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February 28, 2007 Meeting Minutes (Amended)

Minutes of Meeting of February 28, 2007

Members Present:        Tom Davis, Jim Barton (Alternate), and Ed Farrell (Alternate)

Members Absent: Paul Anderson, Mark Livings, Dave Tyler and Reggie Bancroft

Others Present: WPCA Superintendent Kevin Leslie, WPCA Attorney Vincent Purnhagen, and Recording Secretary Laura Michael

Time and Place
Tom Davis, Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. at the East Windsor WPCA Administration Building.  

I.  Designate Alternate to Sit for Absent Member
    Jim Barton sat in for Reggie Bancroft and Ed Farrell sat in for Mark Livings.

II.  Acceptance of Minutes of January 31, 2007

Motion: To accept the minutes of January 31, 2007.
                Farrell abstained
                Motion Carried.
III.  Payment of Bills

Motion: To authorize the payment of the February 28, 2007 bill sheet in the amount of
        Discussion:  Mr. Leslie went over the bill sheet outlining any unusual bills.  
        Passed unanimously.

IV.  Visitors
Sewer Easement Question – Noreen Farmer
Mrs. Farmer asked to be placed on the April agenda.

Hugh Haun
Mr. Leslie explained that Mr. Haun was present to inquire about running sewers to a lot on Winkler Rd.  Mr. Leslie explained that the lot is about 2000 feet from a manhole.  There is not enough elevation for gravity flow and it would require a private pumping station.  Mr. Haun stated that the lot had been approved for a three-bedroom house; he would like to add 1 or 2 bedrooms.  He heard there would be a new sewer line on Newberry Rd.  Mr. Leslie explained that the line will be on private property, built by the developer and owned by the condo association.

Attorney Purnhagen arrived at 7:15 pm

V.  Receipt of Applications
LTP Realty, Inc., Newberry Village, Newberry Rd
                       Mr. Leslie explained that the application was complete and Town Engineer Len Norton’s comments were received and had been addressed.

        Motion: To accept the application of LTP Realty, Inc., revision date of 02/01/07.
                        Passed unanimously.

Rya Corporation/Cal Meyers, Hemlock Court Subdivision Phase III
Mr. Leslie explained that this property is adjacent to Kement’s property.  An application has been submitted; Town Engineer Len Norton had an extensive list of comments.  The comments were sent to the developer.  Attorney Fader emailed Mr. Leslie today asking to be placed on the March agenda so that he would have time to review information that he had requested from Mr. Leslie and to give their engineer time to respond to Len’s comments.  

Motion: To table the application of Rya Corporation/Cal Meyers, Hemlock Court Subdivision Phase III to the March meeting.
        Passed unanimously.

Motion:         To suspend the regular meeting for the purpose of holding the public hearing scheduled at 7:30 p.m.
        Passed unanimously.

VI.  Public Hearing Scheduled at 7:30 p.m.

Motion: To re-open the public hearing for 137 Prospect Hill LLC, Starbucks Coffee Shop, 137 Prospect Hill Rd
                Passed unanimously.

There was no one present for 137 Prospect Hill LLC, Starbucks Coffee Shop, 137 Prospect Hill Rd.  Mr. Leslie explained that the application had been submitted, sent for review, flow data was collected, and the FCC was calculated.  The owner called the day of the January WPCA meeting stating the FCC was too high.  Mr. Leslie told him to contact other Starbucks and gather information.  The public hearing was continued to the February meeting at the owner’s request.  Mr. Leslie has not heard from him.  Attorney Purnhagen told Mr. Leslie to send the owner a letter stating that the public hearing would be continued to the next meeting and at that time the public hearing will be concluded.

Motion: To open the public hearing for as published for Taylor, 37 Stoughton Rd through Benson Enterprises LLC, 23D Pasco Dr
Passed unanimously.

There was no one present for Taylor, 37 Stoughton Rd.  Mr. Leslie stated that this is an existing residential property and one-half of the FCC has been paid.

There was no one present for Benson Enterprises LLC, 23A Pasco Dr.  Mr. Leslie stated that this is a new office unit and one-half of the FCC has been paid.

There was no one present for Benson Enterprises LLC, 23D Pasco Dr.  Mr. Leslie stated that this is a new residential unit and one-half of the FCC has been paid.

Motion:         To close the public hearing for Taylor, 37 Stoughton Rd through Benson Enterprises LLC, 23D Pasco Dr.
                Passed unanimously.

Motion: To resume the regular meeting.
                Passed unanimously.

VII.  Approval of Applications
Nick Tartsinis/Mihir Patel, Bagel Shop, 44 South Main St
Mr. Leslie reported that he had the flow data, it is one unit; there will be no additional charge.

Motion: To approve the application of Nick Tartsinis/Mihir Patel, Bagel Shop, 44 South Main St.
        Passed unanimously.

LTP Realty, Inc., Newberry Village, Newberry Rd
Motion: To approve the application of LTP Realty, Inc., Newberry Village, Newberry Rd.
        Passed unanimously.

VIII.  Legal
Pump Station Agreement - Chapman Properties, Mansions at Canyon Ridge
Attorney Purnhagen reported that Attorney Cummings is working on it.  Mr. Leslie explained that he attended a meeting concerning the pump station agreement.  Normally the developer is charged 12 years of O&M costs and 50% replacement cost for the pump station.  The O&M cost would be $6,438 per year times 12 years, which equals $77,256.  The developer is balking about the cost.  The money for the 50% of replacement cost is put into an account dedicated to that pump station.  The developer has provided a list of spare parts in lieu of replacement costs.  The developer has also made a counter proposal of a maintenance contract.  

Attorney Purnhagen left the meeting at 7:55 p.m.

Pump Station Agreement – SJK Properties, Quarry Meadows
IX.  Action on Facility Connection Charges

Motion: To impose the Facility Connection Charges as published Taylor, 37 Stoughton Rd through Benson Enterprises LLC, 23D Pasco Dr
        Passed unanimously.

X.  Unfinished Business
Newberry Rd Assessments – not discussed

Prospect Hill Rd Assessments – not discussed

Establishment of Sewer Service Area
Mr. Leslie reported that there had not been any changes made to the map.  He is waiting to meet with Bill Hogan from the DEP and with North Central Health before making any changes.

XI.  New Business  
Superintendent’s Report
Mr. Leslie reported that Steve Bednarz has passed his certification exam.  He is working out well and everyone is proud of him.  When he passes his CDL, he will be given a raise.

Mr. Leslie explained that the WPCA is researching a quarterly billing cycle.  It is driven by the higher rates, to help alleviate delinquency.

XII.  Adjournment

Motion: To adjourn the meeting at 8:01 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Michael   
Recording Secretary