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03/08/2007 Conservation Minutes
Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2007
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room - Town Hall

1 – Chairman Peter Zawisza called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.

Present: Chairman Peter Zawisza, Duncan McNeill, Michael Gaynor Brogan, Craig Wagner, Dodes

Absent: Jean Moran, Frank Junga, Peter Bergen

Others Present: Members of the Public; Town Planner David Dodes and Denise Wojick, Recording Clerk

2 – Review

No reviews

3. Communications and Committee Reports/ Public Commentary;

David Dodes shared commentary on the fee of open space letter that was sent to him. He conveyed this to them at last nights P & Z meeting as well as the favorable report on the Salmon Run. Also, there is a meeting to be held at East Hampton Middle School on March 12 at 6 pm. The Council is sponsoring the meeting regarding the water supply system for the town. All boards and commissions are invited to be there. This is an important topic to be discussed.

Peter Zawisza shared communication from the town attorney concerning the fertilizer ordinance. There is not a lot of information on our hands to discuss at this time. Peter also received brochures from the annual shrub and seed sale, the society of soil science. Also, the Connecticut Association of Conservation and Inland Wetland Commissions has sent in our renewal application. This will be completed and sent in.

Public Commentary: Member of the public asked about Earth Day celebration in the town. Details and the date of Earth Day were discussed. Earth Day will be May 5 at Sears Park. The Connecticut Humans society will be there as well as a Native American demonstration, Historical Society and a DEP exhibit. More details to follow. Jean Moran who was not present at the meeting, she is putting this in place.

4 – Acceptance of minutes from February 8, 2007

A motion by Craig Wagner and seconded by Michael Gaynor Brogan to approve minutes of the February 8, 2007. Vote: all in favor.

5 – Old Business.

A) Review of fee letter in regards of open space

Letter was discussed and reviewed. When letter is present at the P &Z public hearing then it would be appropriate to comment on suggestions on how the money should be used.

B) Site Review Plan. Quick discussion took place on the checklist that was handed out during the last meeting. The checklist looks complete.

C) Review of By-laws

A copy of suggested changes were handed out and discussed. This will be forwarded to the town’s attorney for review. To be further discussed in the next meeting.

6 –New Business

No new business

A motion by Craig Wagner to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned 7:39 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Recording Clerk Denise Wojick