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12/10/2009 Commission on Aging Minutes
Town of East Hampton
Commission on Aging (COA)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
East Hampton Town Hall Meeting Room

Present:  Chairperson Pauline Simko, Vice Chairman Lance Johnson, Nelson Maurice, Ann McLaughlin and Mary Jo Shafer.  Also present: Town Manager Jeffery O’Keefe, Senior Center Director Jo Ann Ewing and Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois.

Call to Order:
Chairperson Simko called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin, seconded by Ms. Shafer, to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2009 meeting as written.  Voted (5-0).

Correspondence:  None

Public Remarks:  None

New Business:
Ms. Shafer presented an opportunity at a restaurant in town for an over 55 discount night with the possibility of this type of discount at other restaurants.  Ms. Shafer will provide more details at a future meeting.

Mr. O’Keefe discussed the upcoming Let’s Talk East Hampton meeting on January 21st.  He explained that we will be sending out personalized invitations from each Council member to five or six residents inviting them to the meeting.  Mr. O’Keefe suggested that the Commission on Aging do something similar to encourage attendance at their meetings.

Ms. Shafer reviewed a letter from the State of Connecticut Department of Social Services requesting input for the next State Unit on Aging State Plan.  She asked that each member provide input.

Unfinished Business:
Voluntary Data Base:  Ms. McLaughlin asked how the commission can identify seniors in town.  She suggested enlisting the help of organizations in town to do a canvas of homes to determine if any seniors live in the home.  The town could publicize the canvas and a letter of introduction could be developed for individuals doing the canvassing. Mr. O’Keefe suggested getting a listing/report of seniors from the various town departments that may keep such listings.  A form will be created for sign up for the Alertnow system.  The form will include a question asking if any members of the household are over 55.  Ms. Simko will draft a letter to go with the form.  Mr. Johnson suggested a workshop with the Emergency Management Coordinator regarding what to do in an emergency.

Press Releases:   Ms. Shafer is working on a press release for the commission.

Transportation:  Mr. Johnson provided an overview of the meeting he attended at Middletown Area Transit on December 9th.  The commission discussed the Dial-A-Ride, Red Cross and ADA transportation services and the issues related to the services.

Housing Authority Report:  Ms. McLaughlin reported that the next Housing Authority meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 16th at noon at Chatham Acres.  They have tentatively chosen a company that will come in to discuss financing for congregate housing.  

Senior Services Presentation:  Senior Center Programs
JoAnn Ewing, Senior Center Director, provided an overview of Senior Center programs.  A holiday party was held recently with approximately 80 seniors attending.  It was a very coordinated effort. The Senior Center provides Wii bowling tournaments, exercise programs, bingo, card games, trips and many more activities. They offer a tremendous amount of activities and it takes a great deal of coordination with staff to make all of the programs run smoothly.

A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin, seconded by Ms. Shafer, to adjourn the meeting at 4:25 p.m.  (Voted 5-0)

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary