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04/12/2007 Conservation Minutes
Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2007
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room - Town Hall

1 – Chairman Peter Zawisza called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm Present: Chairman Peter Zawisza, Jean Moran, Frank Junga, Craig Wagner Absent: Duncan McNeil, Peter Bergen, Michael Gaynor Brogan Others: Town Planner; David Dodes, Denise Wojick, Recording Clerk

2 – Communications and Committee Reports/Public Comments (citizen commentary) Copy of water source protection plan was sent to commission. Nothing more to discuss.

3 - Review: No reviews

4 – Acceptance of minutes from A motion by Jean Moran and seconded by Frank Junga to approve minutes from March 8, 2007. Vote: all in favor.

5 – Old Business.

A) Review of fee letter, article completed

B) Review of by laws; Change to article VI section 6. The commission is looking to remove this section. As of now it reads as. The Chairman and Vice Chairman may serve no more the two consecutive terms. Article VII section 2 the commission is looking to change from; The number of affirmative votes necessary to transact business shall be a minimum of four. The commission would like to change it so it should as follows; The number of affirmative votes necessary to trance business shall be a majority of those present and voting. A legal ad will placed in the Rivereast for a public meeting to discuss the changes of the by-laws.
C) Checklist: To be reviewed in next meeting.

D) Earth day has been planned for May 5. Events will be running from 12-4 at Sears Park. Flyers will handed out through the school system.

5 – New Business.

A) Scott Minimick will be sending Peter Zawisza a list of items to do. This can be reviewed once list is received by commission.

B) Jean Moran would like to propose the target for the purchase of Chestnut Hill RD and Pine Brook Watershed area and the Wells family land. She is suggesting that the town put aside funds to purchase the open space and also look at adjoining particles that form the banks of the pine brook. Jean and Frank Junga will gather information, maps and field cards that can be presented to Town Council.

C) Frank Junga shared an article about off road vehicles being used on public roads. The town of Portland will be monitoring the use of off road vehicles.

A motion by Craig Wagner and seconded by Jean Moran to adjourn. Meeting adjourned 7:54 pm
Respectfully submitted, Recording Clerk Denise Wojick April 21, 2007