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May 11, 2006 Special Meeting Minutes
Town of East Windsor
Board of Selectmen
Special Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2006                                                Page 1

I.              Time and Place of Meeting

Ms. Linda Roberts called the special meeting to order at 7:42 p.m. at the East Windsor Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT 06016

II.       Attendance

                Linda Roberts, First Selectman
                Kenneth Crouch, Deputy First Selectman
                Thomas Sinsigallo, Selectman
                Gil Hayes, Selectman
                Edward Filipone, Selectman

III.            Added Agenda Items  - None

IV.     Previous Minutes

        MOTION: To accept the regular meeting minutes of April 18, 2006.
                           Made by Mr. Sinsigallo, seconded by Mr. Hayes
                                        All Members in favor.  Motion carried.

V.      Public Participation

Marilyn Rajala addressed the board with her questions and concerns regarding the registrar’s office and restroom at the Town Hall Annex.  Mrs. Rajala questioned who’s responsibility it is for cleaning and maintenance of these rooms, noting that they are deplorable.  She also stated that the bulletin board needs to be installed on the wall since they are required by State Statute to post notices.  Mrs. Rajala requested a key for the double door at the Annex.  There has been no heat in the building from November through April of this year.  She would like to know when these conditions would be remedied.

Ms. Roberts mentioned the renovations that have been ongoing in that building for the Police Department, but will look into the matter.

VI.     Communications

A.      Community Day, May 13, 2006 - George Butenkoff discussed the likelihood of rain for the upcoming Community Day.  They will make a decision at 6:00 a.m. that morning to determine if the parade is canceled.  If canceled, the rest of the exhibits and activities will still go on in the gym and high school.   Mr. Butenkoff also mentioned the Citizen of the Year, Linda Sinsigallo.
B.      Connecticut Labor Force Data, February 2006 - Ms. Roberts cited the labor force data for labor market areas and towns; i.e., the labor force, number employed and unemployed.  It was noted that East Windsor is under the heading of Enfield, encompassed by the five surrounding towns.
C.      Connecticut Labor Force Data Annual Averages for 2000 and 2005 - Again, the statistics for the Labor Market is included with the towns: Enfield, Suffield, Somers, East Windsor, Windsor Locks.

Town of East Windsor
Board of Selectmen
Special Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2006                                                Page 2

VI.     Communications  (Continued)

D.      DECD, Affordable Housing Land Use Appeals List - East Windsor is exempt under Section 8-30g(k) of the Connecticut General Statutes.  The town provides a high percentage of low to moderate income housing with 4,536 units.
E.      CCM/State Budget Impact on East Windsor - This is a preliminary analysis showing East Windsor's major statutory formula grants for the current year (FY 05-06) and next year (FY 06-07).  There is a 3.9% increase in revenues.

VII.    Selectmen's Reports

        A.      Linda Roberts, First Selectman - Ms. Roberts reiterated that Linda Sinsigallo has been honored the award of Citizen of the Year.

        B.      Kenneth Crouch, Deputy First Selectman - No report.

        C.      Thomas Sinsigallo, Selectman - Library Ad Hoc Committee – The committee discussed the importance of the town taking over.  Mr. Ed Farrell provided an impressive draft report that should be completed soon for submittal to the Board of Selectmen.  Mr. Sinsigallo noted the meeting was well attended -- the next meeting to be held on June 5, 2006.

        D.      Edward Filipone, Selectman - PZC - He cited the ongoing rewriting of the Regulations. The Town Planner will expound on that later in this meeting. EDC - The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 15th.     WPCA - They are working with the DEP on the sewer service/sewer avoidance area map. Charter Revision - The final draft is not back from the Town Attorney as yet.  

        E.      Gilbert Hayes, Selectman  - Mr. Hayes noted the upcoming combined meeting of the Board of Selectman, Board of Education and Board of Finance - to be held on May 24th.  Notification will be forthcoming.

VIII.   Board and Commission Resignations and Appointments
        A.      Resignation:  None
        B.      Re-Appointment:  None
        C.      New Appointments, Applications to be considered:  None

IX.     Unfinished Business

        A.      Budget FYE 2007/2006 - It was noted that the budget would be going to referendum.  Mr. Hayes relayed comments brought to him from residents.  Mr. Crouch expressed his concerns with the elimination of monies for the boilers at the high school.  He explained that they are over 40 years old and beyond repair. Mr. Filipone also discussed the enormous cost of repairing these old boilers should they break down, possibly costing $5,000-10,000 a month. Mr. Sinsigallo was in agreement that the boilers are likely over 50 years old and have been serviced at least three times.  Ms. Roberts cited the cost of new boilers would be $400,000.  She explained that if the budget didn't  pass, there would be an opportunity for to reinstitute this budget item, further urging the board to support it.

Town of East Windsor
Board of Selectmen
Special Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2006                                                Page 3

               B.      Request to amend ordinance 87-2 re: Regulating the Use of       Recreation Vehicles, Snowmobiles and All-Terrain Vehicles - Mr. Bob Yosky referenced the final draft of this ordinance, indicating the changes in bold italics.  He has visited neighboring towns and incorporated additional verbiage into this ordinance.  He also noted that the Chief of Police, Edward J. DeMarco, was involved in the reworking of the ordinance.  Mr. Crouch questioned the enforceability of the ordinance.  Chief DeMarco replied that it is enforceable, but noting the hindrance of not having the equipment  needed.  He further explained the infraction process and the institution of fines for noncompliance of a violation. Mr. Sinsigallo questioned the amount of fines for a first offense.  Mr. DeMarco noted that it was at the discretion of the officer.  A gentleman in the audience raised concerns with the decibel ratings, stating that some chain saws and lawn mowing equipment can have the same high noise levels or higher. He further questioned the definition of recreational uses.  Ms. Roberts explained that a public hearing would be held on this ordinance during which people can express their comments. Additionally, the final ordinance would then have to be voted on at a town meeting.  Mr. Yosky explained that the decibel levels follow the State decibel requirements. He also stated that chain saws and mowers have to conform to the manufacturer's requirements.  Mrs. Bonnie Yosky highlighted the items in the ordinance that were changed -- that the only changes were essentially the added words, "motorcycle" and "motorized".  The table indicating the noise levels is the same as in the original ordinance, but that it's presented in a different format, incorporated from the State noise level standards.  

        MOTION: To recommend that a public hearing be held on the ordinance                                regulating recreational vehicles; date to be determined by First                                     Selectman.
                           Made by Mr. Hayes, seconded by Mr. Sinsigallo
                                             All Members in favor.  Motion carried.

C.      Review Abandoned Motor Vehicle Ordinance - Ms. Roberts relayed the results
of a Town Meeting that was held to vote on this ordinance.  It was tabled due to apparent concerns of it being too restrictive. A possibility would be to incorporate the issue of abandoned cars into the blight ordinance.  Other options would be to re-establish the Committee that worked on it for two years or let the matter remain as it is.  Mr. Hayes questioned the authority covered by the State Statutes.  Town Planner Laurie Whitten explained that Zoning Enforcement Officers are not allowed to trespass beyond the front door of a private property, hence not being able to obtain identification numbers of the vehicles.  Therefore, the new ordinance was written to involve the police department who has additional capabilities.  Chief DeMarco spoke of new case law that set a precedent due to an altercation involving police officers on private property.  Mr. Sinsigallo commented on the issue of personal property, questioning the determination of an abandoned vehicle -- that the ZEO can forward a letter to the Town Attorney if there's a safety hazard.  The Zoning Enforcement Official, Nancy Rudek, provided some information on this subject, noting that the Ordinance has been evolving from 4 years of work; public hearings and workshops were held, thus, her surprise at the negative reaction at the Town Meeting.  Ms. Rudek explained that it was a fairly lenient ordinance.  It didn't impact farm vehicles, or collector cars, cars that were being restored.  The ordinance would basically resolve the handful of properties where cars have been abandoned for years and are unsightly or hazardous.

Town of East Windsor
Board of Selectmen
Special Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2006                                                Page 4

        C.      Review Abandoned Motor Vehicle Ordinance - Continued
Discussion continued with references to the people who raised concerns at the Town Meeting.  It was suggested that they could form a small group with the ZEO to revise the ordinance.  Town Planner Whitten recommended that the Chief of Police be included in the group.

MOTION:  To establish a mini-committee to discuss any possible changes
 and incorporate the Abandoned Car Ordinance into the Property
 Maintenance Code, under the authority of the Director of the
 Housing Authority.
                                  Made by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Hayes
                                          All Members in favor.  Motion carried.

        D.      Review Ethics Ordinance - Ms. Roberts summarized the results of the town meeting that was held for the adoption of the Ethics Ordinance.  Section 3.3-Gifts and Favors, was changed, reducing the acceptance of gifts from $100.00 to $10.00.  This issue has prompted questions from Town department heads involving giving their employees gifts of appreciation.  Ms. Roberts stated that the Town Attorney felt that employees are not in a compromising position and can accept small internal gifts.  External gifts and favors are not allowed.  Discussion entailed on setting a policy and instructing employees how to handle and return gifts.  Dale Nelson of the Ethics Commission cited the original ordinance of $50.00 and was willing to accept that, but the motion passed for the $10.00 limit.  Betsy Burns, Director of Human Services expressed the difficulty in having to reject thank you gifts from seniors and clients such as baked items and personal homemade items who are giving them from their heart. Ms. Roberts noted the difficulties in putting a dollar value on personal thank-you gifts from the senior center and other departments, resulting in   employees not being able to accept anything.  Mr. Hayes questioned whether there was any way to readdress this matter.  Mr. Sinsigallo discussed the $1,000 penalty violations issue, stating that this matter along with the Gift and Favors issue in the Ordinance may be revisited after the referendum.
        E.      *BBFD & WHPFD/re: billing MVA/Town Ordinance
        F.      *Natural Resource Preservation Committee: re: bonding money for
                          Farmland Preservation (waiting for Board of Finance)
        G.      *Tax relief for the elderly

X.      New Business

A.      Proposed amendments to the Plan of Conservation and Development –
Town Planner Laurie Whitten provided information on the process for proposed changes to the Plan of Conservation & Development, which requires a recommendation by the Board of Selectman after a public hearing is held.  The public hearing was held on Monday, May 8th.  Ms. Whitten outlined the changes to the PoCD, welcoming any comments to take back to the Planning & Zoning Commission.  Ms. Whitten explained that the Plan of Conservation and Development is to help guide the town with development.  She provided the proposed amendments to each section:  Natural Resources/Aquifer Protection to preserve water resources, part of which is state mandated;  Residential Development involving recommended changes for desirable density, specifically higher density in the Village Districts as shown on the Residential

Town of East Windsor
Board of Selectmen
Special Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2006                                                Page 5

X.      New Business  (Cont’d)

Proposed amendments to the Plan of Conservation and Development – (Cont’d)
Growth Guide map. Additional details were covered regarding the sewer avoidance areas that will limit the areas of multi-family complexes.  Regulations will be in effect to reflect this guide.  As a result of the amendments and regulation changes, no apartment buildings will be allowed; any other separate multi-family units will have to be owner-occupied.  Pedestrian Circulation amendments will promote pedestrian and bicycle trails, along with updated sidewalk requirements.  Every development will require some provision for sidewalks/trails. One alternative is a fee-in-lieu of at least 40% that may go towards installing sidewalks elsewhere in town. Discussion continued with questions as to where the money could go, such as for repairs or just new sidewalks.  Mr. Crouch would like to see the fee-in-lieu of increased to 50-60% of the estimated cost of sidewalks.  Infrastructure-Sewer - The current map depicting sewer service/sewer avoidance areas will still be followed somewhat.  A new map will be established for the P&Z identifying rural areas where higher density projects will not be considered.  Town Planner Whitten noted that they would be working with the WPCA, DEP and OPM to re-work the sewer maps. She noted that June 16th is the date to adopt the revised regulations.

        B.      Request for Added Appropriation
·       East Windsor Police Department - Police Chief Edward DeMarco listed the
added appropriations being requested, providing explanations for the needs:
        $7,000  Clerical
                                                $2,272  Officers
                                                $78,000   Variable Overtime
                                                $3,000  Vehicle Maintenance
                                                $19,000    Gas & Oil
Chief DeMarco cited a resignation, resulting in the need to reimburse for vacation time, the required overtime to meet obligations, and the lack of a preventative maintenance program for upkeep of the vehicles.  The board discussed the cost of having a full-time mechanic vs. outside repairs.  Chief DeMarco further referenced his May 11, 2006 memo detailing the revenues generated that can be used to offset some of the added appropriations.

        MOTION:  To recommend to the Board of Finance an added appropriation of
                                         $109,272 to the East Windsor Police Department, as requested for
                                         the line items as noted.
                                 Made by Mr. Filipone, seconded by Mr. Sinsigallo
                                         All Members in favor.  Motion carried.

Chief DeMarco provided a brief explanation as to the costs associated with the request for a $5,000 added appropriation to meet the needs of the Animal Control Dog Fund.

        MOTION: To recommend to the Board of Finance an added appropriation of
                                        $5,000.00 to The East Windsor Animal Control Dog Fund.
                                Made by Mr. Hayes, seconded by Mr. Sinsigallo
                                        All Members in favor.  Motion carried

Town of East Windsor
Board of Selectmen
Special Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2006                                                Page 6

        B.      Request for Added Appropriation  (Cont’d)
·       Registrar of Voters - Linda Sinsigallo provided a list and details for the request of an added appropriation of $8,600.00 to the Referendum Account.  This is for the previous Sewer Referendum costs and the forthcoming budget referendum.  The board questioned the costs associated with phone usage during the referendum.  Further discussion noted the need for the phone during a regular election, concluding that it's a lesser need during a referendum.  

        MOTION: To recommend to the Board of Finance an added appropriation of
                                $8,600.00 to the Registrar of Voters to  cover the costs of two
                                Made by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Filipone
                                          All Members in favor.  Motion carried

        C.      Tax Refunds -

MOTION:  To approve the property tax refunds in the amount of $86.07 as
                                  recommended by the Tax Collector.  
                                  Made by Mr. Sinsigallo, seconded by Mr. Hayes
                                          All Members in favor.  Motion carried

XI.     Executive Session – In accordance with Connecticut General Statute Section 1-200 (6) (a) Personnel Matters

        MOTION:         To enter into Executive session at 9:30 p.m. in accordance with
                                                CGS Section 1-200(6)(a) Personnel Matter
                                          Made by Mr. Crouch, seconded by Mr. Hayes
                                           All Members in favor.  Motion carried
        MOTION:   To come out of Executive session at 9:40 p.m.
                                         Made by Mr. Filipone, seconded by Mr. Sinsigallo
                                          All Members in favor.  Motion carried

        No motions were made as a result of the Executive Session.

XII.    Adjournment

        MOTION:  To adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m.
                                         Made by Mr. Sinsigallo, seconded by Mr. Crouch
                                         All members in favor.  Motion Carried

*Starred items will not be discussed, but will remain on the agenda pending receipt
  of additional information.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy J. Rudek,
Acting Recording Secretary