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03/16/2011 Housing Authority Minutes
East Hampton Housing Authority
Chatham Acres
Governor Bill O’Neill Drive
East Hampton, CT 06424

A meeting of the Housing Authority was held on March 16, 2011 at Chatham Acres.  The meeting opened at 12 noon.  Members present were Patricia Dufour, Ann McLaughlin, Tom Denman and Judie Bobbi.  Monica Kangley and Jo Ann Ewing were absent.

Minutes:  Ms. McLaughlin made a motion to approve the Minutes of February 16th.  Mr. Denman seconded.   Vote was unanimous.
Public Comments:  None
Bills and Communication:
Bill SB139 has been proposed by one of the state legislators.  The Housing Authority opposes this bill as it will cause much expense and opens the Authority to being sued for possible damage to a tenant’s private property.  Our lease also states that each tenant is responsible for their own vehicle.  Ms. Bobbi notified State Rep. Gail Hamm and State Senator Eileen Daily of our opposition.  Ms. Hamm replied and thanked us for letting her know our position.  ConnNAHRO also opposes this bill.
Public Finance Conference is being held on March 24th and if any member wishes to attend the reply must be sent in by March 17th.
Citizens Bank sent out new PIN for those authorized to approve wire transfers.  Each person must call in to verify their own PIN.
Cathy from the Town Hall notified Ms. Bobbi that Mr. Denman had been reappointed and he should be getting a letter soon.
Cash Report:
Ms. Bobbi presented the checking account reconciliation for February 2011.  Members reviewed the report and it will be filed for audit.
Old Business and New Business:
FEMA has not approved reimbursement for Middlesex County but the Governor is appealing.
Weatherization program will be coming out on March 25th for the contractor’s walk thru.  CRT sent out an auditor last week to look at the windows that need to be replaced in about 5 apartments at Bellwood Court.
Congregate:  The Chairman has tried again to contact State Senator Eileen Daily to invite her to come out to meet with the Housing Board.  She did not return the phone call.   We will send a letter hoping for a response.
Vacancy:  There are no vacancies.
Jodi Brazal, our RSC, was not able to attend the meeting as the CARSCH meeting was being held today.  She submitted a report that was read by Ms. Bobbi.  Ms. Brazal has been awarded a scholarship for the annual NERSC Conference that will be held in Maine during May.  
Tenant Commissioner:  None, since Ms. Kangley is away on vacation.

A motion was made by Mr. Denman to adjourn at 1:12pm.  Ms. McLaughlin seconded.

Respectfully submitted by Judie Bobbi, recording secretary

CC:  Board Members, Town Manager, Town Clerk, Town Counci