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11/13/2008 Clean Energy Task Force Minutes
Town of East Hampton
Clean Energy Task Force Regular Meeting
Thursday 11/13/08
Annex Building


Present: John Tuttle, Dan Olson, Richard Pikulski, Rob Boissenault

Call to order: 7:05pm

Approval of minutes:  motion Dan Olson
2nd       Richard  Pikulski

Update of 20x10 Status by Dan Olson
Dan to follow-up to have the Clean Energy Option form linked to our town web-site.

Update on Sewer Outflow and Memorial School roof projects by John Tuttle

Guest Presenter:  Craig Bradway of DCS Energy regarding Power Purchase Agreement for Memorial School

John Tuttle to follow-up with Facility Director regarding the CETF’s desire to have Mr. Bradway survey the Memorial School roof.

Discussed possible future projects

Future Business:  12/11 Meeting will include a presentation by David Hurwitz re: Wind Turbine Energy

Other:  The group shared their consensus opinion with Mr. Ted Earl that the project he brought forth to the task force was not within their designed scope, being it is a private enterprise.

Adjournment:  8:10pm