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02/16/2012 Arts & Cultural Commission Minutes
Town of East Hampton
Arts & Cultural Commission
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room – Town Hall

Attendees: Monica Kangley, Elizabeth Sennett, Sheila Tomlinson, Shirley Brooks, Valerie Bozzi

Regrets: Rachel Mansfield, Carol Lane, Kevin Gunning, Steven Kelley, H.S. Liaison

The monthly meeting of EH Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order by Monica Kangley on Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 7:15 PM.

A motion was made to accept the minutes of the January 19, 2012 meeting by Shirley Brooks and 2nd by Shirley Tomlinson. Motion was carried.

Old Business

  • Sears Park/William O’Neill Performing Arts Gazebo – Overall the commission was pleased with the presentation on the details and design of the Gazebo.  It was suggested that Valerie represent the Commission and express concerns regarding adequate lighting and sound/acoustics to Ruth Plummer at EH Park and Recreation.
  • Web site/Calendar – We still have questions as to how to move forward.  It was agreed that the most important thing is to develop a working calendar.  Monica agreed to talk to a town official to put forth our questions.  Can we add a calendar to the town website?  Could a commission member have access to update or would we submit to the town webmaster?  Can we eventually have a more expanded presence in the form of a website or at least a page devoted to the arts?  We have template design for a website or a page. Is there a way to utilize it?
Once the above questions are addressed, we will develop a plan to notify the community organizations and interested parties to solicit events for the calendar. Multiple approaches will include press releases, letter to the organizations, and in-person presentations.

New Business

  • Monica Kangley agreed to accept the position of Chairperson to replace the position vacated by Rich Leone. (Thank you, Monica.)  We discussed other possible members to recommend for the Arts Commission to complete our required number of members.  It was noted that political affiliation is taken into consideration when a member is appointed by Town Council in order to balance the Commission.  It would be helpful to know before we try to recruit to find out what is needed.
  • It was decided that “Event Announcements” will be a permanent agenda item.
  • We decided to create a new position – Publicity Chair. This person will draft press releases to have fellow commissioners review.  She/he will present ideas for publicity.   Valerie made a motion to appoint Sheila Tomlinson to the position and Shirley 2nd it. Motion carried.
  • When Monica talks to a town employee/official regarding the website/calendar, she will ask for an updated list of Arts Commissioners and their expiration dates.  As there are some new members since the original list, we should have it. Along with that she’ll ask Cathy Sirois to email everyone a copy of our Charter. She will also ask if we have a liaison from the Town Council and if so, who it is.
  • Monica informed us that all commissions will be required to present a short synopsis about the commission and what has been accomplished to Town Council this year.  She thinks our turn will be up in September.  Valerie offered to help Monica with the presentation when the time comes.
Event Announcements:

  • EH Art Association is holding a “fabulous” art demo by Kathy Anderson on March 28th at 7:00PM in the Community Room at EH Library. $4.00 for non-members.
  • The Historical Society is hosting Antique Appraisal Day on March 24. 9am - 1pm at the Community Room. There will be 4 appraisers present. $5.00 donation per item. For more information: 860 267-8953 or 860 267-9820.
  • Sheila brought information on Goodspeed’s educational outreach programs.  On April 24th, the Guild is hosting an open house at the Norma Terris Theater with a tour of 100s of costumes.
Motion for adjournment was made by Shirley Brooks and 2nd by Elizabeth Sennett. Motion carried.

The next meeting for East Hampton Arts and Cultural Commission is scheduled for March 16, 2012 at 7:00PM at Town Hall.

Respectfully Submitted,
Valerie Bozzi
Valerie Bozzi