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03/13/2008 Conservation Minutes
East Hampton Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
March 13, 2008
Town Hall Meeting Room
Approved Minutes

1.      Call to Order:  Chairman Zawisza called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Present:  Chairman Peter Zawisza, members Peter Bergan, Michael Brogan, and
Duncan McNeill, were present.  Town Planner David Dodes was also present.
Not Present:

2.      Communications and Committee Reports/Public Comments (Citizen Commentary)
Mr. Zawisza reported to the Commission there was a fax communication that came into the Planning, Zoning & Building offices at 5:00PM, March 13th, from Pelletier Development, LLC stating they would not be present at this evenings meeting for discussion of agenda item 4A.  The letter was read into the record.  *ATTACHMENT 1*

Other communications received included Connecticut State of the Birds in Connecticut 2008.  A copy of this is available for the Conservation Commissions review.

Public Comments
John Hines, 38 South Main Street, expressed his concern regarding the discussion of the application of Pelletier not being before the Conservation Commission to date and why the environmental impact in conservation has not been properly addressed in this particular development.  There are many unanswered questions and concerns.  Mr. Hines understands the Conservation Commission is an advisory board however hopes this will be properly addressed and considered and that the applicant not being present tonight does not forgo the ability for this Commission to review this application.  

3.      Acceptance of Minutes from January 10, 2008: Mr. McNeill moved to accept the minutes dated January 10, 2008 as presented.  Mr. Brogan seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.

4.      Review:
A.      Application of Pelletier Development, LLC, 37 South Main Street, Belltown Place for Site Plan Approval of a 129 unit HOD – M 20/B 51/L 27
   Addressed under Communications.

5.      Old Business:
A.      Checklist:  Revisions to be reviewed:  Mr. Zawisza provided a final draft of the letter to be printed on Conservation letterhead and to be distributed to the Inland Wetlands Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission for their next regular scheduled meeting.     *ATTACHMENT 1*

Mr. Zawisza read into the record a MEMO received from Town Council dated January 24, 2008 regarding:  Policy Regarding the Use of the Town Attorney and Other Legal and Professional Consultants   *ATTACHMENT 2*

6.      New Business:  
David Dodes suggested the members of the commission send a letter to the Town Council requesting appointments be considered for the Conservation Commission.

The Commission discussed the open space guidelines for the town and sending a recommendation for further discussion.

The Commission discussed the upcoming Earth Day Celebration that is scheduled for May.
7.      Adjournment: Mr. McNeill moved to adjourn the meeting.  Mr. Brogan seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 7:24 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kamey Peterson
Recording Secretary

Attachments available in the Town Clerk's office.