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05/17/2012 Arts & Cultural Commission Minutes
Town of East Hampton
Arts & Cultural Commission
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room – Town Hall

Attendees:      Monica Kangley, Elizabeth Sennett, Sheila Tomlinson, Shirley Brooks, Carol Lane, Kevin Gunning

Regrets:        Rachael Mansfield, Steven Kelley, Valerie Bozzi

The monthly meeting of EH Arts & Cultural Commission was called to order by Chairperson Monica Kangley at 6:32PM. The minutes for April were approved.

  • Monica announced that the calendar and minutes are now on the town website under Boards & Committees. Town residents are welcome to submit their calendar events as well. Kevin suggested adding our contact information on the web site so residents can submit their event dates. Monica asked that new dates be emailed to her. We also discussed extending the calendar months well into the future to help committees plan and to avoid conflicts in different cultural events.
  • The minutes format was discussed and approved. The meeting start time was discussed, but a vote on the time was postponed until other committee members are present. The member list of telephone numbers and addresses was reviewed and updated.
  • Sheila suggested contacting a speaker for a town lecture to discuss Rogers and Hammerstein musicals with a possible sing along. The commission members were very receptive.
  • Sheila volunteered to draft an announcement of the Arts & Cultural Commission meetings in The River East Newspaper. This will invite the public to attend our meetings and make suggestions. Any news releases will be approved by the commission. Other news outlets were discussed such as the East Hampton/Portland Patch web site. Upcoming events were announced by different members as well.
  • A reminder: If you have anything you would like on future meeting agendas, please send it to Monica by the 2nd Thursday of the month.
  • Shirley volunteered to take the minutes at the June meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.

The next meeting for East Hampton Arts and Cultural Commission is scheduled for June 21, 2012 at 6:30pm at Town Hall.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Gunning

Kevin Gunning