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December 30, 2008 Annual Town Meeting Agenda

The legal voters of the Town of East Windsor are hereby warned that the Annual Town Meeting will be held at the Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, Connecticut on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. for the following:

To consider and act upon a resolution entitled “RESOLUTION APPROVING OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE GREATER HARTFORD TRANSIT DISTRICT AND THE TOWN OF EAST WINDSOR”.  Said contract authorizes participation in the Greater Hartford Transit District and provides for transportation services for the elderly and/or handicapped.

To consider and act upon a resolution that the reports of the Selectmen, Town Treasurer and other Town officers, be accepted as printed errors and omissions accepted.

To consider and act upon a resolution authorizing and empowering the First Selectman and Town Treasurer to borrow from time to time on behalf of and in the name of the Town for the purpose of meeting current expenses until the tax monies are available, and to issue notes for same, and to determine the amount of such notes and to execute, sell and deliver same.

To consider and act upon a resolution authorizing the Selectmen, as provided in Chapter 240, Part 11A of the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut Revision of 1959 and as amended, to enter into any and all agreements with the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Transportation relative to the expenditure of any unexpended balance of highway funds allotment due to the Town on July 1, 2009 and to enter into an agreement, with said Commissioner concerning the expenditure of said allotment.

To authorize the First Selectman to sign the Metro Police Services Agreement on behalf of the Town of East Windsor.

To repeal Ordinance 01-01 entitled “Ordinance Concerning Work within Public Right of Ways”. Copy of ordinance is on file in the Town Clerk’s office.

To consider and act upon a resolution to finance the acquisition of fire apparatus, related equipment and appurtenances and related costs in a lease purchase agreement between the Town and a lessor approved by the First Selectman and Town Treasurer, said agreement to contain such terms and provisions as shall be acceptable to and approved by the First Selectman and Town Treasurer in the best interest of the Town, provided that the total principal and interest components of such lease agreement shall not exceed $815,000.

Dated at East Windsor, Connecticut this 24th day of December 2008.

                                EAST WINDSOR BOARD OF SELECTMEN

                                        Denise Menard, First Selectman

                                        Gilbert R. Hayes, Deputy First Selectman

                                        Dale Nelson, Selectman

Mark Simmons, Selectman

                                        Edward P. Farrell, Selectman