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August 28, 2008 Meeting Agenda
AGENDA for August 28, 2008
LOCATION:       Town Hall Meeting Room, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.
CALL TO ORDER:  7:00 p.m.

1)      Attendance

2)      Added Agenda Items

3)      Previous Meeting Minutes, comments and acceptance:

4)      Public Participation - The public is encouraged to provide their thoughts as succinctly as possible.  CRC members will not comment on the merits of an idea at this meeting but may ask questions to clarify the proposal.  A time limit may be imposed.

5)      Written input submitted to CRC:

6)      Administrative Housekeeping:

7)      Review of CRC Members input for proposed revisions:

8)      Discussion of top 5:
a)      Clarify if the ability to sign contracts for the Town lies with the Selectman, set specifics on the contract obligations, i.e. a cap on the amount of monetary obligation.

b)      Regarding the Warehouse Point Library, the Ambulance Association, and the Cemetery Association the Town needs to deal with these organizations on a contractual basis, and the parameters for those transactions needs to be set by Charter.

c)      Review of Cemetery Association, possibly integrate with Public Works or Parks and Recreation.  No employee contracts can be signed unless approved by the BOF/BOS and Town Meeting.

d)      Discussion of separate referendum for additional appropriations requested midway in the fiscal year.

e)      Report of the Ordinance Sub-Committee (including review of addition of the Code of Ethics).

f)      Review timeframe of scheduling of referendums

9)      Brainstorm for additional items, no counter points

10)     Second Public participation

11)     Guidance for next meeting

12)     Adjourn