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01/16/2007 EDC Minutes
East Hampton Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
January 16, 2007
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room, Town Hall

1. Call to Order:
Acting Chair Mary Ann Dostaler called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM.

Present: Vice-Chair Mary Ann Dostaler, Commissioners John Hesen, Bryan Jackowitz, Jon March (arrived 6:50) and Cindy Rooth; Lori Davis, Howard Schwager, Clay Crawford

Not Present: None

2. Approval of Minutes

a. Regular Meeting: December 19, 2006 Ms. Rooth made a motion that the minutes from December 19, 2006 be approved. Mr. Hesen seconded the motion. The motion carried (3-0-1). (Yes votes: Vice-Chair Dostaler, Mr. Hesen, Ms. Rooth. Yes votes: 3. No votes: 0. Abstentions: Mr. Jackowitz. Abstentions: 1.)

3. Announcements & Communications

All announcements and communications were read by Vice-Chair Dostaler except where noted.

• A Connecticut Main Street Program will be offered this Friday. Vice-Chair Dostaler and Mr. Hesen will attend. The next workshop will be on April 27, 2007 on Visualizing Change. EDC members please consider attending. Attendees will be decided next meeting.

• Town Meeting will be held on January 19, 2007 at 4 PM for discussion of the draft anti-blight ordinance. The draft is available on the town web site. Ms. Rooth will try to attend.

• On Thursday, January 25, 2007 at 6:45 PM at the Community Room, there will be a Brownfields Committee Forum. There will be a wrap up of the 2003 Assessment Grant Program, highlights of where they are now in the cleanup grant for 13 Watrous St. and information on next steps/pending grants.

• On January 25, 2007, at 4:30 PM (Vice-Chair Dostaler will confirm the time in an email.), there will be a Facilities Committee meeting. This committee is close to decisions. EDC should stay on top of these decisions.

• On January 29, 2007, there will be a Town Meeting to vote on 2 bonding questions in order to move forward the Main Street Bridge and Flanders Road repairs. The questions will be put to all at the High School at 7 PM whether to proceed with the bonding More information is available at the Town web site. This is an important meeting.

• The next Chamber of Commerce Division Meeting will be on February 7, 2007 at 8 AM. The topic is to be announced.

• The next Chamber of Commerce Breakfast will be at the Crowne Plaza in Cromwell at 7:45 on January 25, 2007. Dr. Lee will speak.

• The next Business After Work event will be on February at the Citizens Bank in Middletown. Contact Vice-Chair Dostaler for specifics.

• A correspondence from the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities announces that there will be a conference on the topic, "How Connecticut communities can take advantage of transit oriented development."

• The Connecticut Real Estate Journal was offered to EDC.

• The current issue of the Hartford Business Journal Trends Report provides statistics on Hartford demographics will be available in the EDC library.

• An email was received from the Connecticut Main Streets Program to request relevant photos.

• A draft letter to thank George Coshow for his service to the EDC and the community was read.

EDC agreed by consensus to send a letter of thanks to George Coshow.

• After the previous meeting, a letter was sent to support the zone change requested at that meeting.

• Peaceful Hill Tree Farm has received a $49,000 grant for expansion and will move forward with implementation.

• EDC received a thank you letter from Monica Kangley for the support of the Festival of Lights.

4. Town Manager's report

Mr. Bergren was unable to attend, but copies of a packet of information he had supplied were handed out to EDC. Vice-Chair Dostaler spoke on the information, except where otherwise noted.

a. Policy and Process for EDC review of building applications

Mr. Bergren continues to work on the timely exchange of information between departments to ensure EDC will be aware of building applications. He drafted an administrative directive, and a policy is being shaped. The timeliness of this issue is extremely important. Vice-Chair Dostaler showed a case in point, a site plan of a development that the P & Z had heard as a concept plan several months ago, proposing 85+ new active adult homes. This application, entered in 12/21/06, had not been forwarded to EDC because it is residential even though it is in the DD Zone. The property is near Bear Swamp, close to Route 66. This will be on the EDC agenda in February and we can discuss it further. There is a pressing need to remedy the situation. Ms. Rooth asked to be included in communications regarding this application, especially the conservation commission's review. Mr. Hesen described the sewer situation of the area, and said he believes that sufficient water will be a problem.

b. Brownfields Initiative update

The draft RFQ has been given to the Finance Director and Town Manager for review. It is behind schedule. Also, a copy of the Brownfields Summary Report will need to be copied as we look for state support. Copies should go to State Representative Hamm, Senator Daly, and Liz Appelle to show the progress that has been made.

EDC agreed by consensus to use money from the printing budget to make copies of the Brownfields Summary Report.

c. Water system and consent order update

Town Council and WPCA met in a workshop last Wednesday. The McGuire Group presented various options to address Item 4 in the consent order. They will meet again tomorrow, Wednesday evening 1/20/07, for refinements. They must respond to the state by January 31, 2007. It is a most important priority to address public health and safety issues. Mr. Hesen said that all relates to the Village Center water system and how to provide sufficient water. He described various possibilities, and noted that Shaw's has had difficulty finding enough water. There was agreement among members that no further test holes had been drilled to their knowledge. Mr. Hesen offered maps of the proposed water system to EDC members.

d. Town Council budget policy statement

The Town Manager's packet included a budget policy statement draft. If the push to hire an Economic Development Coordinator is successful, the total for the EDC budget will go higher. Vice-Chair Dostaler endorsed hiring an Economic Development Coordinator.

e. 2006 Town Annual Report Reports are due from each agency this week. A draft EDC and Brownfields subcommittee summary was passed out to EDC members. Vice-Chair Dostaler asked for input from members by Friday, and she will submit the report this week.

5. Public Comments

6. Special Presentations

a. Lori Davis, Radiance Salon

Ms. Davis has opened a full-service family-oriented salon. She is licensed in CT and VA. She likes her location and has begun some marketing, such as an advertised special in Rivereast. The renovations are very attractive. EDC thanked her for coming to the meeting and offered further assistance if needed. She has used the grand opening banner.

b. Howard Schwager: 46 Skinner St. for commercial /industrial site plan application

Mr. Schwager presented a site plan dated December 19, 2006. ATTACHMENT 3 No tenant is currently proposed, but Mr. Schwager hopes to offer shop space with office space for contractors or the service industry. Historically, the houses on the street had served as offices for industries across the street. He expects to offer 4,000 feet of floor space with a second floor and shop space. He expects to make an attractive impression from the street with a new building, and to have a driveway winding up the steep hill to the industrial spaces. This will necessitate blasting. He would be pleased if the foundation were complete by the end of 2007. EDC members offered suggestions on how to make the view from the street more attractive, and advised Mr. Schwager to study his competition in the Town, do market research, and make a traffic count. EDC thanked Mr. Schwager and encouraged him to return. Mr. Schwager said that EDC could help him by writing a letter to the P & Z to endorse his project.

i. Discussion and possibly take action Ms. Rooth said this is a very positive step for that area of the town.

Ms. Rooth made a motion that EDC write a letter to support Howard Schwager's application. Mr. Hesen seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0-0). (Yes votes: Vice- Chair Dostaler, Mr. Hesen, Mr. Jackowitz, Mr. March, Ms. Rooth. Yes votes: 5. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

c. Clay Crawford: Your Town Community Guide

Mr. Crawford said that Your Town Community Guide is an 8 year-old company that works with municipalities free of charge. They work with towns in Connecticut at the invitation of the Tourism Board of the state government. One product includes a map, relevant graphics, zip codes, important telephone numbers, school superintendents and information important for people who are relocating. Another product is geared toward realty. Mr. Clay said that advertisers fund the work, and a letter of endorsement from the Town Manager would help him to approach potential advertisers. Half of the distribution is controlled by the Town and half by Your Town Community Guide, which supplies material to CT information sites, surrounding towns, and other places outside of the town. He showed EDC examples of products previously created. He needs an accurate map of the town. The timeline is three months, and EDC will be given a proof. He described three different products.

i. Discussion and possibly take action Mr. March described a similar product from another company, Mail-A-Map. It was agreed that this product would be considered separately.

Mr. Jackowitz made a motion that EDC recommend to Town Council that the Town move forward with Your Town Community Guide. Ms. Rooth seconded the motion.

Mr. Jackowitz amended the previous motion to recommend that EDC support and champion Your Town Guide and request that the Town Manager write a letter endorsing this project. Ms. Rooth seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0-0). (Yes votes: Vice-Chair Dostaler, Mr. Hesen, Mr. Jackowitz, Mr. March, Ms. Rooth. Yes votes: 5. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

d. Mail-A-Map

Mr. March said that he was in contact with Mail-A-Map, which offers advertising the size of a business card on its town map. He showed EDC members a sample of their product and described a payment plan for $270 over time and a cost of $255 if pre-paid. Ms. Rooth said the EDC web site must be included in the advertising space.

Ms. Rooth made a motion that EDC buy a business card sized ad from Mail-A-Map. Mr. Hesen seconded the motion.

Vice-Chair Dostaler amended the previous motion to say that EDC will buy a business card sized ad from Mail-A-Map for the one-time payment price of $255, and the ad will include the web address of EDC. Ms. Rooth seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0-0). (Yes votes: Vice-Chair Dostaler, Mr. Hesen, Mr. Jackowitz, Mr. March, Ms. Rooth. Yes votes: 5. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

7. EDC Budget/Liaison/Committee Reports

a. EDC Budget

Vice-Chair Dostaler handed out documents with EDC goals achieved, grant revenue, grant funding that is in process, and a budget which is not much different from the previous year. The revenue is far more than the cost. Vice-Chair Dostaler asked EDC members to please look at the budget and send input. The final budget will be submitted to the Finance Director before the end of the week. The budget can be adjusted for economic development coordinator position. The Chair of the EDC will present on March 2, 2007. A public hearing will take place on March 19, 2007. Ms. Rooth said that business people should attend this meeting to promote the need for an economic development coordinator.

Ms. Rooth made a motion to approve the EDC 07-08 budget. Mr. Hesen seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0-0). (Yes votes: Vice-chair Dostaler, Mr. Hesen, Mr. Jackowitz, Mr. March, Ms. Rooth. Yes votes: 5. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

b. Report from EDC liaisons to PZC; ZBA; IWWA; WPCA

Mr. Hesen reported that a water system workshop will be held tomorrow night at 6:30 at the Middle School. Vice-Chair Dostaler said that at the P & Z meeting on January 3, 2007, elections were held and the Reverend Charles Harmon was elected Chair and Peter Arrestad was elected Vice-Chair. A scheduled workshop for zoning regulation updates and changes will be held on January 25th and time and location will be forwarded.

c. Streetscape Initiative

Town Council has adopted a resolution for a Streetscape Initiative Steering Committee and is conducting interviews this week. TPA, Mr. Bergren, and Vice-Chair Dostaler have met to outline priorities. A draft agreement was given out. Please send input on this draft. ATTACHMENT 6 Tentative dates are in place for the initial meeting between TPA and the Steering Committee members. The site walk will be on January 29, 2007, at 9:30 in the morning, and the first community forum will be at 7 PM on February 1, 2007 in the Community Room, to be led by a TPA consultant. TPA recognizes that Shaw's is a potentially great partner.

8. Business updates Vice-Chair Dostaler reported the following:

• A new business, H & E Appliances, has opened in the Nesci Building. Mr. Jackowitz will outreach, offer a welcome, and extend EDC support and the use of the banner.

• An insurance agency relocated to space adjacent to Belltown Dental from the PO/R Building. Mr. Hesen reported the following:

• A chiropractor is leaving town because the rate of his rental went up. The chiropractor has moved to Marlborough.

9. New Business Vice-Chair Dostaler reported the following:

a. EDC support for Brownfields Steering Committee consultant selection process

Once the RFQ is published and receives responses, the Brownfields Committee looks to the EDC for help in the selection process. Ms. Rooth offered to assist the committee.

b. Review of zoning regulations

At the previous EDC meeting, the need was especially apparent for EDC review and update of zoning regulation specific to economic development concerns. A correspondence on that topic has been forwarded to P & Z members, EDC members, Mr. Bergren, Mr. Dodes, Planimetrics, and TPA Design Group. A meeting has been scheduled with TPA and Planimetrics for this Thursday at 9 AM. The purpose is to scope work that each firm will do so that they can draft work plans with the Town and this will help with the DDZ and the Village Center. Regulations need to be updated before water comes in. TPA has knowledge of brownfields and Planimetrics is well versed in regulatory language.

c. Application of Belltown Square Phase II submitted by East Hampton NE Development LLC

An application for Phase II, including construction of the proposed pharmacy, has been submitted. Ms. Rooth said there had been a cease and desist order because of the water table and dumping into Lake Pocotopaug. Vice-Chair Dostaler said that this is in the purview of the IWC and the P & Z. The application will be on the EDC February agenda so that EDC might take action. The applicant will be invited to address the EDC, and members can review the site plan in the meantime. There was general agreement that the applicant should produce a rendering at that meeting of the entire project.

d. Magnum LLC/Roadside Deli

The applicant will be invited to address EDC. EDC will ask the applicant for a rendering.

10. Old Business

a. Election of officers

Mr. Jackowitz made a motion to nominate Mary Ann Dostaler to be the EDC Chair. Ms. Rooth seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0-0). (Yes votes 5: Vice-Chair Dostaler, Mr. Hesen, Mr. Jackowitz, Mr. March, and Ms. Rooth. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

Ms. Rooth made a motion to nominate Jack Hesen to be the EDC Vice-Chair. Mr. Jackowitz seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0-0). (Yes votes 5: Vice-Chair Dostaler, Mr. Hesen, Mr. Jackowitz, Mr. March, and Ms. Rooth. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

b. Business Survey and online business directory

Vice-Chair Dostaler thanked those who assisted in entering data. She will work with Town staff to complete the entries. There was a discussion on how to bring in more businesses. Vice-Chair Dostaler will draft a press release announcing the online business directory. There was a discussion on search criteria. Vice-Chair Dostaler will prepare a list of businesses that expressed in the survey that they would like to meet with EDC for the next EDC meeting.

c. 2006 EDC Accomplishments

A list of EDC accomplishments was given out at the previous meeting. No members had sent additions or input regarding that list since then.

Mr. Jackowitz made a motion that the list of EDC accomplishments be forwarded to the Town Council. Mr. Hesen seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0-0). (Yes votes 5: Vice-Chair Dostaler, Mr. Hesen, Mr. Jackowitz, Mr. March, and Ms. Rooth. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

11. Public Comments

Ms. Davis said that the EDC meeting was very interesting and she gave the members a lot of credit as volunteers.

12. Adjournment

Ms. Rooth moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Jackowitz seconded the motion. The motion carried (5-0-0). (Yes votes 5: Vice-Chair Dostaler, Mr. Hesen, Mr. Jackowitz, Mr. March, and Ms. Rooth. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted
Recording Clerk Kathleen Wright

Attachments referenced in these minutes can be viewed at East Hampton Town Hall.