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June 4, 2007 Minutes
JUNE 4, 2007

The East Windsor Zoning Board of Appeals held a Regular Meeting on Monday, June 4, 2007 at the East Windsor Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, Connecticut.  The following members were present: Regular Members Michael Ceppetelli, Tom Arcari, Mary Buckley, Cliff Nelson and Stan Paleski.  Also present was Nancy Rudek, Zoning Enforcement Official/Assistant Town Planner.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Michael Ceppetelli.  A quorum was established as all 5 regular members were present.  Mr. Nelson read the Legal Notice as it appeared in publication.    


ZBA #2007-03 – Application of Arvind Persaud for property located at 272 South Main Street, owned by Irving S. and Penny Borookow, for location approval under Sec. 14-54 and 14-55 of the CGS for a used car dealer license.  [B-2 zone]

Mr. Persaud came forward to explain his application.  He referred to plans of the property and pointed out that the existing building is 30’ x 70’.  They are planning to add a 3-bay garage where they will be repairing their vehicles for sale.  They want to operate a service garage and a used car dealership.  Mr. Persaud indicated that the display area will be in the front.  He noted that there are truck trailers on the property that are being used for storage by the current owner.  He said they will be removed after he takes ownership.  Mr. Ceppetelli asked if they meet all setback requirements.  Ms. Rudek replied that they do.

Mr. Ceppetelli opened the hearing to the public.  No one came forward to speak.

MOTION: To close the hearing on ZBA #2007-03.           Nelson / Arcari / Unanimous

Discussion and Vote:
Mr. Nelson said he was in favor of this.  He said anything will be a big improvement.  There are other used car and auto repair dealers in the area and it fits within the scope of the area.  He made the recommendation that all the truck trailers be removed.  Mr. Ceppetelli noted that this is an acceptable use for the zone and it is not in close proximity to schools or churches.

MOTION: To approve ZBA #2007-03.                        Arcari / Paleski / Unanimous

Ms. Rudek indicated that she will send a memo to the Planning and Zoning Commission with the recommendation that all of the truck trailers be removed.

ZBA #2007-04 – Application of Thomas J. Meyer for property located at 124 South Main Street, owned by Gary P. Drake, for a variance of Section 18 Residential Bulk and Area Requirements to allow 2 proposed sheds within the rear setback in the TZ5 zone.

Mr. Thomas Meyer came forward and said that he was speaking on behalf of Gary Drake, the owner of the property, who was also present.  Mr. Meyer referred to a letter from James McKinney, 126 South Main Street, the owner of the neighboring property to the rear.  Mr. Nelson read the letter which stated that he has no objection to the applicant putting 2 sheds in that location bordering his property.

Mr. Meyer pointed out that the sheds would be located 5 feet from the rear property line which would bring them to the edge of the driveway.  This location will be better for parking and snow removal.  Mr. Meyer noted that the sheds will not be on a foundation.  They will be placed on gravel.  

Mr. Ceppetelli opened up the hearing to the public.  No one came forward to speak.

MOTION: To close the hearing on ZBA #2007-04.           Nelson/ Arcari / Unanimous

Discussion and Vote:
Mr. Nelson said he looked at the property.  It is located near a nursery and this fits in with what is around them.  He said the sheds are not permanent and he had no problem with it.  Mr. Ceppetelli said that he is usually sensitive to sheds being located close to property lines, but this is next to an open nursery and there are no neighbors there.  Also they are not permanent sheds and he didn’t see any harm.

MOTION: To approve ZBA #2007-04.                Nelson / Arcari / Unanimous


Mr. Ceppetelli had 2 corrections for the minutes of the May 7, 2007 meeting:  Under “Discussion and Vote”, the last sentence, correct typographical error.  The last sentence on page 1, change the wording to indicate that Bridle Path was constructed after the applicant owned the property.

MOTION: To approve the minutes of May 7, 2007 with the changes.         
Nelson / Paleski / nanimous


Mr. Nelson read a letter from Dan Leone, dated May 11, 2007, resigning as ZBA alternate member.

Nancy Rudek informed the Board members that she gave her resignation as Zoning Enforcement Official. She will be working for the Town of Westbrook.  Mr. Ceppetelli thanked her for all her hard work over the years and wished her luck.


MOTION: To adjourn.                                     Nelson / Arcari / Unanimous                                             

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marlene Bauer, Recording Secretary