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January 30, 2008 Adjourned Town Meeting Minutes
JANUARY 30, 2008

The Adjourned Annual Town Meeting of the Town of East Windsor was held at the East Windsor Town Hall on Wednesday, January 30, 2008. First Selectman, Denise Menard called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.

Motion was made by John Matthews and seconded by Scott Riach that George Butenkoff preside as Moderator.  Motion to close nominations for Moderator was made by Marie DeSousa and seconded by William Loos. Both motions passed unanimously.

Town Clerk, Karen W. Gaudreau, read the call of the meeting.

Moderator read the eligibility to vote.

Item #2
The following resolution was introduced and read by Bill Loos.
To consider and act upon a resolution that the reports of the Selectmen, Town Treasurer
and other Town officers, be accepted as printed errors and omissions accepted.

Mr. Loos moved the resolution, seconded by Marie DeSousa. No discussion followed and
the resolution was unanimously adopted.

Item #3
The following resolution was introduced and read by Scott Riach.
To consider and act upon a resolution authorizing and empowering the First Selectman and
Town Treasurer to borrow from time to time on behalf of and in the name of the Town for
the purpose of meeting current expenses until the tax monies are available, and to issue
notes for same, and to determine the amount of such notes and to execute, sell and deliver

Mr. Riach moved the resolution, seconded by Dale Nelson. No discussion followed and the
resolution was unanimously adopted.

Item #4
The following resolution was introduced and read by Dale Nelson.
To transfer $70,000 from the contingency account 1-01-50-8410-8-890-0000-0 to the
Town Counsel and Legal Fee account 1-01-10-1015-3-350-0000-0.

Mrs. Nelson moved the resolution, seconded by Jack Mannette.
William Loos, Melrose Road, commented that it seems like lawyers are running this Town.
He further asked if there was any insurance to pay these legal fees.
Denise Menard, First Selectman, stated these fees were inherited by the current
administration. Approximately one-half will be covered by insurance. While these fees
were for some very serious issues, she anticipates we will see a change in the fees going
forward. With no further discussion, the resolution was unanimously adopted.

The following resolution was introduced and read by Marie DeSousa.
To transfer $23,470 from the Capitol & Non-recurring Account
1-08-55-1025-7-799-0658-0 Town-unassigned to the Capitol & Non-Recurring account
1-08-55-1025-7-799-0470-0 for the purchase of 1 line cruiser from Crowley Ford.

Mrs. DeSousa moved the resolution, seconded by Jim Barton.

Motion was made by John Mathews and seconded by Don Arcari to vote by paper ballot.
The Nays had the majority vote, motion failed.

Don Arcari, Harrington Rd, stated the Police Department has too many added
Linda Sinsigallo, EW Police Commission, responded that the Police Commission
requested two cruisers and received one. Most cruisers have 100,000 miles on them.
Marie DeSousa, Board of Finance, stated the request was for two cruisers. She met with
Chief DeMarco. Two vehicles are used for parts and have been removed from the
inventory. A third cruiser is in half decent condition, while two are rusting through. We
need to replace a little at a time, the Board of Finance recommends replacing one at a time.

It is important to have three on First Shift, and three on Second Shift. All warrantees are

Don Arcari, Harrington Rd, asked how many cruisers do we have, and do we have any

Marie DeSousa, Rice Rd, responded that we have eleven vehicles, one is a canine unit, one
is a grant vehicle that won’t be replaced so we have nine on the road. She further stated
that Line Vehicles are used daily, Back line vehicles are used for replacements.

Cliff Nelson, O’Melia Rd, stated one vehicle has 59,000 miles on it, one has 36,000 and
the rest have over 100,000 miles on them. These vehicles are driven hard and the
maintenance costs are prohibitive. New vehicles are needed.

Denise Menard, First Selectman, stated that all departments need realistic budgets.

Bill Loos, Melrose Rd, stated that the Police Department budget was up by 90%. He said
he would personally check the mileages on the cruisers.

Linda Sinsigallo motioned to move the question. Motion was seconded from the floor. A
hand vote was taken and the resolution was approved 44 to 2.

Motion to adjourn was made by Bill Loos and seconded from the floor.

Moderator declared the meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted
Karen W. Gaudreau
