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08/17/2011 Ethics Commission Minutes
Town of East Hampton
Ethics Commission Regular Meeting
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Town Hall Meeting Room


Present:  Chairman James Scroggins, Vice Chairman David Gizewicz, Robert Kilpatrick and James Valad; Alternates John McBrearty and Mila Smith; Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois.

Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance:  Chairman Scroggins called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

A motion was made by Mr. Kilpatrick, seconded by Mr. Gizewicz, to seat Mila Smith as an alternate to fill the open seat.  Voted (4-0).

Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Mr. Valad, seconded by Mr. Scroggins, to approve the June 15, 2011 Regular Meeting minutes as written.  Voted (3-0-2). Mr. Gizewicz and Mr. Kilpatrick abstained as they were absent from that meeting.

Chairman’s Communications:
A letter from Margaret Faber was reviewed.  No action was taken as the letter was informational only.  Also Chairman Scroggins provided a copy of his resignation letter to the Commission.

Discussion of Commission Membership:
The Appointments Sub-Committee reappointed Mr. Valad as a full member and Mr. McBrearty as an alternate.

Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman:   
A motion was made by Mr. Kilpatrick, seconded by Ms. Smith, to nominate David Gizewicz as the Chairman.  Voted (5-0).

A motion was made by Ms. Smith, seconded by Mr. Gizewicz, to nominate James Valad as the Vice Chairman.  Voted (5-0).

Discussion of Administrative Procedures:   
Mr. Scroggins suggested the webpage for the Ethics Commission be updated to include Frequently Asked Questions that relate to the rules and procedures for filing complaints.

Other Business to Consider:

A motion was made by Mr. Kilpatrick, seconded by Mr. Valad, to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  Voted (5-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary