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10/29/2008 IWWA Minutes
                                        East Hampton Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Agency
                                                                Regular Meeting
                                                                October 29, 2008
                                                        Town Hall Meeting Room

Unapproved Minutes
1.      Call to Order:  Chairman Jeffry Foran called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
        Present:  Chairman Jeffry Foran, Vice-Chairman Joshua Wilson, Members David Boule, Alannah Coshow, Marc Lorah, Dean Kavalkovich and     Peter Wall. Alternate Member Scott Hill was present.  The Building Planning, & Zoning Administrator, James Carey, was also present.
        Absent:  Alternate member Maureen Heidtmann was not present.
2.      Seating of Alternates:  None.
3.      Approval of Minutes:  
A.      May 28, 2008:  Ms. Coshow moved, and Mr. Wilson seconded, to approve the minutes of the May 28, 2008 meeting.  The motion carried               unanimously.
B.      June 25, 2008:  Mr. Wilson moved, and Ms. Coshow seconded, to approve the minutes of the June 25, 2008 meeting.  The motion carried             unanimously.
C.      July 23, 2008:  Ms. Coshow moved, and Mr. Wilson seconded, to approve the minutes of the July 23, 2008 meeting.  The motion carried             unanimously.
4.      Agent Approval:
Agent Approval:  Application of Linda Hayes, 11 O’Neill Lane, activity in a buffer/setback area / residential Improvements by homeowner.  M10A/B83/L25-6
Mr. Foran moved, and Ms. Coshow seconded, to move this item to agenda item 7F, New Application. The motion carried unanimously
5.      Communication, Enforcement, and Public Comment:
        Communications:  Mr. Carey reported nothing new has come through the building office.
        Enforcement:  There were no enforcement actions to report at this time.
        Public Comments:  None
6.      Reading of the Legal Notice:  None.
7.      New Application:
A.      Application of Linda Hayes, 11 O’Neill Lane, create sea wall, erosion/sediment control and residential improvements by homeowner,                       M10A/B83/L25-6. Linda Hayes was before the commission to advise the commissioners of her request to create a seawall to stop the erosion        in that area from continuing.  Mr. Carey read into the record the policy that was posted in 2002 regarding surveying when work is being done on         any seawalls.  Mr. Carey asked the kinds of materials that would be used in the project.  Mr. Carey suggested providing the commissioners with     photographs in addition having the contractor present at the next regular scheduled meeting for additional discussion.
Mr. Foran moved to continue this application until the next regular scheduled meeting, November 19, 2008.  Motion was seconded by Marc Lorah.  The motion carried unanimously.
B.      Application of Theater Square, 11 North Main Street, filling, land clearing/grubbing to install lawn for commercial/industrial uses.                    M01A/B39A/L28A
Mr. Foran called an intermission of the Inland Wetlands meeting at 6:43 PM to meet with Mr. Carey and Mr. Rand privately.
The regular meeting of the Inland Wetlands Watercourse Agency continued at 7:52 PM.
Mr. Foran stated he and Mr. Rand had a conversation and from here on out Mr. Foran will be allowed to sit along and hear any applications presented by Mr. Rand.  Mr. Foran also wanted to thank Mr. Rand and Mr. Celino for taking the time to speak and consider Mr. Forans request.
Mr. Rand, Theater Square, presented the commissioners with a map showing the area of wetlands they would like to clear and make a lawn area of.  There was a discussion of the property and the drainage issues on the property.  It appears the State may have dumped materials in the lot in addition to placing a inlet structure area.  Mr. Carey reported this project did go through the DEP and approved.  Mr. Wilson questioned the entire area up to the parking lot is delineated as wetlands.  The commissioners discussed the wetland locations.  Mr. Wilson felt during the construction of both the State Project and Theater Square there has been working in the wetlands and any activity in this area should be restored to the way that it was and/or offer addition storage capacity so that it functions the way it should and drains off site.  Mr. Kavalkovich asked for clarification on what the status of the States work is, what is their plan moving forward, and would Mr. Rand prefer to fix this himself or have the State.  Scott Hill stated he would contact the project manager for the State and have him call Mr. Carey for discussion on the status.
Ms. Coshow moved to continue this application until the next regular scheduled meeting, November 19, 2008.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson.  The motion carried unanimously.
C.      Application of Skyline Estates III, Highland Terrace, modification of permit, for existing Phase II Inland Wetland permit to include 18th lot on                original Inland Wetland Application submitted that was later modified,  M3A/B44/L236-1.
Mr. Rand, Skyline Estates, was before the commission requesting to subdivide lot #1 phase 2.  The lot is 5 acres that contains no wetlands on the site.  This lot was before the wetlands board when the original site started out as 18 lots, then dropping to 17 and combing these two, now requesting them to be split again.  Mr. Carey reported as part of a re-subdivision this does need to come before the commission for review to confirm there are no wetlands; there is no substantial changes to the drainage patterns that were previously approved.
Mr. Wilson moved to continue this application until the next regular scheduled meeting.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Kavalkovich.  Yes:  Mr. Wilson, Mr. Kavalkovich.  No: Mr. Foran, Ms. Coshow, Mr. Boule, Mr. Lorah, and  Mr. Wall.  The motion failed 2-4-0.
Mr. Boule moved to approve the application of Skyline Estates III, Highland Terrace, and modification of permit, for existing Phase II Inland Wetland permit to include 18th lot on original Inland Wetland Application submitted that was later modified.  M3A/B44/L236-1, with the Building Department drafting a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission stating the Inland Wetlands has reviewed the application and found there is no wetlands activity as there are no wetlands on the property.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Coshow.  The motion passed unanimously.
D.      Application of James Cavallo, 55 East High Street, repair sea wall, erosion/sediment control and residential improvements by homeowner,                 M05A/B83/L25.
Mr. Cavallo was before the commission requesting permission to repair his sea wall.  There currently are two walls that are both poured concrete.  The one on the outside that is closest to the water has toppled over and the second is partially collapsed. This proposal takes the foot print of the wall that toppled over and replaces it with a new wall, goes up and over the top of the existing wall by 2’.  The replacement wall is 12’ x 6’.  The new wall will not be any thicker than the existing wall.  
Ms. Coshow moved to continue this application until the next regular scheduled meeting scheduled for November 19, 2008. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson.  The motion passed unanimously.
E.      Application of Florence Armata / Laura Armata, 60 Spellman Point Road, repair sea wall/routine maintenance,  M09A/B70/L11.
The applicant was not present for discussion.
Mr. Foran moved to continue this application until the next regular scheduled meeting scheduled for November 19, 2008.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson.  The motion passed unanimously.  
F.      Application of Linda Hayes, 11 O’Neill Lane, activity in a buffer/setback area / residential Improvements by homeowner,  M10A/B83/L25-6
Mr. Foran reported the activity that is being proposed, now that the applicant has moved the location (of the shed), which now meets zoning requirements, and has a scale on the plan will most likely be approved with an agent approval.
Mr. Foran moved to continue the application until the next regular scheduled meeting, November 19, 2008, pending approval/disapproval of the authorized agent review.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson.  The motion passed unanimously.
8.      Continued Applications: None.
9.      Public Hearings:  None.
10.     New Business:
           Mr. Lorah asked Mr. Carey to look into some metal and concrete culverts in a back yard on Route 196.   Mr. Carey will look into and report to the      commission.  

Mr. Boule suggested getting the opinion of the Lake Pocotopaug Commission as far as the required survey requested in seawalls.

Mr. Carey reported on a new position that was approved by Mr. O’Keefe, Town Manager, in which a Director of Community and Environmental Planning will be hired.  This person will be responsible for the IWWA, EDC, and LPC.  Mr. O’Keefe is open to receiving input from both staff and commission / agency members in regard to what would serve you best for your commission.

11.     Old Business:
Mr. Lorah asked for an update on the application checklist.  Mr. Carey reported on a few that have been reviewed however seem to have more detail that what will work for this town.  Mr. Lorah asked to have this discussion remain under old business for future discussion.
Mr. Hill asked if the IWWA was going to let the no phosphorus fertilizer ordinance end.   Mr. Carey stated the ZBA is going to be meeting with Mr. Ciriello, Lake Pocotopaug Chairman and he can ask for an update on the study the lake commission was going to be doing.  The commission agreed to keep this discussion under Old Business for additional discussion.

12.     Adjournment:  Mr. Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting.  Mr. Lorah seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.
        The meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
        Respectfully submitted,
        Kamey Peterson
                Recording Secretary