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02/19/2008 EDC Minutes
East Hampton Economic Development Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room, Town Hall
6:30 P.M.


1.      Call to order

Vice Chair Jack Hesen called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM

Present: Vice Chair Hesen, Commissioners Jon March, Richard Leone 6:45 P.M. via cell phone; Cindy Rooth, Brian Jackowitz.  Christopher Edge, CTC (6:46 P.M.)

2.      Approval of Minutes:    
a.      Regular meeting: January 24, 2008
Mr. March made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 24, 2008 meeting. Mr. Jackowitz seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.  

3.      Public Comments:  None

4.      Announcements & Communications
a.      The members of the commission received a packet from S. Joan Talley and Pamela M. Amodio with a proposal outlining the Market Strategy and Feasibility Study for the East Hampton Holiday Events.  ATTACHMENT 1
b.      Resignation of Mary Ann Dostaler effective February 12, 2208 and Patience Anderson effective February 25, 2008.
c.      Copy of the January 10-16, 2008 Hartford Advocate reporting on the local business, American Distilling  ATTACHMENT 2
d.      There is a scheduled meeting with town officials and DOT on Tuesday 2/26/2008, 6P.M. to discuss the road work schedule at the intersection of State 196 and 66.
e.      There are a number of events scheduled with Middlesex Chamber of Commerce.
·       First being 2/20/2008 at Middlesex Mutual 5-7P.M.
·       Middlesex Chamber schedules their 25th annual golf tournament
o       Morning Business Seminars that are scheduled for 3/11/2008 and 3/25/2008
o       Continuing Education for Real Estate
5.      Special Presentations - None
6.      EDC Budget / Consultant / Committee / Liaison Report
a.      EDC Current Budget Update
Vice Chair Hesen distributed the budget for 2007 for the commissions review.  The members of the EDC reviewed the current budget line item by line item and made appropriate changes if needed.  Vice Chair Hesen will complete the new budget for the finance department and ask that all commissioners be present for this presentation before the finance department on March 14, 2008.  

7.      Connecticut to Connecticut: summary of activities including: (ATTACHMENT 3)
a.      Business Updates – Chris Edge
b.      Business outreach & items of interest
c.      Streetscape Steering Committee
d.      Brownfield Steering Committee
e.      Redevelopment Agency
Chris Edge reported to the Commission his business visitations which included Paul’s (and Sandy’s Too), Main Street Pizza, Center Cut (new business in the village), Colchester Carpet (new business in Theater Square), and Burt Realty.  Other items Mr. Edge covered was the continued Village businesses concerns (from visits at a few businesses) which included better signage on Rt 66 and for customers parking in the village itself, greater awareness of East Hampton residents of the business there, and better cooperation between businesses “for the greater good of the village.”  Getting East Hampton Properties Onto the Site Finder was discussed; starting with Mr. Edge’s discussions with Dan, as well as his tour of the town with Chris Burt, Mr. Edge will work to gather information on available properties, as well as areas for future commercial development.  There was discussion on the CTC Summary of Activities – January 2008.

8.      Liaison reports from: Redevelopment Agency; DRB, PZC; WPCA
The members of the EDC discussed filling the liaison positions for various boards.  

Vice Chair Hesen discussed the proposed water system that the WPCA spoke of at their last meeting.  East High Street, Marlborough sewer system- the project is out to bid and have received the returns- the bonding commission approval is still pending, however it is hopeful the project will begin this summer.  The Lyman Viaduct repairs are completed and quite successfully. There is discussion on filling the swimming hole.

Mr. March stated at the last Town Council meeting there was discussion on the CTC co-reporting to the Town Council moving forward.  Mr. Edge stated he has not had a direct discussion with Mr. Stevenson how the reporting of meetings will take place moving forward only that they will be reporting to the Town Council as well as the EDC.  Ms. Rooth discussed her concerns with the funding of the co-reporting and how this will affect the EDC budget.  

Mr. Leone has volunteered to move forward as the liaison for the Middlesex Chamber of Commerce.  Mr. Leone attended a recent gathering covering the State of the State and at this meeting there was much discussion of the upcoming if not already recession.

9.      New Business – Consider, discuss and take possible action on the following:
a.      Election of Chair
Ms. Rooth made a motion to elect Richard Leone to the Chair position of the Economic Development Commission.  Vice Chair Hesen seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

10.     Old Business – Consider, discuss and take possible action on the following:
a.      Village Center zoning regulations analysis and recommendations
b.      Design Development Zone economic analysis
c.      STEAP Grant application
d.      EDC 2008 goals and 2008-2009 budget forecast
The members of the EDC tabled items 10a, 10b, and 10c until the next regular scheduled meeting.

Vice Chair Hesen spoke today to Mr. Stevenson regarding the EDC Goals for 2008 and they were advised to schedule some time either at the next regular scheduled meeting or a special meeting to further discuss the goals.

11.     Other: (ATTACHMENT 4)
The EDC received a copy of an Assessment Deferral Program Application dated November 29, 2007 from William Wayne Rand.  The application was completed for Theater Square, LLC as well as the portions completed by the Assessors and Building/Zoning Administrator.

Mr. Jackowitz made a motion to pass along a recommendation to Town Council for approval of the tax deferment for Theater Square.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Leone.  Motion carried unanimously.

12.     Adjournment
Mr. Jackowitz made a motion to adjourn. Mr. March seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 10:33 pm.

Respectfully submitted
Kamey Peterson
Recording Clerk
February 19, 2008

EDC Mission: To successfully attract new business, retain established business,
     and improve the quality of life of East Hampton residents, visitors and tourists.