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01/11/2010 Fire Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting
January 11, 2010

Present:  Chairman David Simko, Dean Michelson, Dr. Richard Brown and Richard Dufour

Others Present:  Chief Stephen Palmer, Joe Guest, Phil Visintainer, Paul Owen, Rich Klotzbier,  Matthew Walton (BOF) and Hunt Voelker

Chairman David Simko called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Company #1 on Barton Hill Road.

Approval of Minutes:  
A motion was made by Dean Michelson and seconded by Richard Dufour to accept the minutes of the December Regular meeting minutes as presented. Vote 3-0 in favor 1 abstention.

Communications: Chairman Simko received a letter from Travelers Ins. Co.

Public Remarks:  None.

Fire Marshal Phil Visintainer’s Report: The Fire Marshal’s report is attached and made part of these minutes.

Fire Chief Stephen Palmer’s Report: The Chief’s report is attached and made part of
these minutes.

Old Business:

Commissioner ReplacementChairman Simko stated that Rich Dufour is up for re-appointment and Mattie Walton’s position needs to be filled. A meeting to fill appointments should be within the next month.

Dry Hydrants  – Chairman Simko said we have the permit for 5 years to fix the dry- hydrant at Cranberry Bog.  Chairman Simko stated that we are in the process of inputting the dry-hydrant information into Firehouse software.  Then it can be continually updated. This would allow scheduled testing and maintenance.  A generic maintenance permit will be sought for all the dry-hydrants with inland wetlands concerns.

Fleet Inventory –Chairman Simko stated that the fleet inventory has been given to Keith Hayden from Public works. The two pieces we are still looking for are current replacement costs and what the maintenance costs have been on the vehicles.  The three vehicles that are to be disposed of are at public works and Dean Michelson stated that they window is scheduled to be repaired. Mike Scranton has removed all the equipment from the vehcles.

Engine 2-12 –Chairman Simko stated that Pierce said the work is progressing nicely. They do not see any problems. The open issue of brow lights and the lights that are being replaced should be replaced with LED lights. The truck is scheduled to be completed March 18th.

Capital Budget for 2010-201l- Chairman Simko stated that he went to a capital meeting last week and submitted  3 capital requests: 1) pickup; 2) generator for Company 2 and overhaul the generator at Company 2 and place it at Company 3; 3) building maintenance / roofs etc Frank Grzyb’s list)  Going forward the long range plan is to replace a tanker, engine, and then a ladder.

Statue Regarding Firefighters- Chairman Simko stated that town employees are allowed to leave work, if possible, when a second call goes out for manpower.  Keith Hayden agrees with this.

New Business:

Quad – Chairman Simko stated that New England Cycle is now on the vendor list and the quad can be repaired. Then work can be done to outfit the quad so it can be more useful at the scene

2009/2010 Budget- Chairman Simko stated that he and Chief Palmer will sit down to discuss the placement of bills in the correct line-items. A brief discussion was held.

New Building for Company 2 – Chairman Simko stated that he believes that the Commissioners and the department should get going on the planning of a possible new Company 2 building. Suggestions were made that a map be obtained of the land that has been purchased by the town so we can see how much of the 10 acres is actually buildable. A presentation will be put together to go before the Council. Chairman Simko will be doing some preliminary work.

Awards Program – Chairman Simko stated that he has begun working on the program and the funds have done a little better this year. The lists have been posted for review.

Commissioner/Chiefs Lists – Chairman Simko is updating the Commissioner and Chiefs lists

Commissioner Tapes – Chief Palmer asked if the Commissioner tapes from prior meetings could be moved to the vault. Chairman Simko stated he will check with the Town Hall tomorrow.

Thank you!  - Dean Michelson thanked all that were at the scene of the accident with the town truck.

A motion was made by Richard Dufour and seconded by Dean Michelson to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:01 p.m.  Vote 4-0 all in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristin A. Olzacki