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08/21/2007 EDC Minutes
East Hampton Economic Development Commission
Approved Meeting Minutes
August 21, 2007
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room, Town Hall

1. Call to order
Chair Mary Ann Dostaler called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM.
Present: Chair Dostaler, Vice-Chair John Hesen; Commissioners Rich Leone, and Cindy Rooth; Town Manager Alan Bergren (left meeting, 8:55 and returned, 10:05); Stephen J. Motto, Dream Developers, Inc. and John W. MacFarlane, JWM Architects, LLC.
Not Present: Commissioners Patience Anderson, Jon March and Bryan Jackowitz

Chair Dostaler welcomed a new EDC Commissioner, Rich Leone.

Vice-Chair Hesen made a motion to adopt the revised agenda. Mr. Leone seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0-0). (Yes votes: Chair Dostaler, Vice-Chair Hesen, Mr. Leone, Ms. Rooth. Yes votes: 4. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

2. Approval of Minutes:

a. Special meeting: July 23, 2007

Vice-Chair Hesen made a motion to approve the minutes of the special meeting, July 23, 2007. Ms. Rooth seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0-0). (Yes votes: Chair Dostaler, Vice-Chair Hesen, Ms. Rooth. Yes votes: 4. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

b. Special meeting: August 2, 2007
Chair Dostaler asked to amend the minutes on page 2, paragraph 1, to read that her choices for consultants to interview were Connected to Connecticut, Urban Capital, and Organization Dynamics.

Vice-Chair Hesen made a motion to approve the minutes as amended for the Special meeting, August 2, 2007. Ms. Rooth seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0-0). (Yes votes: Chair Dostaler, Vice-Chair Hesen, Mr. Leone, Ms. Rooth. Yes votes: 4. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

3. Announcements & Communications
Chair Dostaler read announcements, unless otherwise noted.

·       With regret EDC received the resignation from the Streetscape Steering Committee of Sue Puzzo. EDC members are asked to encourage interested individuals to apply to fill the vacancy.

·       Chair Dostaler, Ann Faust the Town’s grant writer, and Mr. Bergren have prepared a pre-application for the CMSC "Preservation of Place" grant. Chair Dostaler also consulted with the Brownfields Committee Chairman. ATTACHMENT 1 A proposal has been developed to support and unite the Chatham Historic Society, the East Hampton Design Review Board, the East Hampton Redevelopment Agency, and the Middle Haddam Historic District Commission in working toward the common goal to preserve the sense of place of the Town’s two historic districts. This plan will enable all to share resources for community development, make better use of assets and put the Town in a better position for state and federal funding. Mr. Bergren said that the pre-application was well received and he has reached out to the grant writer to develop the full application, which is due Sept. 28, 2007.

·       EDC summary for submission to the 2006-2007 Town Annual report will be ready by the next EDC meeting for review.

·       Ms. Anderson attended a workshop presented by the CT Main Streets Center and will present a summary at the September regular meeting.

·       A correspondence from Town Councilman Bill Devine inquired on the Design Development economic analysis project scope with Planimetrics. Specifically the EDC was asked if the question of ESA rights had been considered as part of the analysis. Chair Dostaler said EDC had not considered ESA rights, and the EDC Board was in agreement. Chair Dostaler said ESA is not part of EDC purview. She will reply to the correspondence.

·       A CEDAS conference will take place presented by the Community Builders Institute on 9/5/07, 7:30 - 2:30 on how to create great downtowns and neighborhoods. The entry cost is within the EDC budget.

·       The Rockfall Foundation will offer a Symposium 8:30 - 12:30, 10/19/07. More information is available at The topic will be "Can We Plan a Better Middlesex County"
·       Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce will present Business After Work on 8/14/07 at Angelico's.

·       Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce will offer a seminar, "Is it Safe?" on how to talk about tough or sensitive issues, on 10/9/07.

·       Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce will present an Expo at the Crowne Plaza in Cromwell on 10/26 & 27/07.

·       A Chamber of Commerce division meeting will take place at the Riverdale Motel. 8 - 9 AM, 9/5/07.

·       Chair Dostaler gave Mr. Bergren an invoice from Planimetrics that closes out the home-based business regulation project.

4. Special Presentations

a. Dream Developers/JWM Architects for 3 story medical building
The applicant, Stephen J. Motto, said that Dr. George Mantikas engaged himself and Mr. John W. MacFarlane, architect, to give him ideas and draw up plans for the property. The site was approved as a commercial site under the DD regulations when Laurel Ridge was approved by the PZC. Mr. Motto's previous project was Laurel Ridge, which he said was very successful and had satisfied customers. Mr. Motto presented preliminary concept plans to the EDC Board. Ms. Rooth asked if Mr. Motto asked for input from Laurel Ridge residents regarding what kind of business would occupy the Route 66 site. Mr. Motto said he believes they are pleased it is intended as a medical building. Mr. MacFarlane said that waivers have been requested on height and size and footprint. They have previously met with Chair Dostaler and Ms. Rooth. The pre-application meeting with P & Z was positive. Parking will be in the rear. Buffers, lot coverage, and parking spaces will be in compliance. There will be two and a half stories comprised of7 medical units in a class A building of concrete and steel. Entry will be on the back side. Fuel cell technology is being considered. Consideration has been given to neighbors by adjusting the buffers. Glare will be reduced by blinds and by pilasters. Chair Dostaler asked the applicant to keep to natural colors and natural landscaping. There was a discussion of employment potential and assessment value. Chair said there is a tax deferral program for construction development property for which the project may qualify and she advised Mr. Motto to look it up on the EDC web site and talk with the tax assessor. She asked what is the potential lease rate. Mr. Motto did not recall. Ms. Rooth asked what would the applicant like from EDC and at what point in the process would they like it. Mr. MacFarlane said it would be good to have a letter of support when they go to P & Z to file site plans in September. Chair Dostaler asked Mr. Motto to let EDC know if they will pursue the tax deferral program, and that would be factored into the support letter. She described the process of this program. The developers said they will discuss this possibility with Mr. Mantikas. Mr. Leone suggested the architect consider stone instead of brick. There was a discussion of setback from Rte. 66. Chair Dostaler asked if the property is in the lake watershed and she said that is an important consideration. If so, the project would be reviewed by the Lake Pocatapaug Commission. Mr. Motto will look into that and he will email the information requested by Chair Dostaler.

By consensus Chair Dostaler was authorized to prepare a letter of support for Dream Developers, Inc. to be sent to the Planning and Zoning Commission.

b. Butler Construction site plan for 4-lot industrial park
The principal of Butler Construction was not present and will attend the September meeting. Materials provided by the applicant are available.

5. Public Comments None

6. Town Manager’s report

a. 2007 STEAP grant application schedule Chair Dostaler will follow up.

b. East Hampton Redevelopment Agency

c. Water system update Town Council approved proposal 4.2, which is what EDC endorsed. Town Council had received an extension from the state to place a referendum on the November ballot. The Board of Finance did not act on the authorization and tabled the item. There was a discussion of the water system proposal choices. To support a special meeting of the Board of Finance in time, one may write letters to the editor.

d. Main Street bridge project

e. Water tower demolition Chair Dostaler said the water tower is expected come down this year.

f. Other
7. EDC Budget / Liaison / Committee Reports

a. EDC budget Vice-Chair Hesen said that there was nothing to report because the year had just begun. Chair Dostaler gave Mr. Leone some background on the budget.

b. Report from EDC liaisons to: PZC; WPCA

• IWWA Chair Dostaler Application for Skyline 2 was approved and then approved by P & Z.

• P & Z Chair Dostaler Chair Dostaler attended the meeting on 8/1/07. It has come to Chair Dostaler's attention of the need for regulations governing daycare facilities. At the meeting, the P & Z changed zone regulations allowing day care operations in commercial, industrial, POR and Design Development zones by special permit. Chair Dostaler said there is more to this topic and it can be looked at by EDC. She will talk to the Chair of the P & Z first to see if EDC may be of assistance. Belltown Square Phase 2 application was approved. A suit has been filed against P & Z for that approval by Dan Scroggins. Hampton Woods application was denied and Hampton Woods has filed a suit against P & Z. Chair Dostaler, Vice-Chair Hesen, and Ms. Anderson attended a workshop with P & Z where EDC talked about home-based business regulations. It went well.

• WPCA Vice-Chair Hesen Vice-Chair Hesen said that proposed guidelines for public water systems were set. This will strengthen the Town's relationship with developers. There was a discussion of Royal Oaks. The Village Center Water system has amounts of lead and copper leaking into the water system. A consultant will be called and there will be addition of soda ash to the system. Theatre Square Water System will have a private operation but it will not be owned by the Town. Both of the viaduct repair projects on the Air Line trail have slowed down.

c. Streetscape Steering Committee - Chair Dostaler There has been a delay in approving the current scope document., but it is hoped that all will get back on track because the clock is ticking. There have been positive conversations with the SSC Chair, the Town Manager and TPA. The Town Manager will coordinate with parties to move things forward.

d. Brownfields Steering Committee - Chair Dostaler They are moving forward with implementation of 3 grants. There is a need to consider what will be the end uses of 103 Main Street and 13 Watrous Street. There will be updates about a meeting that is taking place this evening.

8. Business Updates

a. Business Outreach

• Sue Puzzo of Especially for You will celebrate her 5th anniversary and give her 10,000th customer a gift certificate. She would like an EDC photo shoot. A date will be coordinated.

• A survey was returned by Farber & Roberts, Attorneys, and they asked to meet with an EDC member. Cindy Rooth indicated she would contact them.

• Pawsitive Solutions in the Village center has opened. Mr. Leone will outreach and offer the grand opening banner. Chair Dostaler will email the survey form to them.

9. New Business – Consider, discuss and take possible action on the following:

a. Items covered in Town Manager's Report None.

10. Old Business – Consider, discuss and take possible action on the following:

a. Economic Development consultant selection and recommendation to Town Council Chair Dostaler said that she, Vice-Chair Hesen, Ms. Anderson and Ms. Rooth interviewed 3 candidates.
There was a discussion of the styles and abilities of the three candidates. It became apparent that Urban Capital was not the firm for which EDC was looking. Connected to Connecticut and Organization Dynamics were carefully considered. Some topics considered were ability to implement as opposed to analyze, ability to build consensus, familiarity with creating a business database, consultant fees, retention, and traits that would move an agenda and/or bring together different agencies and help EDC to influence others. Chair Dostaler said the next steps are to run reference checks for the 2 companies with Mr. Bergren. A special meeting will be called on 8/30/07 at 6:30 to make the final decision as a full board with all possible input.

b. Home-based business, Design Development and Village Center zoning regulations Chair Dostaler said there are 3 projects currently in process.

1. Home-based business - Vice-chair Hesen said he attended the workshop with P & Z on home-based businesses and he was impressed with Glenn Chalder. Vice-Chair Hesen said he would like crafts people to be included in home-based businesses. Chair Dostaler will contact Mr. Chalder on that issue. Mr. Chalder has handed over his final summary to P & Z and it is hoped there will be a public meeting.

2. Design Development - Planimetrics has begun research on this project and may present at the September meeting.

3. Village Center zoning regulations - Chair Dostaler said there was a very good field walk with Ms. Ferro and Mr. Chalder, two members of EDC (Jack Hesen and Patience Anderson), the Town Manager and the P&Z vice chairman. TPA will return in September or October with their findings and recommendations.

c. East Hampton Community Guide Chair Dostaler handed out copies of the completed guide and said this is a tangible accomplishment that EDC has made available to the community. ATTACHMENT 3

11. Public Comments
Irene Curtis spoke about tractor-trailers being stored and used for storage across from Paul and Sandy's. She objected to their presence and said this does not happen in other towns. She also said the issue of brown power should be addressed and CL&P should be contacted. An improvement would enable machine shops to operate in the town. She said that women would come to the town to shop and women like a unique place. She wished that East Hampton could become a town in bloom. She objected to the choice of lamps made by the Streetscape Steering Committee. Ms. Curtis suggested lamps with hanging baskets. Ms. Rooth encouraged Ms. Curtis to consider applying to be a member of the Streetscape Steering Committee.
Mr. Bergren returned and gave a brief summary of the Brownfields meeting and there was a brief discussion of brown power electrical failures in the town.

12. Adjournment
Ms. Rooth made a motion to adjourn. Vice-Chair Hesen seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0-0). (Yes votes: Chair Dostaler, Vice-Chair Hesen, Mr. Leone, Ms. Rooth. Yes votes: 4. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Wright Recording Clerk
Attachments referenced in these minutes can be viewed at East Hampton Town Hall.