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03/31/2008 Fire Commission Minutes
Special Meeting
March 31, 2008

Present:  Chairman David Simko, Matthew Walton, Dr. Richard Brown and Richard Dufour.

Absent:  Dean Michelson

Others Present:  Fire Chief Chuck Stickler, Assistant Chief Steve Palmer, Hunt Voelker, George Pfaffenbach, (Board of Finance), Barbara Moore (Board of Finance)

Chairman David Simko called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Company #1 on Barton Hill Road.

Discussion of 2008-2009 Budget – Chairman Simko stated that after speaking with the Finance Director, departments need to be able to answer question on all line items. Chairman Simko asked why the increase in the Part Time/Seasonal Salaries. Chief Stickler stated that the increase is because all items are not able to be completed in the 8 hr week allotted and this would enable Kristin to be able to work 10 hours a week.  

Training was increased by $500, this would enable members to attend training and for instructor to come to the department

Physicals are increased to $16,200 to allot for the appropriate testing to be done on the membership. Chief Stickler stated that the department is still trying to catch up from when the purchase orders were closed and when ½ the membership’s physicals were not charged in the correct year.

Barbara Moore, asked the Commissioners to look at the major increases and look to see what can be cut. Most departments are under a 3% increase but, the Fire Department is asking for a 21% increase.

The Commissioners reiterated that most of the increases are based upon how much was spent last year and the budget was adjusted to accommodate these numbers with a slight increase.

George Pfaffenbach stated that he would support the Town Manager’s budget which would be a .82 mill increase. George stated that the department’s budget just needs to be explained better.

For the past three years the Vehicle Maintenance line items has been consistently overdrawn due to an aging fleet. Chairman Simko stated that the only other items that are over are utilities (oil, electricity, etc.)

Communications- Richard Dufour mentioned that this line has been consistently overdrawn and is finally in line with what was spent. The communications line pays for all phone lines, cell phone, computer lines, etc.

Chairman Simko stated that he feels this is an honest budget based on the passed year’s expenditures.  Assistant Chief Palmer stated that these numbers are just getting the department back to where we were 2 years ago.

Chairman Simko and Chief Stickler stated that if need be the carpet replacement for Company 1 and Company 2 for $2,000 each could be cut.

Capital Computer Request- Chief Stickler stated that this would allow the departments to be connected and would allow the membership to have computer based training.

Chairman Simko stated that the ladder truck replacement was on the capital future plan and since the book came out it was taken out of the 5 year plan. Chairman Simko stated that the Tanker truck was in the narrative for the Capital Budget but has been eliminated from the budget.

Matthew Walton stated that he would hate to see the Capital Budget cut because the longer you push out the replacement of vehicles the more repairs you will have. Chairman Simko did inquire with the Finance Director if leasing was an option

George Pfaffenbach and Barbara Moore stated that after hearing from the Commissioners and the Chief’s they will support the department’s budget

Barbara Moore asked where the Commissioners think they should be with regard to the vehicle maintenance line. Chairman Simko stated that at this point it is $40,000 in the budget and $10,000 in the Capital. If the Capital Budget is cut, then $50,000 should be in the budget line, because truck repairs need to be done for the safety of the membership.  The department is already over in the vehicle maintenance line item for 2007-2008.

Discussion Awards Program and Tax Abatement - Chairman Simko talked with the Finance Director and got a few items answered. If a member is not on the tax rolls in October they will not receive the abatement in the next year.  The amount of the Tax Abatement is tax free starting this year but, the member has to pay the Social Security amount and the Medicare amount as income tax.  That amount on $1,000 is $87.00.

Chairman Simko spoke with Jeff Jelkya to give him the number of $19,645 that the Town owes the Awards Program.   The amount will be wired to America Funds.

A motion was made by Richard Dufour and seconded by Richard Brown to approve the $17,000 in Awards and $2,645 in Bonuses. Vote 4-0 all in favor.

Chairman Simko stated that Walter Rutkoski requested $2,427.49 and a check were cut from the American Funds Cash Account. Walter came across a problem with the 1099-R he received. First the payer’s address was wrong, the taxable amount was 0 and the distribution code was G. Chairman Simko stated he will be checking into why this happened.

Chairman Simko stated that the numbers will be going to Rick Stanfield tomorrow.

Chairman Simko stated that he will need information on membership before he can turn the information into Marie Durkin.

A motion was made by Matthew Walton and seconded by Richard Brown to adjourn the special meeting at 8:10 p.m.  Vote 4-0 all in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristin A. Olzacki