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11/20/2007 EDC Minutes
East Hampton Economic Development Commission
Approved Meeting Minutes
November 20, 2007
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room, Town Hall

1. Call to order
Chair Mary Ann Dostaler called the meeting to order at 6:47 PM
Present: Chair Dostaler, Vice-Chair John Hesen, Commissioners Patience Anderson, Jon March; Linda Parquette, Craig Stevenson and Christopher Edge, CTC
Not Present: Commissioners Brian Jackowitz, Rich Leone, and Cindy Rooth

2. Approval of Minutes:
a. Regular meeting: October 16, 2007
Ms. Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2007 minutes. Vice-Chair Hesen seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0-0). (Yes votes: Chair Dostaler, Vice-Chair John Hesen, Ms. Anderson, and Mr. March. Yes votes: 4. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

3. Announcements & Communications

a. Chair Dostaler read a draft of a letter to thank David Terry for his service on the EDC, Brownfields Committee, and Redevelopment Agency. EDC approved of the letter and Chair Dostaler will send it to Mr. Terry. ATTACHMENT 1

b. A press release has been sent to RiverEast on the Brownfields Committee receiving the 2007 Citizen Planning award from the CT chapter of the American Planning Association. ATTACHMENT 2

c. East Hampton did not receive the CT Main Streets Program Preservation of Place grant. ATTACHMENT 3

d. A CT Main Streets Program workshop on 2/1/08, 8:30 - 4:00, on Municipal Partnership will be held in New Haven. Two EDC members may attend through the EDC membership. Members of the Redevelopment Agency will also be invited. ATTACHMENT 4

e. The next Chamber division meeting will be at a location TBD, 12/ 5/07, at 8 AM

f. The next Chamber Business After Work will be on 12/11/08 at Harbor Park, 5-7 PM.

g. The next Chamber Breakfast will be on 12/14/07, 7:45 AM, featuring Governor Rell, at the Crowne Plaza in Cromwell.

h. CT Real Estate Journal was received and is available.

4. Special Presentations

a. Art Conklin: Report on 2007 Energy Expo Mr. Conklin is unable to attend the November meeting but he will attend the December meeting.

b. Pre-application plan review: Peter Argiros, 35 West High Street Mr. Argiros presented a site plan with elevations. The project will remove a roof and add a second story to a garage built in 1957 and is a property included in the Belltown Historic District. On the first floor there will be a laundry service, and a nail and skin salon will occupy the second floor. The laundry will be a conveyor system and no cleaning will take place on the premises. The owner is John Bach. The existing curb cut will be used. Twenty parking places are planned. There was a discussion on reducing the number of spaces. Mr. March suggested that Mr. Argiros should become aware of the design vocabulary of the Streetscape Initiative. Chair Dostaler will forward the design vocabulary elements. Mr. Argiros said the anticipated investment will be $300,000. The exterior colors will be neutral. He is working with the Design Review Board. Mr. Stevenson said that EDC could send a letter of support for the project. Mr. Argeiros said the responses of boards involved have been favorable. The pre-application meeting with the P & Z will be on 12/5/07.

c. Site Plan application: Stephen Motto, Dream Developers for Medical Office Building ATTACHMENT 5 & 6 Mr. Motto, representing Mr. Mantikas, said he appreciated the EDC letter of support written after the previous EDC meeting. The Lake Commission meeting went well and the Wetlands Commission meeting will be on 11/28/07. Mr. Motto and his team are working with Dr. Mantikas to create a sustainable green professional building. Mr. Motto presented renderings that showed shaded glass and design elements that will address EDC concerns on glare. EDC concerns on buffers were also addressed and the one abutting neighbor is amenable to the project. Mr. Motto described landscaping. The parking area has been reduced. Mr. Motto said that EDC concerns on natural colors, lighting, and tax deferral were all addressed. An investment of $2.4 million will be made. The building will not be LEED certified. A utilities attorney is employed who will work to secure assistance available for green building. If the project is approved by the land use commissions, Mr. Edge will promote leasing opportunities and look for tenants. Chair Dostaler asked if, because of DDZ regulations, a waiver was required. Mr. Motto said that the requirements of the DDZ have been worked through. The developers would like a formal letter to clarify that concerns were addressed. The letter should be written by 12/5/07. It is hoped that there will be a ground breaking in April and occupancy in 2009.
Vice-Chair Hesen made a motion to discuss and consider taking action on special presentation items b and c as item 9d on the agenda. Mr. March seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0-0). (Yes votes: Chair Dostaler, Vice-Chair John Hesen, Ms. Anderson, and Mr. March. Yes votes: 4. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

5. Public Comments None

6. Town Manager’s report Mr. Drewry was not present.

a. Water system and consent order The referendum was defeated. The next step, Town discussions with the State Dept. of Health, will occur after the new Town Manager begins work.

b. Status of proposed sewer extension to Marlborough A fax from the building department said that this is proceeding. The money is in place. The East Hampton P & Z has reviewed the project and there was a meeting with property owners from Mallard Cove and American Distilling regarding the pumping station and the electrical facility.

c. Main Street bridge project Engineering work is mostly complete. Mr. Drewry asked for an EDC representative to meet with the Public Works Department and the SSI to be part of workshop in January on aesthetics.

d. Water tower demolition Because of legalities, there is no estimated time of completion.

7. EDC Budget / Consultant / Liaison / Committee Reports

a. EDC budget Vice-Chair Hesen reported that the budget is in good shape.

b. Connected to Connecticut: summary of activities ATTACHMMENT 7

i. Business After Work event 11/29 Ms. Parquette handed out invitations. She asked about a budget for refreshments. The highlight will be a speaker from MERG, an organization that gives assistance to small businesses. A press release will be sent. The event will take place. 4:30- 7:30 at the Goff House.

ii. STEAP Grant program update Mr. Stevenson said bond authorization has gone through the legislature to fund small town economic assistance programs. He recommended applications to fund various Town projects. He described his experience with STEAP grants. Chair Dostaler asked about the next step. Mr. Stevenson suggested checking in with the new Town Manager and Ms. Ferro and then bring in other players. He described the typical behavior of the Bond Committee and advised being ready to go with application by the end of January. Ms. Parquette will ask Ms. Sirois for a copy of the first application. Mr. Stevenson advised obtaining a copy of the field plan and budget from the DECD.

iii. Submission of 2006-2007 Town Annual Report

iv. Ms. Parquette's Report continued from item i. There was a discussion with the Town Manager on how to improve communication between EDC and other agencies. Mr. Stevenson said the goal is to lay a foundation to go toward implementation of work that has been done. David Dodes is receptive. Ms. Parquette continued to review the Planimetrics plan for the Village Center. She attended the SSI Committee meeting and followed up by drafting informational letters to property owners.

v. Mr. Edge's Business Report Mr. Edge spoke with Ms. Rooth on challenges with Shaw's Plaza. He toured American Distilling. He met with Mr. Prevost, owner of a 30-acre parcel near the Village Center. Mr. Edge paid visits to Suburban Sanitation Service, Intertech Worldwide Corp., and Lake Pocotapaug Auto, and he found a new lead, Radio Shack, a potential franchise. Vice Chair Hesen suggested that Mr. Edge encourage Mike to do a piece on the O'Dell Pipe Organ Manufacturer. He also suggested a visit to the electric car manufacturer at 1 Sinco Place. It was proposed that CTC look into/be aware of the following:

• The property at 11 Skinner Street, listed at $1.6 million

• Wayne Rand's strip mall on N. Main St.

• CVS concerns and street signal

• Cheers package Store with 2 vacancies

• Trike Shop destination business which will be displaced by the proposed new use

• Governor's Tavern is under new ownership

• An economic development survey was returned from the law firm of Barber & Roberts. They asked for a meeting.

• Festival of Lights Ms. Kangley is unable to continue with organizing the event for this year. Mr. Stevenson will contact an event organizer and he will cover her fee if the event is still do-able. This will depend upon if enough work has been already done.

• Design Review Board grant opportunities

c. Report from EDC liaisons to: Redevelopment Agency; DRB, PZC; WPCA

• Design Review Board heard 2 applications. Chair Dostaler said it was an excellent meeting.

• 2 P & Z meetings, Regular and Special Chair Dostaler did not attend. Butler Construction hearing date was set. There was a preliminary review for Rick's Sugar Shack .The P & Z liaison said the owner is considering a restaurant but the zoning would not permit it. Mr. Edge will follow up.

• WPCA Vice-Chair Hesen said Royal Oaks and Village Center water center systems are working well. A new pump for the Village Center was purchased. The viaduct repairs are proceeding. A commercial energy company proposes to install a water turbine to harvest energy from the water outflow into the CT River. Mr. Edge will follow up on a proposed septic system inspection business.

• There was a discussion of the liaison positions that may be filled.

d. Streetscape Steering Committee See above.

e. Brownfields Steering Committee Town Meeting authorized going ahead with matching funds for the 13 Watrous cleanup, and that is in place to go forward.

8. Business Updates
a. Business outreach & items of interest See above

9. New Business – Consider, discuss and take possible action on the following:

a. EDC bylaws and elections for Chair and Vice Chair Chair Dostaler asked to make sure all members have copies of the adopted by laws. EDC will formally vote on bylaws and Chair and Vice Chair at the January meeting.

b. Village Center zoning regulations analysis and recommendations Chair Dostaler asked EDC to review and consider how to present to P & Z. Ms. Parquette will discuss with Mr. Dodes how to proceed. Chair Dostaler said the fee has been paid and work signed off. Copies were emailed to EDC and be sure of comfort with the work. Chair Dostaler wants to move forward rather that have the recommendations sit like the home based business recommendations. The regulations need to be updated. Mr. Stevenson and Ms. Parquette and Town Planner will dialogue with P & Z to find a good way to proceed. There was a discussion of changes and how to present to P & Z. EDC agreed to continue this item

c. Design Development Zone economic analysis Chair Dostaler received a correspondence from the WPCA that she read to EDC which said that the present delineation is not consistent with future sewer area, and this is a good time to review this matter. There was a discussion of the DD Zone and how to proceed. Chair Dostaler will draft a cover letter for the analysis. Mr. Stevenson said that this can go on a list of items to talk to the Town Planner about. d. Site Plan application: Stephen Motto, Dream Developers for Medical Office Building and Pre-application plan review: Peter Argiros, 35 West High Street

Vice-Chair Hesen made a motion to send a letter of support for the pre-application plan for 35 West High Street to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Ms. Anderson seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0-0). (Yes votes: Chair Dostaler, Vice-Chair John Hesen, Ms. Anderson, and Mr. March. Yes votes: 4. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

The letter will include references to the significant improvement to the property and the consistency with the surroundings. It will also include EDC's concern with excessive parking spaces.

Vice-Chair Hesen made a motion to send a letter of support for the Dream Developers application for a Medical Office Building to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Ms. Anderson seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0-0). (Yes votes: Chair Dostaler, Vice-Chair John Hesen, Ms. Anderson, and Mr. March. Yes votes: 4. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)
The letter will refer to the appropriate nature of the business, the significant investment, and the fact that the developers have addressed previous EDC concerns.

10. Old Business – Consider, discuss and take possible action on the following:

11. Public Comments None

12. Adjournment
Ms. Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Vice-Chair Hesen seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0-0). (Yes votes: Chair Dostaler, Vice-Chair John Hesen, Ms. Anderson, and Mr. March. Yes votes: 4. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

The meeting adjourned at 9:15.

Respectfully submitted
Kathleen Wright Recording Clerk

Attachments referenced in these minutes can be viewed at East Hampton Town Hall.