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01/10/2008 Conservation Minutes
Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2008
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room - Town Hall

1. Call to Order: Chairman Zawisza called the meeting to order at 7 pm.
Present: Chairman Peter Zawisza, members Peter Bergan, Michael Brogan, and Duncan McNeill, were present. Town Planner David Dodes was also present.

Not Present: Member Craig Wagner was not present.

Chairman Zawisza moved that the Agenda be re-ordered to allow the review of the Application of Robert P. Neubig to be heard under Agenda Item No. 2. Mr. Brogan seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

2. Review: A. Application of Robert P. Neubig, Corner of Middletown Avenue and Young Street – 4-Lot Residential Subdivision – M 20/B 51/L 6:

Tim O’Connell, Engineer with Juliano Associates, was present to represent the applicant. He explained that the parcel is 23.33 acres in size and 9.71 acres are wetlands. The site is wooded and marshy. The proposal is to subdivide the land into 4 lots. Each lot will contain a single family dwelling. Three of the lots will be accessed from Middletown Avenue. One lot will be accessed from Young Street. Lot 1 is a rear lot that has a 25’ access strip from Middletown Avenue. The first 200’ to 300’ will be a shared driveway with lot 3 to limit wetlands crossings. Lot 1 is 5.15 acres in size. Lot 2 has frontage on Middletown Avenue. It is 1.95 acres in size. Lot 3 has a conservation easement along the north, west, and south boundaries. It is 4.25 acres. Lot 4 has frontage along Young Street. It is 2 acres and has conservation easements covering the rear 2/3rds of the lot. The 4 lots will be serviced by septic systems and wells. All remaining land will be undeveloped and protected by a conservation easement. The application is pending before the IWWA. The owner is Dan Miller. There has been one previous cut. This parcel and the adjacent land owned by Dan Miller are two separate lots of record. Mr. O’Connell discussed the erosion and sedimentation controls located on Sheet 9 of the plans.

The Commission discussed, with Mr. O’Connell, the configurations of the subdivision and the conservation area. Daniel Miller, owner, was present and the Commission discussed the possibility of placing more of the land in the conservation easement and then donating it to the town. The Commission discussed with Mr. Dodes the potential for hooking these 4 homes up to the sewer line. Mr. Bergan questioned the habitat and the presence of wetland birds, animals, and plants. Mr. Dodes reported that the application is before IWWA and P&Z. Mr. O’Connell distributed a report from the soil scientist.

Mr. Brogan made a motion to pass a favorable review to the IWWA and P&Z for the Application of Robert P. Neubig, Corner of Middletown Avenue and Young Street, 4-Lot Residential Subdivision, M 20/B 51/L 6. Mr. McNeill seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

3. Communications and Committee Reports / Public Comments (Citizen Commentary):

·       Chairman Zawisza reported that Eastern Connecticut Resource Conservation Development Area brochure was available for review.

·       Chairman Zawisza reminded the Commission of the Lake Pocotopaug Conference on January 17, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at the Middle School Media Center.

·       Chairman Zawisza read a letter from Frank Junga resigning from the Commission. Mr. Zawisza explained that Mr. Junga has sold his property to the State and moved to Washington.

·       There were no Committee Reports or Public Commentary this evening.

4. Acceptance of Minutes from November 8, 2007: Chairman Zawisza moved to accept the minutes as written. Mr. McNeill seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

5. Old Business:

A. Checklist: Mr. Zawisza reported that the Checklist is complete. He is preparing letters for the IWWA and P&Z. The final information will be forthcoming.

6. New Business:

A. Set 2008 Meeting Schedule:

The Commission discussed the suggested calendar and amended the date of the January meeting to January 10, 2008. They also amended the date of the January 2009 meeting to reflect the year 2009. Mr. Brogan made a motion to accept the Commission’s 2008 calendar as amended. Mr. McNeill seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. *ATTACHMENT 1*

Chairman Zawisza questioned when the Belltown Place Application would be brought before the Conservation Commission. Mr. Dodes discussed the application and reported that it would be on their agenda in February.

7. Adjournment: Mr. Zawisza moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Bergan seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Daphne C. Schaub Recording Secretary