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01/19/2011 Housing Authority Minutes
East Hampton Housing Authority
Chatham Acres
Governor Bill O’Neill Drive
East Hampton, CT 06424

A meeting was held on January 19, 2011 at Chatham Acres.  The meeting opened at 12:05pm.  Members present were Patricia Dufour, Tom Denman, Jo Ann Ewing, Ann McLaughlin, Monica Kangley and Judie Bobbi.  

Minutes:  A motion was made by Mr. Denman to accept the Minutes of December 15, 2010.  Ms. Ewing seconded.  Vote was unanimous.
Pubic Comments:  Alice Stelzer who writes for spoke that she is interested in reporting on any information the Housing Authority has regarding the congrete progress.  The Chairman noted that Rep. Hamm and Sen. Daily were invited to attend the meeting today in order that the Board could discuss the issue with them.  However, due to last minute scheduling at the Capitol, they were unable to attend.  The Board gave Ms. Stelzer a brief background of the history of the congregate development.
Bills and Communication:
The CT Housing Coalition reported that Betsy Crum has been appointed the new Ex. Director.
The Municipal Employees Retirement System reported that the new employer rate beginning July 1, 2011 will be 11.56% and the administrative charge will be $200.
Unemployment Ins. Special Assessment for 2011 will be $40 per each employee.
Emergency Response at DEP sent information requested due to oil spill on the Nichols property adjacent to Bellwood Court.  We will be sent the final report when it is available.  The spill has been cleaned and soil removed and the Housing Authority may decide to do some testing of the well during spring or early summer.
Commissioners Connection Newsletter was made available to Board members.
Housing Authority Insurance Services requested to bid on insurance policies.
EPA sent a release regarding chromium-6 and drinking water.  No requirements at this time.
RSC, Jodi, sent a thank you for the holiday arrangement due to the loss of her father.
Cash Report:  
Ms. Bobbi presented the reconciliation for the Citizens Bank Checking for December 31, 2010.  Board members reviewed and the report will be filed for audit.
Old Business and New Business:
Ms. Bobbi requested the purchase of MS Office 2010 for the computers at each office.  Ms. McLaughlin made a motion to purchase software.  Ms. Kangley seconded.  Vote was unanimous.
Ms. Bobbi reported that advertisement for accepting applications has been placed in the papers.
Weatherization update:  We are still waiting for the scope of work to be sent.  There have been delays.
Bonus discussion is postponed to a later date.
Denise Romeo who administered the flu vaccine at our complexes has offered to do Zostavax, which is the vaccine for shingles.  Ms Bobbi has placed a sign up sheet at each place and will try to print out information on this vaccine for residents to be better informed.
Vacancy – the empty apartment is rented but because of several storms the apartment is not yet ready.
Chairman Dufour reported that she met with the Christopher’s to discuss the shrubs at the end of Christopher Rd.  Mr. Christopher gave permission for us to cut back the shrubs about 12 inches.  Ms. Bobbi contacted Steve from Grasshopper Landscaping and met with him at the property.  He will trim the shrubs back when the snow has gone.  Board members requested that we ask Mr. Christopher if he wanted to be present when the trimming takes place; or ask him to sign a letter of permission.  When we know the trimming will take place, Ms. Bobbi will call Mr. Christopher.  Ms. Ewing mentioned that there was an accident recently at that location.  
Ms. Ewing reported that she received a notice from Senior Resources that the WWN4A sent regarding a reform bill for improvements to the HUD 202 housing which is elderly supportive housing.
Ms. McLaughlin asked if we had checked into the cost for new flat screen TV for each community room that could be mounted on a bracket.  Ms. Bobbi will try to get some prices for the next meeting.  Also, Ms. McLaughlin asked if the thank you notes the RSC was going to write had made it to the paper.
RSC Report:
Ms. Brazal has asked if we might purchase a wireless router for each office in order to possibly help those with computers.  The Board suggested that we first find out how many residents actually have a computer and if it is a desktop or laptop.  Ms. Brazal is looking into the NERSC conference being held in Maine in May 2011.  There is a program for seniors that is similar to File of Life except it involves a yellow dot on the window of a senior’s car and a card in the glove compartment with the medical information in case of an emergency.  Ms. Brazal could obtain training from the Agency on Aging at no cost.  
Tenant Commissioner:
Ms. Kangley reported that some residents are under the assumption that the snow removal company is supposed to clean off the cars.  Ms. Bobbi reported that the storm of Jan 11 and 12 was the exception.  She asked the snow removal company to help with cleaning cars since it was such a big storm.  Normally everyone is responsible for cleaning and moving their own car.  Ms. Kangley suggested we contact “Interact” at the high school to ask if this was a job some of them would be interested in.  If so, Ms. Bobbi will post a phone number for the residents to call to make arrangements and it will be at their own cost to pay for the service.  

Respectfully submitted by Judie Bobbi, recording secretary

A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin to adjourn at 1:30pm.   Ms. Ewing seconded.

CC:  Board Members, Town Manager, Town Clerk, Town Council