacted the principles who had prepared the last permit and who remained after the change in ownership.  They are very willing to prepare this NPDES Permit.  Mr. Susco presented a Letter Agreement which is part of the minutes for the work at the same cost that was authorized in 2004, $5,000.00.  Mr. Susco responded to several questions from the members.  He explained RFP’s were requested in 2004 and that Earth Tech was selected after interviews with several companies. He explained the work done by Earth Tech was well received and had no reservations about having them do it again, especially since all the principals remained on staff.  The estimate for the work in the budget was $6,000.00.   The following resolution moved by Mr. Fargnoli, seconded by Mr. Tarlov was unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED that the Joint Facilties authorize AECOM to prepare the 2009 NPDES permit at a cost not to exceed $5,000.00 and that the Public Utilities Administrator be authorized to sign the Letter Agreement dated September 5, 2008.   

Mr. Kelsey motioned, seconded by Mr. Fargnoli, to adjourn the meeting. All voting in favor the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela McCann
Recording Secretary