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06/17/2009 Housing Authority Minutes
East Hampton Housing Authority  
Chatham Acres
East Hampton, CT 06424

The Annual Meeting was held on June 17, 2009 at Angelico’s Lake House.  The meeting opened at 6:10pm.  Members present were Patricia Dufour, Monica Kangley, Ann McLaughlin, Tom Denman, Jo Ann Ewing, Judie Bobbi, Laurie Izzo, Dion Roccapriore and Town Council liaison, Sue Weintraub.  Four guests of Board Members and Employees were also in attendance.

Minutes:  A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin to accept the minutes of May 20th.  Ms. Ewing seconded.  Motion carried and was unanimous.

Bills and Communication:  
Conn-NAHRO sent a packet of information for the upcoming convention to be held on August 30 – Sept. 2nd.  Ms. Bobbi will send the information with the minutes for members to look at and decide if they wish to go.  Early bird registration is before July 31st.  If any member wishes to stay over night, please call Ms. Bobbi before the next meeting in order to secure the convention rate.  There is no cancellation charge for the room up until 48 hours before August 30th.
Ms. Bobbi sent out thank you notes to various businesses and senior centers that had put our housing survey out and collected them for us.  Ms. Kangley suggested we also send a thank you to be placed in the Rivereast Bulletin to those who took the time to respond and include the number of responses we received.
The S.T.I.F. quarterly report was received and is available to anyone who wants a copy.
DECD sent a letter stating that if the Governor’s budget goes through as it is right now, the RSC program will only be funded at 67% and housing authorities should explore ways this shortfall can be made up.

Cash Report:  Ms. Bobbi presented the reconciliation for May 2009.  Ms. Kangley made a motion to approve the report.  Mr. Denman seconded.  Motion carried and was unanimous.

Old Business and New Business:
Ms. Bobbi gave members a spreadsheet of the data from the Senior Housing Survey.  Ms. McLaughlin noted that the total count was for surveys handed in and did not take into account if the survey was filled out by two people.  The members will go back to check how many were from couples.
The final draft of the By laws has been received by the Board.  Ms. Kangley had asked prior to the meeting about the Tenant Commissioner’s role in the By laws.  Ms. Bobbi reported that DECD recommended that a policy be written as to the duties of the Tenant Commissioner since it should not be part of the By laws. Ms. McLaughlin made a motion to approve the revised By laws.  Ms. Kangley seconded.  Yes votes were as follows:  Ms. McLaughlin, Ms. Kangley, Ms. Ewing, and Mr. Denman.  Chairman noted vote was unanimous.

Ms. Weintraub submitted a communication from HUD regarding grant funds that may be available through the Recovery Act that include Gap Financing for projects that stalled due to financing issues.
Ms. McLaughlin inquired about taking the next step forward for the congregate project as far as seed money; picking a consultant and writing a letter to DECD for our project that may be considered “shovel ready”.  Board members agreed to write a letter of interest to DECD and perhaps hold a Special Meeting where the top two consultants come back.  We would schedule them one hour apiece at different time slots.  Ms. Ewing requested the meeting by held after 2:30pm.  The Board will decide on the date to hold the meeting.

A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin to adjourn at 6:34pm.  Ms. Kangley seconded.

Meeting opened for election of officers for 2009 -2010 at 6:34pm

The secretary cast one vote for the slate of officers nominated at the May meeting.
Chairman, Patricia Dufour
Vice Chairman, Jo Ann Ewing
Secretary, Monica Kangley
Treasurer, Ann McLaughlin
Assistant Treasurer, Tom Denman
Vote was unanimous.
A motion was made to adjourn at 6:36pm by Ms. McLaughlin.  Ms. Ewing seconded.

Respectfully submitted by Judie Bobbi, recording secretary

CC:  Board Members, Town Manager, Town Clerk, Town Council