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May 30, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of May 30, 2007

Members Present:        Paul Anderson, Tom Davis, Reggie Bancroft, Jim Barton (Alternate), and Ed Farrell (Alternate)

Members Absent: Mark Livings and Dave Tyler

Others Present: WPCA Superintendent Kevin Leslie, WPCA Attorney Vincent Purnhagen, and Recording Secretary Laura Michael

Time and Place
Paul Anderson, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the East Windsor WPCA Administration Building.  

I.  Designate Alternate to Sit for Absent Member
Jim Barton was designated to sit in for Mark Livings and Ed Farrell was designated to sit in for Dave Tyler.

II. Acceptance of Minutes of April 25, 2007

Motion: To accept the minutes of April 25, 2007 with revisions.
                Passed unanimously
III. Payment of Bills

Motion: To authorize the payment of the May 30, 2007 bill sheet in the amount of $38,840.23.
        Discussion:  Mr. Leslie went over the bill sheet outlining any unusual bills.  Passed unanimously

*Attorney Purnhagen arrived at 7:10 p.m.

IV. Visitors  
Mr. Anderson made a statement concerning visitors to WPCA meetings, no personal comments are to be made.  Anyone making a personal comment or statement will be asked to leave the meeting.

Mr. Loos, Melrose Rd, read a letter that was sent to some North Rd residents concerning sewer lateral assessments.  He stated that he found the letter objectionable.  Mr. Leslie explained that he sent the letters independently of the Board; he is trying to gage the need for the laterals.  

Mr. Arcari, Harrington Rd, asked what their requirements are.  Is Chapman required to put the laterals in?  Why is the WPCA negotiating if the laterals are a requirement?  Mr. Anderson explained that the laterals had been overlooked on the plans. It was a mistake.  Mr. Arcari said he could understand that; negotiating is ok.  
V.  Receipt of Applications
EW LTD Partnership, 96 Newberry Rd, 6-Lot Industrial Subdivision

Mr. Leslie explained that this re-subdivision.  It is a simple connection and the plans were sent to Len Norton, Town Engineer for review.  Mr. Norton said that the plans are fine.  Mr. Anderson said there are two questions:
1.      Is it is the Sewer Service Area?
2.      Is there enough capacity?
It is in the SSA and there is enough capacity.

Motion: To receive the application of EW LTD Partnership, 96 Newberry Rd, 6-Lot Industrial Subdivision.
                Passed unanimously

VI.  Approval of Applications – no applications were approved.

VII. New Business  
Superintendent’s Report
Mr. Leslie explained that Town Engineer Norton had asked for buoyancy calculations for the pump stations at the Chapman Property.  Mr. Norton received the information, reviewed it and takes no exceptions to the calculations.

Mr. Leslie explained that a revision to the sewer plan had to be made for 137 Prospect Hill Rd; there was a conflict with the water main.  It had to be rerouted and this changed the depth.  Mr. Norton has reviewed the revision and takes no exceptions.

Motion: To suspend the regular meeting for the purpose of holding the Public Hearing scheduled at 7:30 p.m.
        Passed unanimously

VIII. Public Hearing Scheduled at 7:30 p.m.

Motion: To open the public hearing for M&L Mason’s Brook LLC, 16 Mason’s Brook Lane through Coleman Farms EW LLC, 21 Old Barn Rd.
                Passed unanimously

There was no one present for M&L Mason’s Brook LLC, 16 Mason’s Brook Lane.  Mr. Leslie stated that this is a new condo and one-half of the FCC has been paid.

There was no one present for M&L Mason’s Brook LLC, 17 Mason’s Brook Lane.  Mr. Leslie stated that this is a new condo and one-half of the FCC has been paid.

There was no present for Coleman Farms EW LLC, 8 Skyline View Rd.  Mr. Leslie stated that this is a new unit in an Active Adult Community and one half of the FCC has been paid.
There was no present for Coleman Farms EW LLC, 21 Old Barn Rd.  Mr. Leslie stated that this is the clubhouse in an active adult community and one half of the FCC has been paid.
Motion:         To close the public hearing M&L Mason’s Brook LLC, 16 Mason’s Brook Lane through Coleman Farms EW LLC, 21 Old Barn Rd.
                Passed unanimously
Motion: To resume the regular meeting.
        Passed unanimously

IX. Legal
Pump Station Agreement – Chapman Properties, Mansions at Canyon Ridge
After last month’s meeting, Mr. Leslie requested information about the bid price with the laterals, without the laterals and the separate cost of each lateral.  Mr. Leslie sent a letter to some of the residents of North Rd to find out the need of the laterals.  There was a lengthy conversation concerning one lateral to each property or one lateral to two properties along the property line.  It was the consensus of the Board to draw up a plan and have Mr. Norton review it.

Pump Station Agreement – SJK Properties, Quarry Meadows
This item will be kept on the agenda.

Developer’s Agreement – 3 Lot Subdivision on Winkler Rd
Mr. Leslie stated that a plan was submitted without an application and there has not been a review.  They are looking for a referral letter stating there is enough capacity.  Mr. Leslie spoke with Town Planner Laurie Whitten about the referral letter; it should be a sewer service area and capacity letter.  This letter should be the first step in the process.  Mr. Anderson looked at the Sewer Service Area Map and determined that the subdivision is well within the sewer service area and Mr. Leslie reported that there is enough capacity.

155 Main St BB
Mr. Leslie explained to Attorney Purnhagen that this is a delinquent commercial property that was in foreclosure and recently sold.  There were liens placed on the property, but the delinquent sewer user charges were not paid at closing.  The account has been turned over to CT State Marshal Barton.  A payment of $85 was made; this does not even cover the interest.  Attorney Purnhagen said that a demand for payment can be made to cover principal and interest.  Mr. Anderson feels there should be a time frame given for making payments.  Mr. Barton will explain this to the delinquent property owner.

Motion: To suspend the regular meeting to enter into Executive Session at 7:57 p.m.
                Passed unanimously

Motion: To come out of Executive Session at 8:06 p.m. and resume the regular meeting.
                Passed unanimously

*Attorney Purnhagen left the meeting at this time

X. Action on Facility Connection Charges

Motion: To impose the Facility Connection Charges as published for M&L Mason’s Brook LLC, 16 Mason’s Brook Ln through Coleman Farms EW LLC, 21 Old Barn Rd.
                Passed unanimously

XI.  Unfinished Business
Newberry Rd Assessments
                        Mr. Leslie explained that he wanted to schedule a meeting to discuss the assessments.  A meeting was scheduled for Wed., June 6, 2007, at 10:00 a.m.  Mr. Anderson, Mr. Davis and Mr. Farrell will attend.

Prospect Hill Rd Assessments
This will be addressed after the Newberry Rd Assessments are completed.

Modification of Sewer Service Area
Mr. Leslie reported that the changes were made to the map and it was sent to Ms. Whitten.  Mr. Leslie asked Mr. Anderson to put together a list of agencies he would like the map sent to for their input. It was suggested that a time limit be placed.  The map can then be finalized and approved.

New Business - Continued
FY2007-08 Budget
Mr. Leslie reported the budget subcommittee met and went over the budget in detail.  The budget in the meeting packet is a result of that meeting.  There is a 4% increase in the budget.  Mr. Leslie explained that he would like to add a new employee toward the end of the next year, probably  March or April.  The WPCA moved from the old plant to the new plant, which is larger, with the same staff.  The equipment is aging and there are more repairs required and new pump stations are being added.  The new employee would be hired at an entry level position.  Mr. Leslie would like to keep the sewer user rate the same for this year.  The WPCA is moving forward with accepting electronic checks for the July billing.  The plan is to move forward with quarterly installments for  FY2008-09.  It was the consensus of the Board to keep the sewer user rate at $226 for FY2007-08.  Mr. Leslie explained that he had brought up reducing the unit charge; one unit has previously been 70,000 gallons of water use.  Research shows that the average household in East Windsor uses approximately 50,000 gallons of water per year.  This is putting an unfair burden on the residential properties. The WPCA only measures water on commercial properties. Mr. Leslie would like to adjust down the unit, half this year and half next year.  This will not affect residential properties.  It was the consensus of the Board to redefine a unit as 60,000 gallons of water use.

XII. Adjournment

Motion: To adjourn the meeting at the meeting at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Michael   
Recording Secretary