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05/11/2009 Fire Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting
May 11, 2009

Present:  Chairman David Simko, Matthew Walton, Dr. Richard Brown, Richard Dufour and Dean Michelson

Others Present:  Assistant Chief Steve Palmer, Marty Swan, Rich Klotzbier, Phil Visintainer, Ted Hintz (BOF) and Hunt Voelker.

Chairman David Simko called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Company #1 on Barton Hill Road.

Approval of Minutes:  
A motion was made by Dean Michelson and seconded by Richard Brown to accept the minutes of the April Regular meeting minutes as presented. Vote 5-0 in favor.

Communications:  Chairman Simko received at letter from Travelers Ins. on behalf of Rich Klotzbier, Chairman Simko will be filling out the forms and the department will be receiving $500.00.

Chairman Simko also mentioned to the Commissioners that as a result of a recent Town Council meeting all agenda and minutes will be emailed with the exception of the approved copy that the Town Clerk receives for the archives.

Public Remarks:  None.

Fire Marshal Phil Visintainer’s Report: The Fire Marshal’s report is attached and made part of these minutes.

Fire Chief Chuck Stickler’s Report: The Chief’s report is attached and made part of
these minutes.

Old Business:

Budget – Chairman Simko mentioned in a recent email to the Commissioners he tried to further break the budget codes down. Board of Finance Chairman Ted Hintz explained what the BOF was looking for as far as the fire department budget goes.  Assistant Chief Palmer reported on a recent meeting he had with Jeff Jyllka and the suggested breakdowns as a result. A discussion followed and it was agreed that certain information made more sense in different line items.  The concept of Capital vs. Operational was also clarified for the Commissioners. Chairman Simko will rework the spreadsheet and distribute to everyone.

Vehicle Inventory – Chairman Simko stated that the public works director has asked for the vehicle inventory information so the fire department can be part of the replacement schedule. Chief Stickler is working on the information.

Chiefs Vehicle –Assistant Chief Palmer stated that the vehicle should be ready in 4-6 weeks.  

FEMA – Chairman Simko stated that the grant is due May 20th and Kim Fontaine who is a grants writer for the State of Connecticut has volunteered to help the department with the Tanker and Radio grants. Mike Scranton has supplied detailed information with regard to the items needed. Kim has asked for more detailed information in order to complete the grant. Assistant Chief Palmer stated they are still gathering information on the Tanker

Grant from Governor’s Office – Chairman Simko reported that one of the grants available from the Governor’s Office is to refurbish fire houses. The specifications will be available during the summer.  For most of the grants the recipient needs to be ready to start work and be approved by their local town. Richard Brown stated that because of time constraints he thinks that Company #1 roof and facade should be the main focus. Chairman Simko reported that Frank Grzyb also mentioned Gensets for Company #2 and Station #3.

R1 Supplement  – Assistant Chief Palmer stated that it is ready to go and is now in the hands of OEMS and Middlesex Hospital.

Awards Program – Chairman Simko stated that Tim Sullivan has offered to come down and go over the plan and he will ask him to attend the next meeting.

New Business:

Repairs  – Assistant Chief Palmer stated that Tanker 2-12 will be going out for repair. Ladder 1-12 will have the hydraulics serviced.

Dispatching Protocol –Assistant Chief Palmer stated that the protocols will not be changed until the R1 Supplement is obtained.

Purchases -

Description             Amount  Account Number  Vendor  

6 Back Packs    $109.48 each    01220221-5690   GSA
10 Collapsible FF Rake  $54.59 each     01220221-5690   GSA
5 Poly Indian Tanks     $191.40 each    01220221-5690   Fountainhead
1 Chainsaw      $325    01220221-5690   Midstate Tractor
10 Slow/Stop Sign       $50 each        01220221-5690   Grainger
Poles   $100    01220221-5690   Unknown Vendor
10 Mesh Pant    $30 each        01220221-5690   Horwitz
Router Memory           Capital CDW
Shield/Co#2 Light       $900    01220221-5690   Shield Media
A motion was made by Richard Dufour and seconded by Richard Brown to approve the purchases as presented. Vote 5-0 in favor.

A motion was made by Matthew Walton and seconded by Richard Brown to go into executive session at 8:40 p.m. Vote 5-0 all in favor.

The executive session ended at 9:15 p.m.   A motion was made by Rich Dufour and seconded by Dean Michelson to adjourn the Executive session.  Vote 5-0 all in favor.

A motion was made by Dean Michelson and seconded by Rich Dufour to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:17 p.m.  Vote 5-0 all in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristin A. Olzacki