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April 17, 2007 Minutes
        APRIL 17, 2007

Mr. Filipone called the meeting to order on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the East Windsor Town Hall


Edward Filipone, First Selectman  
Kenneth Crouch, Deputy First Selectman
Thomas Sinsigallo, Selectman  
Gil Hayes, Selectman
Mark Simmons, Selectman


MOTION: To add the following agenda  item to Resignations:  Edward  Filipone, Building Committee.
                Made by Mr. Sinsigallo, seconded by Mr. Crouch

MOTION: To add the following agenda item to Unfinished Business, Item E.  New Vehicle Senior Center.
                Made by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Hayes


A.      Regular Meeting Minutes of April 3, 2007

MOTION: To accept the regular meeting minutes of April 3, 2007, with the following correction, to Old Business Item A. Review of Budget 2007-2008 Motion to read as follows “To recommend to the Board of Finance a budget of $31,429,138” to correct a mathematical error.
                Made by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Hayes

B.      Special Meeting Minutes of April 3, 2007 held Jointly with the Board of Finance

MOTION: To accept the Special Meeting Minutes of April 3, 2007 held Jointly with the Board of Finance.
                Made by Mr. Crouch and seconded by Mr. Crouch


William Loos – Melrose Road
Mr. Loos referenced the Ethics law and that the last paragraph states that every person on a Commission is supposed to be given a copy of it and is supposed to sign it and give it to the Town Clerk.  Not one person has signed it yet.  Mr. Filipone indicated he will follow up on that.

Donald Arcari
Mr. Arcari indicated a neighbor recently put up a fence on his property line.  According to Connecticut General Statutes the neighbor is supposed to get written permission to do so.  Mr. Arcari went to PZC and the Building Official, GA 13 advised that the Board of Selectmen is responsible for regulating barbed wire fences.  It is a dangerous situation and you can only have a barbed wire fence for livestock. He gave the Board a copy of the statute to research.  

VI.     COMMUNICATIONS – These items were for the Board’s information.

A.      Connecticut Labor Force Data, December 2006 and February 2007
B.      Board of Selectmen Board and Commission Assignments
C.      Correspondence regarding an update on Renovation/Installation of Basketball Courts – East Windsor Park and Town Hall Annex
D.      Correspondence regarding Officer Bruce Everitt’s role as a
Community Resource Officer
E.      Correspondence from Nancy Wyman, State Comptroller

MOTION: To go out of order to New Business, Item A, B, C and D (Town Treasurer portion only)
                Made by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Hayes

OUT OF ORDER New Business
a.      Payment Link Presentation from Webster Bank
Laura Coleman of Webster Bank and Mary Szabo came before the Board.  The program being introduced will allow constituents to pay taxes on line.  Packets of materials were distributed for the Board’s information.  There are 13 towns that utilize this service currently.  The advantage is there is a fund availability quicker, the next day.  There is an increase in the percentage of people who use the Internet and it provides 24/7 access.  Currently returned checks can take a long time, now there will be next day notice of returned checks.  The WPCA is going forward with this, they are looking for time savings with their collection process.  This program downloads information into the receivable system.  There is no cost for the town and it is a great service to the town.   The Town will provide the information to the taxpayers through publications.  Ms.  Coleman stated she could get the Board a sample news release.  The postage is going up in May, this presents a savings.  Also if someone is out of state caring for a parent, for example, it is a good vehicle for that scenario.  Eventually other town services, such as Parks and Recreation, could sign up as well.  There is no capital investment cost with this program and minimal implementation on the town system.  Most towns charge a $0.50 fee for the electronic check charge, but only if the Town chooses. The bank does charge that fee, and the Town can absorb it or charge it to the taxpayer.  There is no fee to the taxpayer directly from the bank.

When the taxpayer fills out their information, they get a confirmation, also it creates a history of transactions.  Ms. Coleman has been in touch with the Tax Collector and she wishes to proceed slowly with this process. Therefore, the initial trial will be with WPCA.  As that office is down on staff currently, this will not be put in place for July collections, but they are looking to implement it for the next cycle.  Increases in technology in the future will not result in a cost.  

Ultimately this is the Tax Collectors decision, but it was felt to be a good idea to present it to the Board of Selectmen.  The Board will review the information and come to a consensus or recommendation.  Ms. Coleman also added that this system is operable, even if employees cannot make it to Town Hall physically the system is still in place and the Town is operable.

The plan of action is that this item will be on the next agenda in Old Business for review and possible questions and action will be taken.

d.  Requests for Added Appropriations
·       Town Treasurer

Ms. Szabo explained the overtime required to meet the deadline with the budget books.  If everything was received on time, it would not be a problem, but there were stragglers and the books had to be put together to meet the deadline.  This is not needed until the end of the year, but the Treasurer came forward in anticipation of need of these funds.

MOTION: To recommend to the Board of Finance an added appropriation to the treasurer’s salary lines as follows:  $571.26 to account 1-01-10-1025-1-102-0000-0 and $4.22 to account $1-01-10-1025-3-106-0000-0.
                Made by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Sinsigallo

b. Blaine Simpkins-Director of Emergency Management and Thomas F. Gavaghan-Regional III Coordinator, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security for the State of Connecticut
·       Discussion of Homeland Security and Emergency Operations Plan

Mr. Simpkins and Mr. Gavaghan came before the Board and gave a lengthy presentation on the services provided by the Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, as well as the work and time needed to comply with requests and information for this department and the Plans in place.  In the event something happened, the Emergency Plan would be put into Motion by the Governor or the First Selectman. The plan presents a specific chain of command for responsibilities and duties in an emergency.  If after an emergency the Town resources have been exhausted – to further mitigate the problem Towns draw on the “red plan”.  Windsor Locks did this for the Mill Fire.  Mr. Simpkins would report to the regional office and the Plan would be put in action and resources sent.  This Plan brings together resources of 36 Towns with different specialties.  This Plan has been six  years in the making and is a very good plan.  East Windsor is ahead of other towns as far as being prepared and in compliance with this Plan.  

Mr. Gavaghan gave the history the mandates for this new department and how it developed.  He outlined the leadership and the responsibilities of the local Emergency Managers and what they are asked to do.   Mr. Filipone stated he sees faxed correspondence, sometimes daily, requesting information or providing information for Blaine to look at.  Mr. Gavaghan also discussed the National Incident Management System (NIMS) which allows for interoperable communications to be in place.  Mr. Gavaghan indicated he delineates where grant money that is received will go.  Mr. Gavaghan also provided information regarding the grant for 50% reimbursement for stipend and equipment.  The role of the Emergency Manager is very important.  Mr. Simpkins was asked if he provided copies of the information received to the public safety departments.  He indicated they are not for general distribution, many are forms and registrations, which is not for distribution, but for him to handle.  The Board at this point had general discussion about evacuation routes, such as those seen around Millstone.  

Mr. Filipone thanked the gentlemen for the time and indicated they answered the questions that were present for the Emergency Manager position.  

c.  Scott Thomas re: Request to pass Ordinance to permit a property tax exemption for Photovoltaic Solar Electric Systems on Private Homes

Mr. Thomas came before the Board regarding tax relief for solar electric systems.  He indicated the sun has set on the 1281(57), exemption for solar heat system, but he felt a sentence can be added to the existing ordinance to cover 1281 (56) and exemption for solar heat and cooling.   Andover has passed a similar ordinance.  The exemption is on the system, not the residence.  The PZC has no regulations governing the installation appearance/aesthetics.  The system is currently $30,000 with the state refunding half, so there is a 12 to 15 year pay back.  The property tax on the system is a heavy burden.  The way the power company gives credits regarding generation of electricity was discussed.  The taxpayer stated the system would be taxed, as it adds to property.  In order to waive the tax, an ordinance would need to be in place.  The Board would like to discuss the systems and the assessments with the Assessor.  Mr. Stanley, the Building Inspector, indicated the future will see more and more of these systems. He also indicated he is attending an eight hour accredited seminar on May 2  to get more information on these systems.  

This item will remain on the agenda for a future discussion.  Meanwhile Mr. Filipone will contact the Assessor for further input.  

MOTION: To return to agenda order.      
                Made by Mr. Sinsigallo, seconded by Mr. Hayes.

A.      Edward Filipone, First Selectman

PZC – No new applications have been received.  Discussion of possible five lot commercial subdivision.
BOF – They have gone through the budgets, except the Police Department, Board of Education and Capital Improvement. Their goal is to cue $1 million out of the $31 million proposed.

B.      Kenneth Crouch, Deputy First Selectman
Building Committee – They are working on the deadline for Volunteer Park for July when the grant expires.  They are looking to get power down there.  Work will start on the High School Boiler.

C.      Thomas Sinsigallo, Selectman

Police Commission – They have hired a Captain who will start April 30.
WPCA – He brought to the Board’s attention an issue to be discussed at the 4/25 meeting.  Mr. Chapman is looking for relief the sewer hook up.  It will set a dangerous precedent to set up the contractor with a  rebate.  Mr. Sinsigallo said the contractor should go by the rules set by the PZC.  He outlined concerns with pushing the sewer up the hill. Mr. Sinsigallo stated the WPCA should not subsidize the developer.  Mr. Sinsigallo outlined other issues in town with property problems.  Mr. Filipone further expanded that the WPCA is looking to give 50% relief on the pump station maintenance - $79,000.  Mr. Sinsigallo stated the contractor knew the cost when he started the project – it is his burden. If the WPCA gives to one, others are going to seek it.    The WPCA can make this decision, it does not have to go to Town Meeting.
D.      Gilbert Hayes, Selectman

BOE – The Banquet for the High School Basketball team – ticket sales are off.  They are still seeking contributions for the rings.  The Booster raised $1,000 and there have been individual donations – The Lyons donated $100, the Rotary Club declined.  The Democratic Town Committee donated $170 – the cost of one ring – he is looking for the Republican Town Committee to match that.  The rings will not be ready for the May 4 Banquet.  The Banquet will be held at La Notte, 6:00 pm.


A.      Resignation:
Karen Boutin, Elderly Commission
Edward Filipone, Building Committee

MOTION: To accept, with regret, the resignation of Karen Boutin from the Elderly Commission.
                Made by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Sinsigallo

MOTION: To accept, with regret, the resignation of Edward Filipone from the Building Committee.
                Made by Mr. Sinsigallo, seconded by Mr. Crouch

The Board discussed ways to show appreciation for volunteers who resign, more so than a letter of thanks.  This will be discussed.

C.      Re-Appointment:
Volunteer Incentive Committee
·       Daniel Schnobrich, Ron Masters, Gilbert Hayes, William Dove, Cal Myers and Jim Barton
C.      New Appointments, Applications to be considered:
Volunteer Incentive Committee
·       David Lockwood, BBFD Firefighter (verbal)
·       Michael Balf WHPFD Firefighter (verbal)

MOTION: To appoint the following members to the Volunteer Incentive Committee for a two year term to expire 03/31/2009:  Daniel Schnobrich, Ron Masters, Gilbert Hayes, William Dove, Cal Myers, Jim Barton, David Lockwood and Michael Balf.
                Made by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Sinsigallo

Park and Recreation Commission
·       Sarah Waltiere and Tina McCarter

MOTION: To appoint Sarah Waltiere to the Parks and Recreation Commission to fill the existing vacancy.
                Made by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Hayes

              D.        Vacancies:      Attachment


A.      Scantic River Land Acquisition

The appraisal came in at $40,000.  The contract drawn up was for $15,500, or whatever is least.  This will proceed to Town Meeting for $15,500, the contract will reflect the same.  The revised contract will be sent to the property owner.

B.      Northeast Utilities re: Notice of intent to sell two (2+) acres of land owned by Norconn Properties             

The official request proposal is an offer of $100,000 or more.  The First Selectman will send the $3,000 offer, subject to Town approval.

C.      Appointment of a member to the Board of Selectman

The Board welcome Mr. Simmons.

D.      Ordinance Regulating “The Use of Recreational Vehicles”

This was reviewed by the Town Attorney and more questions were raised.  This will be given to the Ad Hoc Committee to review.

E.      *Adult Day Care Transportation

F.      New Vehicle Senior Center

The Selectmen had detailed discussion on the events in connection with the Grant for the New Vehicle for the Senior Center.  Mr. Crouch stated if there is no action by the BOF, the Town is in jeopardy of losing the 80% funding. Mr.  Filipone further stated it could jeopardize East Windsor’s future potential to get grants of this nature – it can effect the relationship.  

This is for one van.  In the 06/07 CIP $40,000 was put aside and waiting to be spent on the van.  In the 07/08 CIP $15,000 was put in for this – waiting to be approved. The total purchase price of the van is $51,285.  Grants are usually approved in June/July, if that happened the monies would be ready to go.  For some reason this grant money was approved in mid-March – and the paperwork needs to be signed.  Currently the issue is to make sure we have the money to cover the difference.  The remaining $11,285 is not in place due to budget timing.  The P.O. was not authorized to be signed by the BOF.  They asked for more information. At the last meeting Ms. Lachat was present to provide more information.  Laura Clynch received a phone call checking on the status, Mr. Filipone also received a phone call. East Windsor was not being looked up favorably as they were holding up the order for the other towns.  The orders placed Friday of the previous week did not include the East Windsor bus.  The BOF thought they had 90 days to respond, the contract language was misinterpreted, it takes 60/90 days to order the bus. Mr. Filipone went over the history of the information provided to the BOF, as well as the indication that action needed to be taken – the window was days, not months.  It was hoped the BOF would be discussing this at a meeting soon.  There is a possibility the grant could be lost – and East Windsor will not be looked up favorably in the future.  The item is in the BOF hands – the First Selectman made the deadlines very clear in E-mails.  Mr. Filipone also checked with the former First Selectmen, Ms. Roberts, and the procedures were done correctly.   

The woman from the DOT said the check for $40,000 by the end of May, the bus will not be here until July or August – so the money needs to be in place.  The hang up currently is the different, $11,200, is not covered.  The Selectmen discussed that the money has to be moved to cover the expense. The consensus of the Selectmen was they did all they could, and that the Board of Finance was informed of the situation, including that they knew that Tracy Lachat was going to be at the Joint Meeting.  The possibility of losing the funding is very real, not only the current $40,000, but it can effect future relations as well.    

The Board of Selectmen went on the record to state they have done all they can to make this happened.  It is in the Board of Finance’s hands.  The Board of Selectmen did not need Mr. Filipone to give them the E-mails that were produced.

A.      Payment Link Presentation from Webster Bank  - addressed out of order.
B.      Blaine Simpkins-Director of Emergency Management and Thomas F. Gavaghan-Regional III Coordinator, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security for the State of Connecticut
·       Discussion of Homeland Security and Emergency Operations Plan  
 addressed out of order
C.      Scott Thomas re: Request to pass Ordinance to permit a property tax exemption for Photovoltaic Solar Electric Systems on Private Homes
addressed out of order
D.      Requests for Added Appropriations
·       Town Treasurer
addressed out of order
·       Registrar of Voters

The Selectmen will request, that for future requests for added appropriations, the Registrars provided a breakdown of the expenditures.

MOTION: To recommend to the Board of Finance an added appropriation for the Registrar of Voters of $6,927.02 to the 613 Primary Account.
        Made by Mr. Hayes, seconded by Mr. Simmons

·       Town Property

MOTION: To recommend to the Board of Finance an added appropriation of $28,217.61 to the Town Property account.
                Made by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Sinsigallo

·       Legal
MOTION: To recommend to the Board of Finance an added appropriation of $69,979.37 to the Legal account.
                Made by Mr. Sinsigallo, seconded by Mr. Crouch

E.      Cancel Board of Selectmen’s Meetings
·       May 1st/Budget Public Hearing (re-schedule Date)

MOTION: To cancel the May 1st Board of Selectmen Meeting and reschedule it for May 8, 2007.
                Made by Mr. Sinsigallo, seconded by Mr. Hayes

·       May 15th/Annual Town Meeting

MOTION: To cancel the May 15, 2007 Board of Selectmen meeting (to be rescheduled if necessary).
                Made by Mr. Sinsigallo, seconded by Mr. Crouch

F.      Tax Refunds

MOTION: To approve the tax refunds in the amount of $2,420.29 as recommended by the Tax Collector.
Made by Mr. Sinsigallo, seconded by Mr. Simmons


MOTION: To adjourn at 9:20 p.m.
                Made by Mr. Sinsigallo, seconded by Mr. Hayes

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia D. Croxford
Recording Secretary

*Starred items will not be discussed, but will remain on agenda pending receipt of additional information