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08/19/2009 Housing Authority Minutes
East Hampton Housing Authority
Chatham Acres
Governor Bill O’Neill Drive
East Hampton, CT 06424

A meeting was held on August 19, 2009 at Chatham Acres.  The meeting opened at 6:37pm.  Members present were Patricia Dufour, Ann McLaughlin, Tom Denman and Judie Bobbi.  Also, two residents were in attendance.  Members absent were Monica Kangley, Jo Ann Ewing and Liaison Sue Weintraub.

Minutes:  A motion was made by Mr. Denman to approve the minutes of July 15th.  Ms. Mclaughlin seconded.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills and Communication:  
Ms. Bobbi presented three quotes on the replacement of the garage door at Chatham Acres.  Quotes were received from Hal Bellmore of Durham, Belltown Garage Door of East Hampton and Fireside Supply of Hebron.  Ms. McLaughlin made a motion to approve the cost of Hal Bellmore for $775.  Mr. Denman seconded.  Vote was unanimous.
Auditor submitted quotes for the next three years audits.  Members decided to table a decision until a later date.
ADA EZ automatic door opener sent a quote to install one door at Chatham Acres and two doors at Bellwood Court on the mail room side of building at a cost of $9000.  Members present voted to hold a Special Meeting on Sept. 8th to decide since two Board members were away.  Money that will be saved from the PILOT will be used for this project.
Ms. Bobbi reported the DAS administrative fee for the Master Insurance Program is $940.  It is about $70 less than last year.
Quick Books sent notification of the payroll subscription fee of $239 for the next year.
Legal Opinion letter was received from Attorney Joseph Marino for the audit.
Ms. Bobbi requested information from Town Manager regarding fees for having documents notarized.  Mr. O’Keefe emailed that there would be no charge.
Ms. Bobbi sent a thank you note to WPCA for helping with a sewer problem at Chatham Acres on August 14th.

Cash Report:
Ms. Bobbi presented the bank reconciliation for July 2009.  Mr. Denman made motion to accept and Ms. McLaughlin seconded.  Ms. McLaughlin will look at “Roberts Rules” to make sure procedure for the report is correct.  Vote was unanimous.

Old Business and New Business:
Ms. Bobbi reported that Comcast is now telling us that the contract amount the given to us in incorrect.  The rates were for assisted living complexes only and they have to make up a new rate schedule.  
Ms. Bobbi presented Board members with copies of the quarterly financial statement which has been sent to chfa and decd.
Auditor sent a copy of the Exit Conference for the Audit.  There were no findings.
Ms. Bobbi gave out a current agenda for the Conn-Nahro convention.
Board members will table the Tenant Commissioner Policy to a later date.

Congregate:  Ms. Bobbi made up a draft letter to the state rep and state senator for the Board to look at and make changes.  The letter should contain the amount of the congregate subsidy that we want the state to provide.  A copy will be included in the Board packet with the minutes.
Ms. McLaughlin mentioned at some point she could write a letter to Senator Dodd.  She reported to Board members that she came in went thru the box of congregate papers from 1990’s.  She mentioned that the Board should be talking to Jim Carey to have him review the site plans that were in place to see if any zoning or conservation changes will affect the property.  Ms. McLaughlin also reported to the Council on Aging the Housing Authority’s plan for a congregate development.
Ms. Bobbi spoke to Bruce Whitaker of Millenium Real Estate Services and he can come out on Sept. 8th at 3pm.  Board members should reply ASAP if this is not ok.

Ms. McLaughlin made a motion that our next meeting on September 16th be held at Bellwood Court at 6:30pm.  Mr. Denman seconded.  Vote was unanimous.

Tenant Commissioner:
Ms. Kangley was away and gave a note to Ms. McLaughlin regarding who to call if a plumbing problem occurs.  Ms. Bobbi noted that if no one is in the office, they should call her cell phone that is listed in the newsletter each month.  Also, the cell phone number will be listed on the office door for emergency purposes.

Liaison to Town Council:  none

Public Comments:  Resident Pat Butler wanted to thank the Board for the prompt action they are taking for the automatic doors.

Adjournment:  A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin to adjourn at 8:25pm.  Mr. Denman seconded.  

Respectfully submitted by Judie Bobbi, recording secretary, JB