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03/09/2009 Fire Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting
March 9, 2009

Present:  Chairman David Simko, Matthew Walton, Dr. Richard Brown, Richard Dufour and Dean Michelson

Others Present:  Fire Chief Chuck Stickler, Assistant Chief Steve Palmer, Marty Swan, Marty Voelker, Rich Klotzbier, Paul Owen, Lee Farkas, Kenny Royce and Hunt Voelker, Haley Russenberger, Danyel Brewer, Victoria Farkas.
Chairman David Simko called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Company #1 on Barton Hill Road.

Approval of Minutes:  
A motion was made by Dean Michelson and seconded by Richard Brown to accept the minutes of the February Regular meeting minutes as presented. Vote 4-0 in favor and 1 abstention.

Communications:  Chairman Simko received communications from two members with regard to the awards programs and he will hold onto this until the numbers can be verified.

Public Remarks:  Discussions from the Public Remarks are under Old Business.

Fire Marshal Phil Visintainer’s Report: The Fire Marshal’s report is attached and made part of these minutes.

Fire Chief Chuck Stickler’s Report: The Chief’s report is attached and made part of
these minutes.

Old Business:

R-1 Supplement -Captain Marty Voelker spoke with regard to the R-1 Supplement and mentioned that there was a call for an auto accident on Sunday and the ambulance didn’t roll until after the third tone. Marlborough and Colchester ambulances arrived ½ hour after the first tone. Five people were transported and if the injuries were greater the outcome may have been different. There were 4 MRT’s who are also fire personnel on the scene but were unable to do anything because of State law.

Chief Stickler reported that after a discussion with the Town Manager he was told that  Chief Reimondo is writing a letter in favor of the R-1. Also, the insurance certificates need to be updated. A representative from Middlesex Hospital will be meeting with the department once the protocols are updated.

Richard Brown asked that the Chairman contact the Town Manager in the morning to expedite the progress. Chief Stickler stated he will get the time of the call and when the responders arrived from the KX tapes.

Budget - Paul Own addressed the budget and the current majority of money being tied up in capital unable to be accessed. Chairman Simko stated that the current mix up happened at the Board of Finance level. According to the Finance Director there are $17,000-$18,000 in charges that should have been put against the Capital accounts and not fire department operating lines. After discussions with both the Finance Chair and Finance Director who stated that they are only concerned about our budget when our budget goes over and the town has to go to contingency to cover expenses. Chairman Simko said he was also told that any money that isn’t spent in capital stays in capital even thought the operating budget may go over.

Marty Swan stated that at the January meeting an email was supposed to have been sent to the Town Manager, Finance Director and Board of Finance.  Chairman Simko stated that he did meet with them separately and no one could explain why it happened the way it did. Marty Voelker asked that they undo what they did because items for the department can not be purchased they way things are going. Paul Owen mentioned that currently a gas meter is in need of repair and under this budget there is no money in the operating budget to cover the expenses.

Richard Dufour suggested a letter be sent to the Town Council, Town Manager, Finance Committee and Finance Director to ask for clarification on how the Town of East Hampton would like the Fire Department to function.

Chairman Simko stated there is a budget workshop meeting this Friday starting at 1p.m. at the Town Hall if anyone would like to attend.

Matthew Walton suggests that we spend as told and when the budget goes over the Finance Director will fix it. Richard Dufour stated that guidelines first need to be addressed.

Marty Swan suggested that the Board of Fire Commissioners’ call a special meeting with the Town Manager and Town Council Chair.  Chairman Simko will put together the meeting for this week or next week at the latest to discuss this matter.  

Chief Stickler mentioned that $4,600.00 which was an overage from a prior year was posted to the Capital Budget. The Commissioners asked for an explanation of what these expenses were and why the overage was not cleared in prior years. This should have been brought to the attention of the Board.

Tax Abatement  - Chairman Simko stated that the abatement list is ready to go to the Tax Collector and a copy of the names will go to the Finance Director.  He will drop it off tomorrow.

Awards Program – Chairman Simko stated that $19,390 in the Award Program line will be wired to American Funds Cash Management account. The list of recipients will be going to Rick Stansfield at ACG for verification. Two individuals have requested payouts and once the money is deposited checks will be written. A brief discussion followed concerning the valuation date used in the Awards Program.

A motion made by Richard Brown and seconded by Matthew Walton to have Rick Stansfield review the plan as to values at the time of payout. Vote 5-0 in favor.

FEMA – Chairman Simko printed out the documentation to be filled out. Kim Fontaine asked to help in the grant writing process last year and we will be calling to see if she is willing to help this year. Representative Courtney’s office will be contacted to assist in the process. The grant application process opens this week and goes to the first or second week of April. Dean Michelson suggested that we include a grant application for a new tanker also.  Chief Stickler stated that up to 3 applications can be submitted and even though the tanker should stay in the capital budget it won’t hurt to submit a grant. Chief Stickler said after discussion with the officers communications came back as the top priority. Communications will be the main grant application.

Bylaws Committee – Chief Stickler gave the Commissioners a copy of the bylaws to review. The next meeting is the 22nd of March.

Chief’s Vehicle – Chief Stickler stated that the vehicle is still on order.

VFIS -  Chairman Simko stated that he will bring this up again during the budget process.

Physicals- Chief Stickler stated that all are progressing and will be making sure they are all in or scheduled by April.

New Business:


Item                    Amount  Account Number  Vendor  

Helmet w/glasses        $1,950                                  Shipman
PVC Cards               $  150                                  IDville 
Plates/Badges           $  850                                  Roberts Fire Catalog
Nozzles         $2,375                                  Five Star       
4 -AED’s                $5,830           l                      Survival Group
A motion was made by Richard Dufour and seconded by Richard Brown to approve the purchases as presented. Vote 5-0 in favor.

A motion was made by Dean Michelson and seconded by Richard Dufour to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:00 p.m.  Vote 5-0 all in favor
Respectfully submitted,

Kristin A. Olzacki