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06/16/2011 Arts & Cultural Commission Minutes
East Hampton Arts and Cultural Commission
Meeting Minutes – Thursday,  June 16, 2011

Location: 70 Main Coffee House and Art Gallery
Members present: Rich Leone – Chair, Rachel Mansfield – Vice Chair, Val Bozzi, Shirley Brooks, Kevin Gunning, Carol Lane, Elizabeth Sennett, Thom Cordeiro (Town Council liaison)
Call to order: 7:07pm
Meeting held at 70 Main as part of an Open House event to reach out to artists in the community.  
Commission members greeted many members of the arts community that came out and registered.  Hope is that this registration will be used for upcoming web-site development for the commission.
No motions or votes taken
Meeting adjourned: 8:18pm Rich Leone motion, Val Bozzi seconded.