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03/17/2010 Housing Authority Minutes
East Hampton Housing Authority
Chatham Acres
Governor Bill Drive
East Hampton, CT 06424

A meeting was held on March 17, 2010 at Chatham Acres.  The meeting opened at 12 noon.  Members present were Patricia Dufour, Jo Ann Ewing, Monica Kangley, Ann McLaughlin, Tom Denman and Judie Bobbi.

Minutes:  A motion was made by Mr. Denman to accept the Minutes.  Ms. McLaughlin asked for clarification regarding the waiver letter to DECD for the Weatherization Program.  Ms. Bobbi noted that the request for waiver had to be done first if that was the route being pursued then when approved or denied we then contact CL&P.  Ms. Ewing seconded.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills and Communications:
Town P&Z Implementation Table was discussed

Maintenance Extravaganza will be held on April 20th at Mountain Ridge.  Ms. Ewing made a motion to approve cost of Dion attending.  Ms. McLaughlin seconded.  Vote was unanimous.

Municipal Employees Retirement System sent letter notifying us that as of July 1, 2010 the new rate for employers will be 9.50% because of the shortfall.  This rate is reviewed each year.

DAS sent letter acknowledging our termination of policies with the Master Insurance Program.

Citizens Bank met with Ms. Bobbi to go over the proposal for banking services.  Mr. Denman made a motion to change our banking services from Bank of America to Citizens.  Ms. Kangley seconded.  Ms. Bobbi will begin the process.

Grasshopper Landscaping gave a mowing and winter and fall clean up quote for 2010 and 2011.  Board members want to see if he will compromise on the mowing portion.  Ms. Kangley made a motion to accept the quote if a compromise is made.  Ms. Ewing seconded.  Vote was unanimous.

Cash Report:
Ms. Bobbi presented the bank reconciliation for February 2010.  Board members reviewed and the report will be filed for audit.

Old Business and New Business:
Ms. Bobbi reported that Bank of America agreed to waive the service charges for the end of 2009.  However, these charges will continue as long as our account is open.  Ms. Bobbi advised that we wait until we have new checks with Citizens account and there are no more outstanding checks from Bank of America.

Blumenthal & Donahue quoted the amount of $800 per year for a $1,000,000 umbrella policy that would cover all policies with the exception of workers compensation.  Board members will address the proposal at a later date.

Ms. Bobbi received 3 quotes for carpet.  Ms. Ewing made a motion to accept the quote from Mr. Carpet of Colchester.  Ms. Kangley seconded.  Vote was two yes; Ms. Ewing and Ms. Kangley and one oppose from Ms. McLaughlin.

Ms. Bobbi reported that the request for the Weatherization waiver was mailed Commissioner McDonald at DECD on March 1st.  We did not hear anything yet.
Governor’s Proposed Budget shows an increase in the RSC funding.  This depends on the final draft and the vote.  RSC raise will be looked at when the budget is set.

Congregate:  Ms. Bobbi presented information about the HUD 202.  She spoke to a Director of Emanuel Village in MA and also has a connection with Luther Ridge in Middletown.  The program sounds as if it may be a good fit for our project since there is no inkling of congregate funds in the future.  Also, the Governor is proposing to cut the subsidies back in her budget.

Ms. Bobbi will try to get information regarding an RFP from two other housing authorities as suggested at the last Small Housing Authority meeting.  We may also seek advice from our attorney.

Vacancy - None at this time.

Ms. McLaughlin asked Ms. Bobbi what may be a priority for a capital improvement.  Ms. Bobbi stated that probably the sidewalks would be the most important.  Also, Ms. Bobbi noted that the sidewalk that comes up Governor O’Neill Drive which is Town property is in bad condition and tenants have raised concern many times.  Ms. Bobbi brought it up to Town Manager and Council members who were in attendance at a Senior Moment meeting last year.  Board members want to send a letter to Keith Hayden at the Public Works Dept. and cc to Jeff O’Keefe, Town Manager.

A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin to meet at 11:45am for the April 21st meeting and do a walk around Chatham Acres before the meeting at 12 noon.  In May, the meetings will resume at 6pm.  The date will be May 19th, the third Wednesday.  Ms. Kangley seconded.  Vote was unanimous.

Board members want to have a discussion about a Damages Policy at next meeting.

Tenant Commissioner:
Ms. Kangley requested to have Dion check out the remains of trunks of bushes or small trees in the lawn near the corner of her apartment.    

A motion was made by Ms. Ewing to adjourn at 2:15pm.  Ms. McLaughlin seconded.

Respectfully submitted by Judie Bobbi, recording secretary  

CC:  Board Members, Town Manager, Town Clerk, Town Council Members