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08/09/2010 Fire Commission Annual Meeting Minutes
Annual Meeting
August  9, 2010

Present:  Chairman David Simko, Richard Brown and Dean Michelson

Absent:  Richard Dufour and Leroy Goff

Others Present:  Chief Steve Palmer, Paul Owen, Charles Spakowski, Fire Marshal Phil Visintainer,  Matthew Walton (BOF), Hunt Voelker, Rich Klotzbier
David Simko called the Annual meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Company #1 on Barton Hill Road.

A motion was made by Dean Michelson to postpone the election of officers to the September meeting, seconded by Richard Brown. Vote 3-0.

A motion made by Dean Michelson to adjourn at 7:02 p.m. and seconded by Richard Brown. Vote 3-0 all in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristin A. Olzacki
Recording Secretary