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12/17/2008 Housing Authority Minutes
East Hampton Housing Authority                                                  
Chatham Acres
Governor Bill O’Neill Drive
East Hampton, CT 06424

A meeting was held on December 17, 2008 at Chatham Acres.  The meeting opened at 6:37pm.  Members present were Patricia Dufour, Monica Kangley, Jo Ann Ewing, Jeanne Hubbard, Ann McLaughlin and Judie Bobbi.

A motion was made by Ms. Kangley to approve the Minutes of October 15th.  Ms. Hubbard seconded. Motion carried with Ms. McLaughlin abstaining.

Bills and Communication:
Ms. Bobbi reported the invoice for the door painting has been paid.

DECD sent notice that the FDIC Insurance coverage is $250,000 until January 2010.

Snow removal contract does not have to be voted on since we had a two year contract in effect with Grasshopper Landscaping.

CHFA appointed Timothy Bannon as the new president/executive director.

CHFA sent the approval for our 2009 Budget.

RSC Grant money for the 1st half has been received.  This covers July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008.

Cash Report:
Ms. Bobbi presented the reconciliation for October 2008.  Ms. Ewing made a motion to accept the report.  Ms. Hubbard seconded.  Motion carried.

Ms. Bobbi presented the reconciliation for November 2008.  Ms. Kangley made a motion to accept the report.  Ms. Ewing seconded.  Motion carried.

Old Business and New Business:
Ms. Bobbi contacted Real Estate Solutions to discuss the congregate development.  They have asked us to set a date.  The Board agreed to January 7, 2009 at 1pm or later.

DOC sent quotes for the items we requested.  A sign for the office, ten kick plates to be put on some of the doors, tenant parking signs and eight benches to be done in the spring.  Ms. McLaughlin made a motion to accept the quotes.  Ms. Hubbard seconded.  Motion carried.

Phone and internet for Bellwood Court Office will be in operation after Dec. 22nd
CHFA sent reporting requirements to take note of when reporting financial statements and audit.

The Town Council approved the reduction of the PILOT from 10% to 5% for the 2009-2010 budget year.  Ms. Bobbi checked with CHFA to see if a new Cooperation Agreement needed to be signed.  CHFA said to make up an Amendment to the Agreement.  Ms. Bobbi will take the information to the Housing Authority attorney after the holidays.  Board also, would like the attorney to review some of the paperwork such as the deed for the congregate property.

Refrigerators from the WRAP Program with Northeast Utilities will delivered on Thursday, Dec. 18th to Bellwood Court which will get 13 new refrigerators and on Dec. 22nd to Chatham Acres which will get 12.  Ms. Ewing asked how it was decided who gets the refrigerator and what happens someone complains their refrigerator is not working properly.  Ms. Bobbi stated that there were three inspections done; one by Shannon, one by Maintenance and also one when apartment inspections were done.  The age and condition and the working order was taken into consideration.  When a tenant complains their refrigerator is not working first, maintenance checks it out and then if needed the repair service is called and if it is found to have a problem it is fixed or replaced at that time.

Board agreed to revisit the various policies that may need updating including the By-Laws.  Ms. Bobbi will send copies to commissioners with the minutes.

It was requested that in the minutes to only use the initials of a tenant and not their name.

Motion was made by Ms. Kangley to adjourn at 7:45pm.  Ms. McLaughlin seconded.

Respectfully submitted by Judie Bobbi, recording secretary