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03/16/2011 Ethics Commission Minutes
Town of East Hampton
Ethics Commission Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Town Hall Meeting Room


Present:  Chairman James Scroggins; Members Robert Kilpatrick and James Valad; Alternates John McBrearty and Mila Smith; Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois.

Not Present:  Vice Chairman David Gizewicz

Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance:  Chairman Scroggins called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  

A motion was made by Mr. Valad, seconded by Mr. Kilpatrick, to seat John McBrearty and Mila Smith as alternates to fill the seats of Mr. Gizewicz and the vacant position.  Voted (3-0).

Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Mr. Kilpatrick, seconded by Mr. McBrearty, to approve the November 17, 2010 Regular Meeting minutes as written.  Voted (5-0).

Chairman’s Communications:
Letters from Margaret Faber were reviewed.  No action was taken on the letters as they were informational only.

Discussion of Administrative Procedures:   
The Commission discussed a possible conflict of interest if a complaint was ever received against Town Council members.  The subject will be researched further and discussed at a future meeting.

Other Business to Consider:
The Commission member’s terms will be reviewed at the next meeting.

A motion was made by Mr. McBrearty, seconded by Mr. Valad, to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  Voted (5-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary