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September 12, 2005 Minutes
SEPTEMBER 12, 2005

The East Windsor Zoning Board of Appeals held a Regular Meeting on Monday, September 12, 2005 at the East Windsor Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, Connecticut.  The following members were present: Regular Members Thomas Arcari, Michael Ceppetelli, Cliff Nelson and Stan Paleski; and Alternate Member Dan Leone.  Nancy Rudek, Zoning Enforcement Official, was also present.

Mr. Ceppetelli called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Mr. Nelson read the Legal Notice as it appeared in publication.   Mr. Ceppetelli noted that a quorum was established, as four regular members and one alternate were present.  


ZBA #2005-14  Application of James and Mary Kay Kittredge for property located at 84 Windsorville Road, for a variance of Section 18 Residential Bulk and Area Requirements (front setback) to allow an addition to an existing house to be located 28.3’ from the front property line where 50’ is the minimum required.  [R-3 zone]

James Kittredge came forward.  He explained that they came before this board previously in February and were granted a variance.  At that time it was presented as being 40 feet from the property line.  He said they have a construction loan and the bank required them to get a survey which showed that it is actually 28.3 feet from the property line.  Mr. Kittredge explained that he had measured from the center of the road instead of the edge of the property line.  It was a misunderstanding.  He said this needs to be resolved before the bank will go any further.  Mr. Nelson noted that the addition is even with the front of the house.

Mr. Ceppetelli opened up the hearing to the public.  No one came forward.

MOTION: To close the hearing on ZBA #2005-14.           Paleski / Nelson / Unanimous

Discussion and vote:
Mr. Nelson said this is straightforward; this is a unique piece of property.  He felt it was an honest mistake and this will clean up the record.  Mr. Paleski said they made a good case in the first variance due to the location of the septic and because it is no further forward than the house.

MOTION:         To approve ZBA #2005-14.                        Nelson / Arcari / Unanimous


MOTION: To approve the minutes of August 1, 2005.               Arcari / Paleski Unanimous


MOTION: To adjourn.                                             Arcari / Paleski / Unanimous    

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marlene Bauer, Recording Secretary