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11/09/2009 Fire Commission Regular Meeting
Regular Meeting
November 9, 2009

Present:  Chairman David Simko, Dr. Richard Brown, Dean Michelson, Matthew Walton and Richard Dufour

Others Present:  Hunt Voelker, Joe Guest, Phil Visintainer and Paul Owen

Chairman David Simko called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Company #1 on Barton Hill Road.

Approval of Minutes:  
A motion was made by Richard Dufour and seconded by Richard Brown to accept the minutes of the October Regular meeting minutes as presented. Vote 5-0 in favor.

Communications:  Chairman Simko received an invitation to the Fire Commissioners for Brian Klotzbier’s Eagle Celebration.

Public Remarks:  None.

Fire Marshal Phil Visintainer’s Report: The Fire Marshal’s report is attached and made part of these minutes.

Fire Chief Chuck Stickler’s Report: The Chief’s report is attached and made part of
these minutes.

Old Business:

Engine 2-12  – Chairman Simko has not heard anything since the last meeting and has sent Jeff Jylkka and Marty Voelker emails to receive a status update.

Post-Accident Testing –Chairman Simko sent Jeff O’Keefe an email regarding Gregory and Howe performing the testing. Mr. O’Keefe stated that we do indeed have a contract with them for post accident testing. They will be included in the procedures to follow in case of a vehicle accident.

Vehicles  – Dean Michelson stated that two of the vehicles have been moved and will pick up the third vehicle this week. The old chief’s vehicle is at Mike Scranton’s having the radios and lights and other equipment removed.

R-1 Supplement- Chairman Simko inquired whether the AED's had been purchased

Cranberry Bog Dry Hydrant- Chairman Simko went in front of Inland Wetlands and stated that he has made it through the first part and will be meeting with Keith Hayden tomorrow to develop plans of how to complete the project. He will attend the November 18th meeting of the Inland Wetlands to present the plan.  A discussion followed. Dean Michelson asked if Arden Drives Hydrant is working. Phil Visintainer stated that he is in the process of getting someone clean it out.
Bylaws- Chairman Simko asked how the bylaw meeting went and when they will be voted on. Paul Owen stated that at this point they are still a work in progress.

Hose Testing –Chairman Simko asked how the testing went. Paul Owen stated that it went well and a few replacements are needed

New Business:

FleetChairman Simko stated he received an email stating that Keith Hayden would like to check to see if all of our vehicles are listed so they can get on the town list and be scheduled for replacement.

Dry Hydrants –Chairman Simko stated that Kristin will be entering and updating the information on the dry hydrants into Firehouse System. Chairman Simko stated that he would like to eventually see the dry hydrants tested every year. A brief discussion followed.  

2010-2011 Budget – Chairman Simko stated that the next year budget is open for input on the Munis Software.

Boat Motor– Chairman Simko stated that he has someone available to winterize the boat motor. Phil Visintainer suggested that the boat trailer be taken up to Necsi’s and have the tongue be removable. Chairman Simko stated that he will also contact Dan Burdick

Safety Trailer- Phil Visintainer stated that the trailer has been very active this year and is ready to be put away for the winter. The commissioners asked that a usage report be put together.  The trailer will be stored at Nelson’s Campground.

Veterans Day – Chairman Simko asked if the flags will be taken down after Veterans Day. Paul Owen stated that the tattered ones have already been taken down.

Commissioner Opening – Matthew Walton will be stepping down as Commissioner and will be on the Board of Finance. Chairman Simko asked that the Commissioners start thinking of a possible replacement.

Department Meeting  - The December department meeting will be December 6th at 2 p.m.

A motion was made by Matthew Walton and seconded by Dean Michelson to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:45p.m.  Vote 5-0 all in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristin A. Olzacki