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02/17/2010 Housing Authority Minutes
East Hampton Housing Authority
Chatham Acres
Governor Bill O’Neill Drive
East Hampton, CT 06424

A meeting was held on February 17, 2010 at Chatham Acres.  The meeting opened at 12:10pm.  Members present were Patricia Dufour, Jo Ann Ewing, Ann McLaughlin, Monica Kangley Tom Denman and Judie Bobbi.

Minutes: A motion was made by Mr. Denman to accept the Minutes of January 20th.  Ms. Ewing noted the omission in the minutes which asked for job descriptions to be sent out to the Board.  Ms. Kangley seconded.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills and Communications:
Chfa sent memo noting the new mileage rate for 2010.
Chfa requested an Annual Report for the state housing portfolio and an updated Housing Directory.  Ms. Bobbi noted that on the chfa directory there is no Assist. Treasurer position and the directory have the Resident Commissioner position as an office.  
Notification was sent from the State Treasurers office that the Annual Public Outlook Conference will be held on March 26th.

Cash Report:
Ms. Bobbi presented the Reconciliation Report for January 2010.  The Board reviewed the report and it will be filled for audit.

Old Business and New Business:
The Board has reviewed the insurance quote from Blumenthal and Donahue for the property, liability, crime, EPLI and workers comp.  A motion was made by Ms. Kangley to accept the quote.  Ms. McLaughlin asked to find out what the umbrella policy coverage will be and perhaps decide later whether to include it.  Ms. Ewing seconded.  Vote was unanimous.  Ms. Bobbi will ask what is covered und the umbrella policy and have the information for the March meeting.
Ms. Bobbi reported that the two new thermostats have been installed.
Ms. Bobbi reported that we have received the Weatherization package which is a DECD program for state housing.  Ms. Bobbi will compose a letter asking for a waiver for any costs.  DECD will notify if approved and then we will have to contact CL&P to find out what we can qualify for.
Apartment with damaged floor:  A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin to obtain quote for carpeting.  Ms. Kangley seconded.  Vote was unanimous.
We have one vacancy which has been rented.
Congregate:  Ms. McLaughlin has spoken to Jim Carey and was told that Frank Gryb will be calling us.
Ms. Kangley thanked Ms. Bobbi for the copies of the job descriptions.
Ms. McLaughlin asked if the laundry at Bellwood has gotten the pedestals yet.  Ms. Bobbi reported no.  Ms. Dufour will send Ms. Bobbi information on a grabber that might be used to aid those that have trouble reaching into the back of the machines to retrieve clothes.  
Ms. Ewing asked about a workshop to educate the Board on the various policies.  Ms. Bobbi noted that we have a policy book that can be used by individuals to read over the numerous policies in place.  The Board also asked to maybe have a list of contacts if needed and to learn more about the administrative operations.

A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin to adjourn at 1:38pm.  Ms Ewing seconded.

Respectfully submitted by Judie Bobbi, recording secretary __JB

CC:  Board Members, Town Manager, Town Clerk, Town Council