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11/08/2007 Conservation Minutes
Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2007
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room - Town Hall

1. Call to Order: Chairman Zawisza called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm. Present: Chairman Peter Zawisza, members Michael Brogan, Frank Junga, Duncan McNeill, and Craig Wagner were present. Town Planner David Dodes was also present. Not Present: Member Peter Bergan was not present.

2. Communications and Committee Reports/Public Comments (Citizen Commentary): There were no Communications, Committee Reports or Public Commentary this evening.

Chairman Zawisza moved, and Mr. McNeill seconded, to rearrange the Agenda and allow Item No. 5.A. to be heard first. The motion carried unanimously.

5. New Business:

A. Timber Harvest – Application of Yankee Forestry Services II, LLC. – South of Chapman Road /East of White Birch Road – M 30/B 69/L 13: Robert Hart, of Yankee Forestry Services II, LLC was present to discuss the application and the report they have submitted with their application. *Attachment 1*

Mr. Junga moved to recommend to the Planning & Zoning Commission that this application be approved. Mr. Brogan seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

3. Acceptance of Minutes from August 9, 2007: Mr. Junga moved to accept the minutes as written. Mr. Wagner seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

4. Old Business:

A. Checklist: There was nothing new to report at this time.

B. Green Energy: There was nothing new to report at this time.

6. Adjournment: Mr. Zawisza moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Brogan seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Daphne C. Schaub Recording Secretary