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10/14/2010 Commission on Aging Minutes
Town of East Hampton
Commission on Aging (COA)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
East Hampton Town Hall Meeting Room


Present: ~Vice Chairman Lance Johnson, Nelson Maurice, Ann McLaughlin and Mary Jo Shafer. ~Also present: Senior Center Director Jo Ann Ewing and Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois.

Not Present:  Chairperson Pauline Simko

Call to Order:
Vice Chairman Lance Johnson called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Ms. Shafer, seconded by Mr. Maurice, to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2010 meeting as written. ~Voted (4-0).

Correspondence: ~None

New Business:
Ms. Shafer provided information to the Commission on an addition to the senior discount listing.  Radiant Yoga will give a 15% discount to those over 55 years old.  

A motion was made by Mr. Maurice, seconded by Ms. McLaughlin, to move the November 11th meeting to November 18th due to the Veteran’s day holiday.  Voted (4-0).

Unfinished Business:
Grants: ~A letter was sent to the Ambulance Association to request funding for but they were not interested in participating.  Funding requests will also be made to other civic groups and businesses in town.

Emergency Plan:  Ms. Ewing contact Richard Klotzbier, Emergency Management Director, regarding an emergency plan for seniors.  Mr. Klotzbier noted that there is nothing specific in the plan for seniors.  Ms. McLaughlin noted that she is concerned about the elderly during emergency situations and there is a need for more information on the seniors in town.

Brochure:  Ms. Shafer reported that Dianne Annelli needs to be paid for work done to date on the Commission on Aging brochure.  A motion was made by Mr. Maurice, seconded by Ms. Shafer, to pay Dianne Annelli $230.00 for services rendered to date on the Commission on Aging brochure.  Motion withdrawn.  During discussion it was decided to wait on a vote until a full commission is present.  Ms. Shafer will provide an estimate of the full cost of the brochure for the next meeting.  

Informational session – churches:  The Commission would like to meet with the local church pastors to discuss the emergency plan for seniors and seniors that the pastors may know that need assistance during an emergency.  The Commission will put together an outline of what they would like to discuss and will plan a meeting in early 2011.

Senior Services Report: ~Jo Ann Ewing, Senior Services Coordinator, provided an overview of the activities held at the Senior Center during the past month. ~

Housing Authority Report: ~Ms. McLaughlin reported that a new Resident Service Coordinator, Jodi Brazal, has been hired.  The Housing Authority has applied for the State weatherization program.

Expansion/Renovation Report:   Ms. McLaughlin reported that she is now the Vice Chairperson of the Senior Center Expansion Committee.  There were issues with the architect providing drawings but they are continuing to move forward.

A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin, seconded by Ms. Shafer, to adjourn the meeting at 4:15 p.m. Voted (4-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary