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07/21/2010 Housing Authority Minutes
East Hampton Housing Authority
Chatham Acres
Governor Bill O’Neill Drive
East Hampton, CT 06424

A meeting was held on July 21, 2010 at Chatham Acres. The meeting opened at 6:10pm.  Members present were Patricia Dufour, Tom Denman, Monica Kangley, Ann McLaughlin and Judie Bobbi.  Jo Ann Ewing was absent.

Minutes:  Mr. Denman made a motion to approve the Minutes of June 16, 2010.  Ms. Kangley seconded.  Vote was unanimous.
Bills and Communication:
CT Department of Health sent email regarding some water shortages and asking us to make sure we have a plan in place in case of a water outage.  Ms. Bobbi stated that the Housing Authority had put a plan in place when there was a drought about five years ago.  In the plan we limited laundry usage for certain days and planned water delivery if needed.
DECD has asked for us to verify our housing information for the 2010 Affordable Housing Report.
Citizens Bank sent letter noting that they offer a Business Master Card.  Board members thought since we changed from Bank of America we should also change our Bank of America Card.
Attorney Marino sent the legal opinion letter requested by the auditor.  He also provided an opinion on the RFP we are planning to advertise.
Resident Service Coordinator Grant has been approved for 2010/2011.  Ms. Bobbi has signed the contract and sent in the request for the first payment.
The letter of appointment of the Tenant Commissioner has been received from the Town.  Ms. Kangley is reappointed until December 31, 2014.
Water System Report has been received for Bellwood Court and Chatham.  Ms. Bobbi will be in communication with Millenium Water regarding the response to the report.
CCRs for the 2009 water tests have been received and posted at each complex.
Cash Report:
Reconciliation Report for June 2010 for Citizens Bank was presented for review by Ms. Bobbi.
Reconciliation Report for June 2010 for Bank of America was presented for review by Ms. Bobbi.  The Bank of America account is now closed out.  The report will be filed for audit.
Old Business and New Business:
RFP is all set and Ms. Bobbi will inquire the cost of the Hartford Courant.  The ad will also be placed in the Press and Rivereast with a two week response date.
Audit visit is complete and the extension was approved by DECD.  The reports should be sent out by July 31st.
Light pole painting is completed and the tv antennas have been removed.
Ms. Bobbi asked if it would be possible to purchase two CD players for books that the Library can provide.  Mr. Denman will check with the Lions Club to see if they can donate them.
Weatherization Assistance Program is contacting us to set a date to meet with CRT regarding the program funds.
Ms. Bobbi asked Dion about doing some seeding in different areas and it will be done in the fall.
Conn Nahro sent a convention packet.  Ms. Bobbi, Ms. Dufour, Ms. McLaughlin and Ms. Kangley all plan on attending.
Ms. Bobbi presented a draft letter to be sent to the Town and signed by the Board as a thank you for the sidewalk replacement.
Ms. Bobbi presented the Quarterly Financial Report for June 30, 2010.
The Year End RSC Report has been sent by Ms. Bobbi to DECD.  Ms. Izzo has sent in her quarterly.
Ms. McLaughlin mentioned that we need to replace the STOP sign at Chatham Acres by “E” building.
Mr. Denman noted that Governor O’Neill Drive had about 8 inches of water during the storm this afternoon which made driving difficult.  Ms. Bobbi noted that she mentioned this problem to Mr. Hayden when the sidewalk work was beginning.
Vacancy – none
Public Comments:        none
Tenant Commissioner:    Mr. Kangley asked about replacing those windows with broken seals at Bellwood Court.  Ms. Bobbi noted that we are hoping to have that done with the weatherization program.

A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin to adjourn at 7:40pm.  Ms. Kangley seconded.

Respectfully submitted by Judie Bobbi, recording secretary

cc:  Board Members, Town Manager, Town Clerk, Town Council