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Board of Education Minutes 8-25-08
East Hampton
Board of Education
East Hampton, CT  06424
MINUTES:  August 25, 2008
1.  The meeting was called to order by the Acting Chairperson, Ms. Robinson, at 7:00 p.m. in the East Hampton High School Library/Media Center.  

        Members present:        Ms. Robinson, Mr. Hurst, Mr. Laraia, Mr. Coolican, Ms. Barmasse, Ms. Pessoni, Ms. Wall and Mr. Gemma
        Members absent: Mr. Vasquenza

        Administration  Dr. Golden, Superintendent of Schools
        present:        Mr. Reich, Assistant Superintendent of Schools
                Mr. Jylkka, Finance Director
                Mr. Reas, Director of Support Services
                Ms. Asetta, Business Services Coordinator
                Dr. Fitzsimmons, Principal of Memorial Elementary School
                Dr. Ryan, Assistant Principal of Memorial Elementary School
                Ms. Turchi, Principal of Center Elementary School
                Mr. Fidler, Principal of East Hampton Middle School
                Mr. Gates, Interim Assistant Principal of East Hampton Middle School
                Dr. Berry, Principal of East Hampton High School

2      Pledge of Allegiance

r3.     Inter-Board Liaisons - None
4.     Audience of Citizens - None
5.     Consent Agenda

Mr. Hurst made a motion, seconded by Mr. Laraia, to move items 5.4 and 5.5 from the Consent Agenda to Personnel Actions.  Voted unanimously.

        5.1     Motion by Ms. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Coolican, to approve the following items:
-       The minutes of the June 23, 2008 meeting.
-       The minutes of the August 11, 2008 meeting.
-       Approval of the Spanish Trip to Mexico from April 8 – April 16, 2009.
Voted unanimously.

6.      Student/Staff Recognition
        Dr. Golden introduced Mr. Donald Gates to the Board and noted that he will be serving as Interim Assistant Principal of East Hampton Middle School.

7.      Committee Reports
        7.1     Student Council - None

                7.2     Personnel Committee
                        7.2.1   Mr. Hurst noted that the Personnel Committee met tonight with Attorney Schoen regarding upcoming negotiations with the Teachers.

Mr. Hurst expressed concern that the Board did not approve extracurricular positions and did not see the letters of resignation.  Dr. Golden explained that three years ago, the Board had decided not to have backup letters in the interest of saving paper and that this has been the practice for three years.  She also stated that she assumed that the extracurricular positions which are part of the certified contract were a part of the change in policy the Board made last year regarding approval of certified positions.  Mrs. Barmasse concurred with Dr. Golden’s assumption.  Mr. Hurst stated that since the extracurricular positions had been items of discussion often in the past he thought that the Board should revisit whether they meant to exclude their approval as part of the certified position policy.  Dr. Golden stated to the Board that neither she nor her staff would ever insert positions not in the extracurricular list in the contract without first seeking Personnel and Finance Committee approval as was the case with assistant coaches last year at the middle school.  She also stated that she would provide the three letters of resignation referenced in the packet and that if the Board wished to changed what paperwork is included of course she would provide it.  

                7.3     Policy Committee
                        7.3.1   Ms. Robinson had no report at this time.

                7.4     Curriculum Committee
                        7.4.1   Ms. Barmasse had no report at this time.

                7.5     Transportation, Buildings and Grounds Committee - None

                7.6     Financial Reports
                        7.6.1   Mr. Jylkka reviewed the financial projections, the report format and timelines for the Board.  A discussion followed.

                7.7     East Hampton Education Association – None

                7.8     Liaison Reports - None

8.     Communications
                8.1             Dr. Golden reviewed the following communications for the Board:
                        -       A thank you card from Ms. Rignall for her retirement bell and recognition from the Board.
                        -       A list of employee changes, 8-21-08.
                        -       The New Teacher Induction Institute, August 22 & 26, 2008.
                        -       Elizabeth Rossini with be a speaker for the certified staff on Thursday, August 28th.  Ms. Rossini is an educational consultant who specializes in teacher training.  She is a cadre member on Understanding by Design, a framework for designing curriculum and assessment that leads to deep student understanding.           
                        -       The Collective Bargaining Agreement between the East Hampton Board of Education and the East Hampton School Administrators’ Association, Connecticut Federation of School Administrators, Local 42J, July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2011.
                        -       News & Notes, August 15, 2008.
                        -       The Board & Administrator for School Board Members, August 2008 and July 2008.
                        -       Dr. Golden updated the Board on the summer technology projects.
                        -       Mr. Reas updated the Board on the new Learning Center at the American Legion Building.  This is a small clinical day school for a few high school students.  It consists of a special education teacher, a school social worker and a paraprofessional.  Students will be in classes in the morning and out in the community for the vocational portion of their education.    We’re hoping to be up to eight students by October.  A discussion followed.

                                Dr. Golden stated that a proposal will be brought to the Personnel and Finance Committee on the cost of tuition for these students.  Mr. Jylkka will attend the Board of Finance Committee meeting to help work out the money details.

                                Mr. Hurst requested that the Board take a tour of the new facility the 1st meeting in October from 6:15 – 6:30 p.m.

                                Mr. Reas explained that it is also a possibility that expelled students can be tutored at the Learning Center.

                        -       Mr. Reich reviewed the building maintenance update for the district, the High School, the Middle School, Center School, Memorial School and the Learning Center of East Hampton was reviewed for the Board.
                                Mr. Hurst asked whether the Board of Education could ask the Board of Finance for $30,000 for the Boundless Playground at Memorial School.  The Board of Education has a $30,000 budget surplus.  Can the Board of Education use $20,000 toward the Boundless Playground?  A discussion followed.  It was the consensus of the Board to place this on the September 8th Board of Education Agenda.

                        -       Dr. Golden noted that Ms. Smith will poll the Board on their availability for a Board workshop with Joe Townsley.

9.      Program Presentation - None

10.     Unfinished Business - None

11.     New Business
        11.1    NESDEC Enrollment Projections
                11.1.1  Mr. Reich noted that the East Hampton Board of Education annually updates student enrollment projections.  We received the report earlier in the year but the figures were incorrect.  Mr. Reich stated that he is very confident that the report is accurate at this time.  The projections allow district personnel time to adjust to and plan for shifting enrollment patterns.  Dr. Golden reviewed the number of students that will be attending a school other than East Hampton High School.  A discussion followed.

        11.2    Summer School Update
                11.2.1  Mr. Reich noted that the Administration provided a summary of the Summer School Program that was offered to provide remedial assistance to children.  Mr. Reich reviewed the information for the Board.

        11.3    Full Day Kindergarten
                11.3.1  Mr. Coolican made a motion, seconded by Mr. Laraia, to table the Full Day Kindergarten update until the September 8th Board meeting.  Voted unanimously.

12.     Future Business - None

13.     Personnel Actions
                13.1    Motion by Mr. Hurst, seconded by Mr. Coolican, to grant Katrina Aiken’s request for a disability leave commencing on approximately September 8, 2008 through approximately six weeks after the delivery of the baby.  Voted unanimously.

                13.2    Motion by Mr. Hurst, seconded by Mr. Coolican, to grant Shannon Stockburger’s request for a disability leave commencing on approximately December 15, 2008 through approximately eight weeks after the delivery of the baby, and an extended childrearing leave through the remainder of the 2008-2009 school year.  Voted unanimously.
        13.3    Motion by Mr. Hurst, seconded by Mr. Coolican, to accept Kellie Alagic’s resignation as a High School English Teacher effective immediately.  Voted unanimously.

        13.4     Motion by Mr. Hurst, seconded by Mr. Coolican, to accept Mr. Short’s resignation as a High School English Teacher effective immediately.  Voted unanimously.

        13.5    Motion by Mr. Hurst, seconded by Mr. Coolican, to accept Mr. Gusky’s resignation as a High School Digital Arts Teacher effective immediately.  Voted unanimously.

14.     Goal Report - None
15.     Audience of Citizens - None

16.     Adjournment
                16.1  Motion by Ms. Pessoni, seconded by Ms. Barmasse, to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.  Voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Joanne Barmasse