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08/13/2009 Commission on Aging Minutes
Town of East Hampton
Commission on Aging (COA)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Easton E. Smith Meeting Room
East Hampton Town Hall

Present: Commission members Pauline Simko, Lance Q. Johnson, Mary Jo Shafer, Nelson Maurice and Ann McLaughlin and staff members Town Manager Jeffery O’Keefe, Senior Center Director Jo Ann Ewing and Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois.

Call to Order:
Chairperson Simko called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Maurice, to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2009 meeting as amended.  A spelling correction was made to Ms. Shafer’s last name under Nomination of Vice Chairman.  Voted (5-0).

Correspondence:  None

Public Remarks:  None
New Business:
a.      Mission Statement:
Ms. Shafer provided information from a grant writing session she attended with two other members.  She noted that a mission statement should be measurable, have accountability and efficient operations.  It should be clear, have purpose, service and beneficiaries. She suggested the following “To inspire the people of East Hampton to make a difference in the lives of aging neighbors through volunteer commitment and financial generosity”.  

Ms. McLaughlin provided information from the State Commission on Aging.  She suggested “To promote the security dignity and independence of all CT seniors and to make public and private efforts to promote and improve public policy on older adult issues including long term health care, transportation, financial security, housing, employment and many others”.

Mr. Maurice suggested “To coordinate, provide and initiate programs and promote the independence and well being of older adults of East Hampton”.

Mr. Johnson provided the following from several different towns:
Canton – “the purpose of the commission is to evaluate, coordinate and assist in implementing programs and services for the elderly”
Ridgefield – “The Ridgefield Commission on Aging identifies the needs of senior citizens living in Ridgefield and coordinates services that further their wellbeing”
Colchester – “to offer daily programs, activities, trips, meals, services and transportation within the Town of Colchester for Colchester Senior Citizens”
Granby – “the commission proposes evaluates programs and services for the elderly in the community and assists the town staff in the development, initiation, coordination and implementation of programs and services for the elderly”.

Mr. O’Keefe heard the following wording in the various statements - programs, advocacy, finance, fundraising, policy making and education.  

Mr. Johnson suggested a general mission statement and another mission statement for use with grants.

A motion was made by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Ms. Shafer, that each member study the materials received today and come up with a suggestion for the mission statement for the next meeting.  Voted (5-0).

Mr. O’Keefe noted that after the mission statement is complete the group should form goals.

Old Business:
a.      Roberts Rules of Order:  Each member received the Roberts Rules of Order book.

b.      Town Brochure re: Commissions:  Mr. O’Keefe reported that Kerry Nielson, Director of Community and Environmental Planning, is working on the handbook for the commissions.  The handbook will be distributed to all commission once completed.

c.      Report on Grant Writing @ Russell Library:  Ms. Shafer reported that she, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Maurice attended the presentation at Russell Library on grant writing.  This program was for grant writing across the board, not just for seniors.

        Ms. Shafer also explained that Middlesex Elderly Service Providers has a monthly breakfast meeting at 1 McDonough Place in Middletown.  Anyone who provides services to the elderly can attend.  There is usually a speaker.  A great deal of information is available at this meeting.

d.      Rally at Capitol:  Mr. Johnson attended a rally at the Capitol regarding restoring funding for the elderly/handicapped.  He also attended a press conference in New Britain on August 12th in support of continuing the dial-a-ride program.

New Business:
Jo Ann Ewing provided an overview of the program.  It is a swipe card/touch screen tracking system for those visiting the senior center.  Tracking is used for grants for the senior center.  Jo Ann will arrange to have someone come out to do a presentation.

Housing Authority Report:
Ms. McLaughlin provided an overview of the congregate housing plan that was originated in the 1990’s.  As the project was almost all set the funding was stopped through the governor’s office.  They are now trying to revive the project.

The units at Bellwood Court and Chatham Court are all full.  There are 10 on the waiting list.  At Bellwood Court there are no handicapped accessible units.  If the new congregate housing goes through, they may move some from Bellwood to the new housing and combine some of the smaller units into handicapped accessible units.

Cindy Baloga, an audience member, has worked at the Senior Center for 27 years teaching line and tap dancing and exercise.  She is here for support.

Ms. Ewing’s mother was in attendance and supports the group.

Ms. Simko would like an announcement regarding the group.  The Town Manager’s office will do a press release with a photo of the group.

Senior Services Report:
Jo Ann Ewing, Senior Center Director and Municipal Agent for the Elderly, provided an overview of Senior Services.  She invited the Commission on Aging members to the Senior Center picnic on August 24th at 11:00 a.m. at Sears Park. The Senior Center has many visitors to the center throughout the year for all types of services. The Senior Center has a new part time assistant who is learning all of the phases of the Center.  Mr. O’Keefe noted that we need to look at staffing & resources for the Senior Center, possibly utilizing college interns and recruiting more interns.  Ms. Ewing indicated that September is National Senior Center Month.  Many additional events will be going on at the Senior Center during the month.  She commented that the Senior Center is a place to be proud of.  She noted that a canvas was done of area towns indicating that East Hampton had the highest amounts of people but the lowest staff ratio and lowest budget.

Ms. McLaughlin asked about the defibulator at the Senior Center.  Ms. Ewing noted that a policy needs to be set and training needs to be done.  

Ms. McLaughlin made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:08 p.m., second by Mr. Johnson.  (Voted 5-0)