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02/11/2010 Commission on Aging Minutes
Town of East Hampton
Commission on Aging (COA)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
East Hampton Town Hall Meeting Room


Present:  Chairperson Pauline Simko, Vice Chairman Lance Johnson (arrived at 3:05 p.m.), Nelson Maurice and Mary Jo Shafer.  Also present: Senior Center Director Jo Ann Ewing, Town Manager Jeffery O’Keefe and Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois.

Not Present:  Ann McLaughlin

Call to Order:
Chairperson Simko called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Ms. Shafer, seconded by Mr. Maurice, to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2010 meeting as written.  Voted (3-0).

Special Presentation:  G.W. Frazier of the Independent Transportation Network (ITN) provided an overview of the transportation company.  ITN Central CT provided their first ride on April 27, 2009.  They need a volunteer base of drivers.  Additional insurance coverage is provided by ITN.  The membership program for riders is $40 per year plus a $3 pick-up charge and $1 per mile for each ride.  There is a “road scholarship” program for low income riders. New drivers are trained by ITN and require a clean driving record and a background check is performed.  No money changes hands in the car, the process is a debit system. The $40 fee plus some additional funds are deposited in the rider’s account and the riders replenish the funds in their account when needed.  There are no wheelchair vehicles.  In 4 to 5 years the company should be self sufficient but until then grant funds are being utilized.

Correspondence:  None

Public Remarks:  Moved to the end of the meeting.

New Business:
Ms. Shafer attended a Freedom of Information conference at Russell Library in Middletown.

The Commission on Aging now has a town email address
The chairperson will consider how the email will be utilized by the commission.

Unfinished Business:
Grants:  Mr. Maurice reported that two grant applications were sent out for consideration to Comcast and Ocean State. The funds received would be used for the project.  Comcast does not give grants for that type of projects.  He is waiting to hear back from Ocean State.  Other grants will be applied for when the paperwork is received.

Letters will be sent to local businesses for grants.

Ms. Shafer announced that Loco Perro is offering a 10% discount for over age 55 patrons.  Each commission member received forms to solicit possible senior discounts.

Voluntary Database:   No discussion

Housing Authority Report:  In Ms. McLaughlin’s absence, Ms. Ewing reported that the congregate housing project is on hold due to no funding.
Senior Services Presentation:  Ms. Ewing reported that the architect has been chosen for the Senior Center Expansion Project and preliminary plans have been reviewed.

The Senior Center budget has been submitted.  The full time assistant position was cut back to a part time position.  The Commission discussed their concerns over the budget cuts for the Senior Center.

Public Comment:
Alice Stelzer commented that she is upset by the direction the town is taking for budgets.  She feels the seniors are losing out as they need more staffing at the center.  

Ivy Maurice asked about the process to protest the budget cuts.  It was noted that citizens should attend the budget meetings and public hearings to voice concerns.

Hunt Voelker asked about surveys of other senior centers in neighboring towns.  It was noted that this has already been done.  He also asked if the census will help in identifying the senior population.

A motion was made by Ms. Simko, seconded by Mr. Maurice, to adjourn the meeting at 4:10 p.m.  (Voted 4-0)

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary