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11/18/2009 Housing Authority Minutes
East Hampton Housing Authority
Chatham Acres
Governor Bill O’Neill Drive
East Hampton, CT 06424

A meeting was held on November 18, 2009 at Chatham Acres.  The meeting opened at 11:10am.  Members present were Patricia Dufour, Jo Ann Ewing, Ann McLaughlin, Tom Denman, Monica Kangley and Judie Bobbi.

Ms. McLaughlin made a motion to accept the minutes of October 21st.  Mr. Denman seconded.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills and Communication:
DECD sent the signed contract for the RSC Grant.  Ms. Bobbi reported she has requested the first payment.
All Waste has renewed the contract for the trash pick up with us at the same amount as the previous contract.

Cash Report:  Ms Bobbi presented the bank reconciliation for October.  The Board reviewed and report will be filed for audit.

Old Business and New Business:
Ms. Dufour brought the discussion for a possible change in the meeting time for the winter months.  Ms. McLaughlin made a motion to hold meetings at noon for December 16th, January 20th and February 17th.  Ms. Kangley seconded.  Vote was unanimous.
Ms. McLaughlin asked whether we had any word from the laundry company on pedestals for the machines at Bellwood.  If the company feels they cannot provide them, we will post a notice at Bellwood with the reasons why it may not be possible.  The Chairman will look into the purchase of reachers that tenants may use.
The sensors have not yet been installed at “D” building.
Comcast has begun installing cable boxes in the apartments that do not have them as part of the agreement of our new contract.  Tenants will no longer be charged for the boxes.
The 2010 Budget has been approved by CHFA.
The Tenant Commissioner Policy was discussed.  Mr. Denman made a motion to approve the policy as written.  Ms. Ewing seconded.  Vote was unanimous.
The Chairman reported that the Amendment for the PILOT has been signed by the Housing Authority and the Town Manager.  A copy is on file at the Town and the Housing Authority.

Congregate was discussed by the Board.  Ms. McLaughlin made a motion that the Housing Authority go forward with the congregate project.  Ms. Ewing seconded.  Vote was unanimous.  Mr. Denman made a motion to choose Millenium Realty as our consultant for the project.  Ms. Kangley seconded.  Vote was unanimous.  The Housing Authority will send a letter to Millenium that we intend to go forward with the congregate and would like them to be the consultant for the project.

Public Comments:  None

Tenant Commissioner:  Ms. Kangley noted that the doors at Bellwood Court are not staying locked.  Ms. Bobbi will post notices on the doors and in the newsletter about this issue.

Liaison to Town Council:  Ms. McLaughlin reported that at the Town Council meeting it was decided that instead of liaison that the Town Council, from time to time, will ask a Board member to attend a council meeting to give a report.

Motion was made by Ms. Kangley to adjourn at 12:50pm.  Ms. Ewing seconded.

Respectfully submitted by Judie Bobbi, recording secretary

CC:  Board members, Town Manager, Town Council, Town Clerk