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12/14/2009 Fire Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting
December 14, 2009

Present:  Chairman David Simko, Dean Michelson and Richard Dufour

Absent:   Dr. Richard Brown and Matthew Walton

Others Present:  Assistant Chief Palmer, Joe Guest, Phil Visintainer and Hunt Voelker

Chairman David Simko called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Company #1 on Barton Hill Road.

Approval of Minutes:  
A motion was made by Dean Michelson and seconded by Richard Dufour to accept the minutes of the November Regular meeting minutes as presented. Vote 3-0 in favor.

Communications: None

Public Remarks:  None.

Fire Marshal Phil Visintainer’s Report: The Fire Marshal’s report is attached and made part of these minutes.

Fire Chief Chuck Stickler’s Report: The Chief’s report is attached and made part of these minutes.

Old Business:

Commissioner ReplacementChairman Simko reported that the replacements for the Board of Fire Commissioners are being interviewed next week

Dry Hydrants  – Chairman Simko has spoken to Keith Hayden regarding the Cranberry Bog hydrant and at this time he is waiting for the Department of Environmental Protection to approve the permit to allow work to be done. This is because the property where the dry hydrant is located belongs to the state and not the town. Chairman Simko stated that in the near future he would like all the hydrant information to be put on the Firehouse software and for it to be continually updated. This would allow scheduled testing and maintenance.

Fleet Inventory –Chairman Simko distributed a list of the fleet inventory which encompasses anything purchased out of capital. Chairman Simko asked everyone to review and let him know of any changes/corrections. The list also includes the three vehicles that are to be disposed of.  Chairman Simko thanks Public Works and Mike Scranton for moving the vehicles and taking the equipment out.

Engine 2-12 –Chairman Simko asked the status of Engine 2-12. Joe Guest stated at this time he believes it  is  being worked on. Chairman Simko reviewed the list of changes and additions that are being done to the truck while is being repaired. The enhancements and repairs which are not covered by insurance will come out of the Capital line item for Vehicle Repair.

Capital Budget for 2010-201l- Chairman Simko stated that the capital items will need to be presented in January and has already mentioned that the department will be looking for money for a new pickup. Chairman Simko also spoke to Frank Grzyb and Jeff Jyllka regarding a generator for Company 2 since the generator would not start so the doors could be raised after a recent power outage.

New Business:

Statue Regarding Firefighters- Chairman Simko has been contacted by Keith Hayden regarding allowing fire fighters to attend fire calls during work hours. Chairman Simko stated  that there is a statue allowing municipal employee to attend calls. Assistant Chief Palmer stated that it should be that they should be allowed if the call goes to a second tone. Chairman Simko stated that he will respond to Keith conveying this to him.

Boat Motor– Chairman Simko mentioned at the Capital meeting that the boat motor will need to be replaced. After a discussion with Dan Burdick he said that the boat could remain at Company 1. Dean Michelson stated that he feels that due to the fact the boat has the radios and other equipment it should be moved to a secure location, such as Company 3.

Safety Trailer- Chairman Simko asked for the status of where the trailer is being stored. Joe Guest mentioned that Rich Klotzbier will be contacting Nelson’s Campground regarding the storage.

MRT Class – Assistant Chief Palmer stated that Marty Swan will be contacted Code 1 to set up a class so more of the membership will become MRT certified.

Purchases  – Assistant Chief Palmer asked for the following:

Amount                  Description             Account #               Vendor  

$750                            Gas Meter               01220221-5741   Field Service
$700 additional
Total Purchase not              AED’s           Capital         Survival Group
        to exceed $6,500

A motion was made by Richard Dufour and seconded by Dean Michelson to approve the purchases as presented.  Vote 3-0 all in favor.

A motion was made by Dean Michelson and seconded by Richard Dufour to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:30p.m.  Vote 3-0 all in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristin A. Olzacki