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May 20, 2008 Annual Budget Meeting
To be advertised in the Journal Inquirer
May 15, 2008


        The legal voters of the Town of East Windsor are hereby warned that the Annual Budget Meeting will be held at the East Windsor Junior/Senior High School, 76 South Main Street, East Windsor, on Tuesday, May 20, 2008 at 7:30 E.D.S.T. for the following purpose:

        To consider and act upon the estimates of the next fiscal year commencing July 1, 2008, as presented by the Board of Finance in the total amount of Thirty two million nine hundred sixty two thousand seven hundred fifty nine dollars ($32,962,759) A detailed copy of the budget is available in the Town Clerk’s Office.

                The budget as presented by the Board of Finance includes:

                Town Government                 $11,376,286
                Board of Education                      $18,903,977
Debt Service                            $  2,029,136
                Total Capital Improvements              $    653,360    
This represents a mill rate of 21.84 mills.

        Dated at East Windsor, Connecticut this 15th day of May 2008.

                                East Windsor Board of Selectmen

Denise Menard, First Selectman

                                        Gilbert R. Hayes, Deputy First Selectman
        Edward P. Farrell, Selectman
                                        Dale Nelson, Selectman

                                        Mark Simmons, Selectman